Intro to Ethics
What is ethics?
What is ethics? (definition) Branch of philosophy dealing with the pursuit of the good, the meaning and justification of moral codes, and the criteria for evaluating right and wrong.
What is ethics? If Ethics is a study of ‘morals’, a definition of ‘morals’ is pretty important. Correct?
What is ethics? If Ethics is a study of ‘morals’, a definition of ‘morals’ is pretty important. Correct? Code of Right and Wrong?
Perhaps a working definition of right and wrong is more helpful Perhaps a working definition of right and wrong is more helpful? (definition)
Perhaps a working definition of right and wrong is more helpful Perhaps a working definition of right and wrong is more helpful? (definition) “right” represents what man “ought” to do, and “wrong” represents what man “ought not” do.
Question: Is the pen moving?
Question: Is the pen moving? Answer: It depends on your frame of reference.
Relativism Definition: a position which holds that moral or ethical propositions do not reflect objective and/or universal moral truths, but instead make claims relative to social, cultural, historical or personal circumstances.
How old is Relativism?
How old is Relativism? Judges 17:6 “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” destroys-ancient-artifacts-in-mosul/
Buddhas of Bamiyan Xh4I z6sTs3pU
"Muslims should be proud of smashing idols "Muslims should be proud of smashing idols. It has given praise to God that we have destroyed them." - Mullah Mohammed Omar "We are destroying the Buddha statues in accordance with Islamic law and it is purely a religious issue."
After Kulander
How old is Relativism? Judges 17:6 “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Where does Morality Come from? Why do both you and I have the same moral “feelings”?
Jim & Dwight…
Classical Conditioning Pavlov - 1904
Little Albert
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
How are We conditioned?
Herodotus Read p 27 Morality as CUSTOM!
Why has Western morality/custom become so wide-spread?
For lines 1-21 Benedict (episode conquest) Start at minute 43, play until 47
Jim and Dwight
Critique of Relativism
Read Pope Benedict Dictatorship of Relativism
Stace Everyone believes that what is thought right changes… Very startling assertion to say what is right changes…
Stace There is no universal standard (universally accepted) There is no Universal Standard (universally applicable). You are mentally lazy if you assume the second point just because the first is true.
To put it another way… There is little agreement on what is right and wrong across cultures. (There is no certainty about right wrong.) Therefore there is no objective right and wrong. Which fallacy is this?
Would be like saying Because people disagree about what god is the true god, no true god exists.
Stace’s argument thus far… Relativism must assert [not assume]that there is no universally applicable standard. Its not implied simply because people disagree.
Stace’s argument thus far… Relativism must assert [not assume]that there is no universally applicable standard. Its not implied simply because people disagree. Absolutism is also based on an assertion - that a universally applicable standard does exist.
Stace’s argument thus far… Relativism must assert [not assume]that there is no universally applicable standard. Its not implied simply because people disagree. Absolutism is also based on an assertion - that a universally applicable standard does exist. This places Relativism and Absolutism on the same footing, (while at the same time denying the validity of Relativism’s main appeal.)
Lets assume Relativism is correct… Comparing cultures morally is impossible.
Lets assume Relativism is correct… Comparing cultures morally is impossible. Comparing ages morally is impossible.
Lets assume Relativism is correct… Comparing cultures morally is impossible. Comparing ages morally is impossible. “Moral Progress” is meaningless. And this presupposes that a “social group” is definable.
Lets assume Relativism is correct… “Social groups” are not definable Nation, race, tribe, family?
Lets assume Relativism is correct… “Social groups” are not definable Nation, race, tribe, family? Only the “individual” is left to define morality. Cannot compare individuals Leads to moral chaos
Lets assume Relativism is correct… “Social groups” are not definable Nation, race, tribe, family? Only the “individual” is left to define morality. Cannot compare individuals Leads to moral chaos Does might or majority make right? Very disturbing thought
Lets assume Relativism is correct… “Social groups” are not definable Nation, race, tribe, family? Only the “individual” is left to define morality. Cannot compare individuals Leads to moral chaos Does might or majority make right? Very disturbing thought Relativism denies morality If we actually believe this, we are doomed.
Watch hank green dismiss it… pAlU&index=32&t=514s&list=PL8dPuuaLjXt NgK6MZucdYldNkMybYIHKR begin at minute 5