Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South Ideal – ultimate goal of something – One ideal of the revolution was everyone being equal. Siege – When an army surrounds and blocks an enemy to try to capture them. Ratify – to officially approve WOMEN’S ROLES: Women were left to take care of daily life – raising children, managing households, farming, filling in for the men Made blankets, uniforms, shoes, even cannons and guns Some women joined husbands at the front – even Martha Washington Betsy Ross – sewed flags; legend says she made the first Stars and Stripes Mary Ludwig Hays (Molly Pitcher) – brought water for fighters & took her husband’s place firing and loading a cannon when he was wounded Women still didn’t have equal rights
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South Emancipation – freeing slaves 500,000 African Americans lived in colonies AFRICAN AMERICAN ROLES At start of war African Americans were not allowed to serve in the Continental Army British offered freedom to slaves who joined the British cause. Washington feared this would give the British an advantage; asked Congress to allow Africans to fight for Patriots All states except South Carolina decided to allow Africans to fight – 5,000 joined up When navy was founded it always allowed Africans to join. 2,000 fought in naval battles. Some served as spies for patriots – James Armistead gained information for Lafayette that helped Patriots win at Yorktown Tough choices for slaves: If they fought for Patriots, Brits might capture and sell them; if they fought for Brits, Patriots might capture and hang them Many hoped the Revolution would end slavery – Northern states outlawed slavery.
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South Iroquois – native group who joined British FIGHTING IN THE WEST Both sides wanted natives to be their allies. Natives had to choose the lesser of two evils. British gained more native allies by telling them that the Patriots would move west of the Appalachians and take their land Joseph Brant – Mohawk leader who led Iroquois against Patriots
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South VICTORY AT VINCENNES George Rogers Clark led Patriot forces in Ohio Valley. Aided by Miami Indians Tricked British at Fort Vincennes by spreading his fighters out to make their numbers appear greater; British surrendered.
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South SPANISH AID In Southwest New Spain helped Bernardo de Galvez, governor of Louisiana, gave medicine, supplies, guns and gunpowder to Patriots Seized British forts along Mississippi Galveston, Texas, is named after him
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South FIGHTING AT SEA Patriots had no navy at beginning of war; started to build one British had naval blockade of American ports Greatest naval battle was between British Serapis and Patriot Bonhomme Richard. John Paul Jones was in command of Bonhomme Richard. Kept fighting though losing. When asked to surrender, declared, “I have not yet begun to fight!” British eventually surrendered. It was our first major naval victory.
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South Rural – opposite of city; “the country” Backcountry – rural area in southern states; on frontier FIGHTING SOUTH High percentage of Loyalists in Southern states, especially in Backcountry British General Clinton planned to use Backcountry Loyalists to gain support With Loyalist support, Clinton took Savannah, Charleston, and Camden Patriot morale is low; Washington, “I have almost ceased to hope.” In Backcountry Patriots and Loyalists attacked each other. Both sides were brutal – torture, attacks on civilians, and burning homes were common British attacks became even more brutal; made many Loyalists change sides
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South Greene GREENE AND MORGAN TURN THE TIDE General Greene took command of Patriot forces in South Fought Brits only on familiar ground where he had an advantage; kept Brits on the run; wore them out General Morgan won a Patriot victory at Cowpens Used clever tactic: divided army into two parts; first part attacked, fired, retreated; second group was hiding in woods and attacked Brits when they chased the retreating Patriots Greene and Morgan combined forces and attacked British commander Cornwallis at Guilford Courthouse Patriots retreated, but British had very heavy losses Cornwallis Battle of Cowpens Morgan
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South HIT AND RUN South Carolinian, Francis Marion, led a small militia Known as Swamp Fox – used guerilla tactics against British Slept by day and attacked by night Harassed British troops and wore them down AN AMERICAN TRAITOR Benedict Arnold had been a Patriot commander Angered over not getting credit for his victories and because he needed money, he gave secret plans for West Point to British Became most famous traitor in American history
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South VICTORY AT YORKTOWN Cornwallis was ordered back to New York Ignored order and retreated to a peninsula, Yorktown, in Virginia Hoped to get resupplied by the British Navy Washington joined forces with French soldiers led by Rochambeau to cut off the British troops The Americans and French had 16,000 soldiers and laid siege to Cornwallis and his 8,000 men The French fleet, led by Admiral De Grasse, showed up and surrounded the British completely. Cornwallis held out for several weeks but finally surrendered.
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South THE TREATY OF PARIS When British prime minister heard of Yorktown surrender he agreed to peace talks. Congress sent John Adams, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, and Henry Laurens to Paris to make a peace treaty. Treaty of Paris ended the war Britain recognized the USA as an independent state USA got land north to Canada & Great Lakes and west to Mississippi; southern border extended to Florida, which remained in Spain’s hands USA agreed to ask state legislatures to pay for losses that Loyalists suffered during the war. April 15, 1783, Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris
Chapter 6-4/6-5 Fighting on Many Fronts & Winning the War in the South HOW THE USA WON Help from foreign allies: French provided money, soldiers, navy, training; Spain attacked Brits along Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi, provided weapons and supplies; Holland provided money Without help from allies, especially France, the United States would very likely not exist Patriotism/American spirit and Washington’s leadership WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL General Washington bid farewell to his troops at Fraunce's Tavern, in New York City, December 1783 He planned to retire from public life….