EESPRIITE A tool for Analyzing, Comparing or Demonstrating Change and Continuity Over Time of Societies, Empires, Nations, Presidents, etc. When will you use it? When reading to categorize information. When writing to organize your thoughts.
E = Era Identify main features of a historical era, i.e. classical era, colonial era, 1492 - 1750. Periodization - Timelines Identify major watershed or pivotal moments in history.
E = Environment Identify region, state Identify physical features that helped or hindered development Identify impact of environment on social, economic, religious or political developments
S = Social History social classes women forced labor systems, i.e. slavery, indentured servitude diseases, epidemics population shifts, increases, decreases, migration extent of urbanization
P = Political History degree of centralization or separation of powers, method of succession of leader ideological foundations, i.e. social contracts extent of popular participation, democracy kinships vs. city-states vs. kingdoms vs. empires vs. nation-states ruler, laws, bureaucracies, code of laws level of state control over trade and industry
R = Religion dominant religious beliefs vs. minority beliefs, including level of toleration, freedom religion’s influence on literature and the arts origin and spread of beliefs relationship between religious leaders and rulers
I = Intellectual Developments words that end in “ism”, i.e. humanism, communism, capitalism, fundamentalism secular ideologies their impact on political, economic and social developments their impact on literature and the arts
I = Interaction with other societies Are two or more societies coming in contact with each other? Causes: Who is seeking whom? Why? Nature of their relationship: Diplomatic or hostile? Effects: What spread because of this interaction: trade, disease, religion...?
T = Technology tools, weapons, metals and inventions impact of new technology state support of technological advances environmental impact
E = Economy Extent of agriculture, trade, industry Forced Labor Systems Level of internal and external trade Social impact: Gender division in wealth Role of the state in regulating the economy
Review Activity #1 Choose a current event article. Summarize the event by identifying and describing the main EESPRIITE topic(s) in the story. Analyze the current event by explaining what EESPRIITE condition(s) may have caused it and what possible EESPRIITE development(s) may occur as a result of it. Analyze the current event by comparing it to a similar past event.
Your turn: What is EESPRIITE? What is its purpose?
Name the category: Political History
the economy
Social History
technology Good or bad impact?
Review Activity #2 Choose a chapter in your textbook. Look over chapter title, subtitles and visuals such as maps, timelines, charts, graphs, political cartoons, etc. Look over key concepts, big picture questions and vocabulary. Predict the EESPRITE topics emphasized in the chapter.