Act 1, Scenes 14-17 Scenes 14–17 (Pages 77–92) In church and in Pedreschi’s shop. Scotland Develops action and storyline • Massimo’s story of his arrest. • A leap forward in time. • Franco is dead. • Bridget tells Rosinella about Franco’s letter to her – ‘to be posted in the event of his death’. Develops characters and relationships • Massimo reveals his feelings about his father. • Hughie and Lucia become ‘blood brothers’. • Rosinella cannot warm to Bridget even in their shared grief at Franco’s death. • She tells Lucia the story of her elopement. LI: To understand how the themes and characters of the novel develop in this scene SC: Can find evidence of the development of characters and themes Can comment appropriately on the evidence found
Develops themes and issues • Racial prejudice. – Rosinella cannot accept that Franco has written to Bridget because he loves her. 'I wonder why he sent it to you?[…]It must be because he knows I cannie read.' (1,16) • Sense of family. Massimo has a strong relationship with his father. Repetition of ‘ma faither' (1,14) – Franco’s letter reveals the depth of his feelings for his family. 'Tell them they were in my thoughts up till the last.'(1,16)
• Work ethic -Despite the fact they have both been taken from their families and homes both Massimo and Daddy Pedreschi are worried for their businesses. 'So I tried to keep thinking about my shop. How was I going to fix it up again, back the way it was.' 'You know the first thing he says to me? 'Who's minding the bloody shop?''(1,14)