API SC13TG 10 API 19C Meeting July 16, 2014 Rapid City, South Dakota
API 19C SC13 TG10 WG API9C Sara Joyce July 16, 2014 API 19C
Safety Moment Describe Exit paths / muster points Restroom facility locations Other??
Agenda API 19C To establish a standard for measuring properties of proppants and standard specifications Roll Call Previous Meeting Minutes – Approval Publication Status Action ItemsNew Business Adjourn
WG Charge To review, improve, validate, and document SC13 business processes. WG-XX initiated (date) for (either): a. periodic Standard or Recommended practice 5-yr document review b. new activity
WG Members / Role Call Aaaaaa Bbbbbb – Chair Cccccc Dddddd - Vice-Chair Eeeeee Ffffff Gggggg Hhhhhh Iiiiii Jjjjjj Kkkkkk Llllll Mmmmmm Nnnnnn
Previous Meeting Minutes Met at Baker Hughes on October 15,2009 Members Present Aaaaaa Bbbbbb – Chair Cccccc Dddddd – Vice-Chair Eeeeee Ffffff Gggggg Hhhhhh (for Iiiii Jjjjjj) [both absent] Kkkkkk Llllll Mmmmm Nnnnnn, by phone
Approval of Previous Minutes Motion: Maker: Seconder: Result:
Report (Restrict to new information since last report to SC13) Present minimum data necessary to convey information Can data be presented in 8 lines of text or less? Can data be presented graphically?
Data Present minimum data necessary to convey information Can data be presented in 8 lines of text or less? Can data be presented graphically?
Conclusions / Recommendations
Time Line Start date Milestone 1 (round robin testing, literature search, ??) Milestone 2 (data compilation & analysis, revised testing protocol, ??) Milestone 3 (presentation to TG / SC13, approval of findings, ??) Etc Completion date Use of proposed timelines are helpful in mapping progress toward goals and identifying where additional time or resourses may be required.
Old Business
New Business
Next Scheduled Meeting
Action Items Aaaaaa B. – rewrite everything Cccccc Dddddd - Change process
Adjourn Motion: Maker: Seconder: Result: Time of adjournment: