Effective use of feedback AFL Empowering learners Sharing LO and SC Effective use of feedback
AFL is not just… Think, pair share Peer and Self assessment Traffic lighting
Book gold!.... full of practical ideas to use tomorrow
Empowering learners with LOs
Learning Objective ideas Add a red herring LO for them to identify which one a was not covered. Distribute a range of Los to groups, ask them to work out the lessons LOs and how they know. Increase the level of challenge Ask them to recall the LOs from memory at the end of the lesson Ask them to write an evaluative comment next to the LO e.g. “I did this when…..” “My best evidence of this is….”
Sharing Success Criteria Staged Success criteria: All- will....(bronze) Most- will....(silver) Some- will...(gold)
Sharing Success Criteria….
Sharing Success Criteria….. Add a red herring LO for them to identify which one a was not covered. Organise learners into groups and ask them to compile a list of possible success criteria “Exit pass” given when they have suggested a success criteria from the lesson
Effective use of feedback
Effective use of feedback Give the whole class red pens to add to their work to make it better after you have given them their feedback. Next set: Remake the improvements and inform them if it did make a difference!
An AFL idea….by AFL feedback for marking.……. After tick marking work, ask the pupil to write their “strength” and “target” commentary based on the notes you made beside the ticks. Therefore involving pupils in how to make progress.