Aquatic Ecosystems Determined primarily by the depth, flow, temperature, and chemistry of the water.
Freshwater Ecosystems Two types: Flowing-water – creeks, rivers, streams Standing-water – lakes and ponds
Standing-water Ecosystems Plankton – free floating or weakly swimming organisms (live in fresh and marine) Phytoplankton – single-celled algae, autotrophic, form the foundation of ecosystems (phyto = plant) Zooplankton – animal like plankton, feed on phytoplankton
Wetlands An ecosystem where water covers the soil Bogs, marshes, swamps Help with: flood control removal of pollution Removal of eroded soil
Estuaries Wetlands formed where rivers meet the sea (brackish water) Primary producer is mostly detritus Detritus = worn away Vorare = devour What is a detritivore Salt marshes Mangrove swamp
Mangrove Swamp
Salt Marsh
Marine ecosystems Photic zone – zone of sunlight penetration Typically down about 200 meters Aphotic zone – below the photic zone in permanent darkness