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About This Free Sample About MLS Buyers Welcome About This Free Sample This sample allows you to ‘demo’ the presentation to see how easy it is to edit, add photo, logo, pages, email, add to your website, etc. Not all pages of the listing presentation are included in this sample. About MLS Buyers The #1 Motivational Hot Button of a seller are ‘BUYERS’! Included in your investment is a 45 minute training video that will show you how to bring a list of buyers, along with the photos of the homes they currently live in, to the listing appointment. You will use this list as proof & evidence to persuade the seller to hire you!
“I Brought A List of MLS Buyers With Me!” Yes I Have Buyers For Your Home! “I Brought A List of MLS Buyers With Me!” How I Developed This List of Buyers. Why This List Is So Important To Your Sale. How I Partner With The MLS To Monitor This List of Targeted Buyers. “MLS Buyers Are Your Most Motivated & Must Buy Now Buyers!”
We Have A System That Puts The Odds In Your Favor! There’s More To Selling A Home Than Simply Putting A Sign Up! Do You Know… The average buyer views 11 homes before deciding on one to purchase? This Means… There are 10 other homes competing against yours. The Winner Will Be… The seller who can best stage the home in such a way as to encourage the buyer to MAKE AN OFFER. Don’t Worry… We Have A System That Puts The Odds In Your Favor!
It’s In The SMALL DETAILS That Your Home Is Noticed! Reason #3 Helping You To Market Inside Home Effectively! Two Time-Tested and Proven… Showing STRATEGIES to cause a buyer to take notice of your home! GOOD Features Highlighted… Through in-home DISPLAY BROCHURES providing a benefit summary of your home. IMPORTANT Features Highlighted… Through in-home DISPLAY CARDS used to highlight a specific benefit you think is important for the buyer to take notice of during the showing. It’s In The SMALL DETAILS That Your Home Is Noticed!
But This DOESN’T Sound Right… Does It? Reason #4 Helping You To Market Outside-Home Effectively! What We Need To AVOID Is… OVERESTIMATING the power of open houses & advertising. Open Houses… LESS THAN 5% of homes sell by an open house. Home Specific Newspaper Advertising… LESS THAN 3% of homes sell through the various newspaper advertising of real estate companies. But This DOESN’T Sound Right… Does It?
My Small Internet Strategy Means Your Home Is Always Available! Reason #6 Helping You Reach Buyers Through The Small Internet! Small Internet Big Results! Your home is exposed to even more buyers. Yard Sign Access! When buyers drive up to the Yard Sign they can immediately access all the details of your home right from the comfort of their cars. Online Advertising! Buyers can view your home & book a showing! My Small Internet Strategy Means Your Home Is Always Available!
An Agent Uses Market Data To PROVE Home Value To A Buyer! Reason #8 Helping You Negotiate With The Buyer! Agents Are Best Positioned For Negotiation! Negotiating an offer is often not very easy because human emotions tend to get involved. When a seller & buyer negotiate directly, emotional stress often causes the buyer and/or the seller to walk away from offer. This results in a lost sale. An agent serves as an independent 3rd party and therefore is in a much better position to maintain the buyer to current market value during the negotiation. An Agent Uses Market Data To PROVE Home Value To A Buyer!
BUYER REMORSE Represents 11% of All Closing Related Problems! Reason #10 Helping You Keep The Buyer After The Sale! Have You Heard of Buyer Remorse? All of us can experience buyer remorse… be it a purchase of a car or a home. But Some Buyers Have It In A Big Way! When this happens we step in to prove their purchase through a CMA. Were you aware a buyer can suffer from this dreadful condition? BUYER REMORSE Represents 11% of All Closing Related Problems!
Price Is What You Pay… Value Is What You Get! Welcome Price Is What You Pay… Value Is What You Get! Were you aware if you hired a local graphic designer to create a PowerPoint listing presentation in 3 designs, plus 7 additional support presentations, your cost would range between $1500 to $2000? And that would not include the content as the graphic designer has no idea what to say to a seller. But for a 1 time very small investment, you will have the absolute best listing presentation… That’s proven and endorsed by agents because it works! http://www.listingpresentationforagents.com