UNIT 1: GIS DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATIONS Topics covered in this unit Definitions of Geographic Information Systems GI technologies GI systems GI science
Geographic Information what is where on the Earth's surface
Digital information Why use computers to store information? easy to store, retrieve, query, manipulate, send, receive, copy, display... faster can store various kinds on information: text, pictures, tables, music etc...
Information technologies Technologies for collecting and dealing with geographic information: Global Positioning System (GPS) Remote sensing Computer Aided design (CAD) Land Information System (LIS) Geographic information system (GIS)
What is Geographic Information System? relates to places on the Earth's surface where something is what is at a given location Information System manipulate, summarize, query, edit, visualize work with information stored in computer databases
Definitions of GIS A system of hardware, software and procedures used to input, storage, manipulate, analyze, model and display georeferenced data to solve complex problems about planning and managing of resources
Components of a GIS Hardware: Software People computer, [+digitizing board, scanner..] Software various, price ranges from $ 0 - $50,000 developed by software companies, eg. ESRI (ArcGIS) People human expertise required for processing and decision making
GIScience is the science behind the technology is a multidisciplinary field
Overview of GIS Spatial data are organized into layers
Geo-spatial data Two main components: spatial component: helpful to conceptualize as maps thematic component: attributes helpful to conceptualize as tables (and metadata too…)
How old is GIS? 35,000 years ago: caves of Lascaux (France) animal drawings migration lines in GIS: graphic objects linked to attributes
18th century:Early use of thematic mapping
1950s: The quantitative revolution Major crisis in geography paradigm shift needed introduction of computers
1960s: Canada GIS (CGIS) earliest GIS developed Department of Energy, Mines and Resources - developing land management plans mapping information about soils, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, waterfowl, forestry, and land use
Mid 1960’s: Harvard Laboratory For Computer Graphics And Spatial Analysis general-purpose mapping packages/GISs: SYMAP CALFORM GRID ODYSSEY ESRI: founded in 1969
1970’s Bureau of the Census first geocoded census developed USGS
1980’s-1990s: Development of GIS industry micro-computer hardware 1980: ArcInfo released command-driven, product-oriented user interface Commercial vendors: ESRI, MapINFO, etc..
2000 and beyond... geospatial technologies open-source GIS: GRASS GIS, Google maps... viewing GIS data over the Internet fusion of remote sensing, GPS with GIS...
Google Maps: is this a GIS?
What is GIS used for? What: Who? Government Transportation Industry Academics Transportation Hydrology Geology Demographics Crime Health …
“Doing” GIS using the tools of Geographic Information Systems to solve a problem
GIS applications mapping locations mapping quantities mapping densities finding distances mapping and monitoring change
Functions of GIS Data entry data display data management information retrieval Analysis Decision making
Stages in GIS project And don’t forget to HAVE FUN!!
Lecture 1 : Review define basic terms associated with geographic information: technologies, systems, science, studies explain why ge ographic information systems are important explain why a science of geographic information is needed