Strategies to use when studying for the big TEST! Guiding Your Study Strategies to use when studying for the big TEST!
Starting Out The more in depth your study guide is the better Be sure to focus on the major points that the teacher has given Find a place that is suitable for your study needs Bedroom Library Starbucks
Acronyms Acronyms are words made from the first letter of the key words relating to a concept or process. They are good for remembering the correct order as well as helping you recall a complete set. LOL, OMG, NVM, FYI G-PEC They are great for remembering key terms
Acrostics Acrostics are phrases or poems in which the first letter of each word or line functions as a cue to help you recall the words that you are trying to remember. Betty Brown Runs Over Your Garden But Viol et Grey Walks: used in engineering and technology to remember resistor colour codes and their values (Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey, and White)
Story Telling The power of story telling is that you are putting information into your own words “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” If you are studying with a partner make sure you both tell the story
Music Make studying fun, otherwise, what’s the point! Ex. From class Other examples (Raps, Poems, Songs)
Method of Loci Building a House The method of loci is a memory technique that needs your visualization skill. You are going to visualize the rooms of your house and in every room you are going to put specific memory triggers that are associated with the content that you want to remember Create a logical pathway Example
Talk aloud This strategy involves explaining a topic to yourself and checking that you can do so without forgetting part way through an explanation. Use this strategy after you have looked over the notes and applied other strategies (acronyms, method of loci)