RIT Senior Design Team P13458 Systems Design Review 1/18/13 D-R Compressor Cell Lauren: introduce project and team RIT Senior Design Team P13458 Systems Design Review 1/18/13
Agenda Project Introduction Systems Design Next steps Desired Outcome Project Description & Motivation Customer Needs Systems Design Specifications Concept selection process Systems architecture Concept discussion Next steps Risk Management Plan Work Breakdown Structure Lauren
Desired Outcome Based on the following specifications and proposed concepts: Come to a decision on which design to pursue for the remainder of MSD I and MSD II Gain any feedback, recommendations, and direction Discussion of next steps for detailed design, test, prototyping, etc. Lauren
Project Summary Overall goal of project: Specific Task: Transform the fixed material position assembly process for the gas application reciprocating compressors into a flowing cell layout Specific Task: Create the material handling system that will allow the assembly to travel through this cell and will support the lean manufacturing initiatives this project is pursuing Note: A consultant has created a conceptual design of the process flow through this cell. Lauren
Motivations Prepare for a projected increase in demand for their newly released MOS compressor Break into separable compressor market share Increase their on-time delivery rating from 35% to 95% Proposed Productivity/Volume Increase: 150% Create a safer environment for the operators (no overhead cranes) Lauren - Based on increased volume in sales and decreased operating costs from the improved on-time-delivery rating, Dresser-Rand will be increasing their productivity past 150%.
Current & Proposed Layout Build Wash Paint Sub-Assy Test The Move Nick Current - Fixed material position, non-linear To Future - Linear line flow from assembly to shipping Future Flow Line
Future Layout Nick 5 assembly stations + 2 test beds + 1 paint booth + staging for shipping
Customer Needs Key for Priority Multiplier: It would be nice Should be incorporated Must have, absolutely necessary Title Priority Multiplier Description Safety & Ergonomics 3 Capacity to prevent work-related injury Cost 2 Upfront Purchase/Installation Cost (capital investment) Transportability Ease of Motion Current Capability 1 Compatibility with current facilities Scale Impact of installation, no monuments allowed Guidance Ability to remain inline Flexibility Capacity for systems integration Maintenance Operational Cost, Frequency of Repairs, Repair Costs Returnability Ability to return empty fixture to beginning of the line Ease of Use Minimize worker frustration, encourage proper use of the system Nick – Highlight most critical customer needs (3) Safety & ergonomics Scale flexibility
Systems Design Discussion
Specifications Alex - HOQ
Concept Selection Cole
Concept Selection Translational Motion Propulsion Wheeled Cart Industrial casters connected to a frame construct Air Skids Air bearings connected to a frame construct Rails are no longer being considered Propulsion Powered Hand Cart Battery/Electric Air powered Cole
Systems Architecture Goal: Choose 1 of 2 methods Material Handling System Support System Frame Translational Movement System Caster Wheel Air Bearing w/ Skid Propulsion System Tugger Compressed Air Electric Goal: Choose 1 of 2 methods Cole
Center of Gravity Differing cylinder sizes and loading patterns allow for a range of C.G. locations. These varying locations must be accounted for in order to avoid hazardous loading conditions. The maximum CG envelope for the HOS and MOS models from all loading scenarios is shown in red. The frame design must take into account a factor of safety. This safe CG envelope is shown in yellow. The frame architecture must support the compressor from outside of the CG envelope. Cole
Support System - Frame Overview A36 Steel square tubing and plate Frame will rest on four wheels or two air skids 90” Long, 30” wide- outside CG envelope Two carts for 2 and 4 throw, three carts for 6-throw Alex
Strength of Frame Singularity functions used to analyze beam Started with max deflection of L/240, or 0.36” Beam 6H x 2L x 3/16 selected, max bending stress too high Design stress limited, factor of safety 2.5 selected for bending Beam 6H x 6L x 3/8 selected Max deflection 0.08 inches due to bending, factor of safety 2.47 Frame weight 553 lb for frame Alex
Frame Design Alex
Frame Accessories Feet- can be welded or bolted to go between wheels or air skid and frame to raise height Plate- ½” A36 plate welded on top of frame to hold bolt holes Alex
Materials Needed 20 feet 6x6x3/8 steel - $571 4x8x1/2 A36 sheet - $499 Source: metalsdepot.com Alex
Caster Wheel Technology Swivel Casters Fixed Casters Cole
Pros & Cons Ability to integrate with existing facilities Ease of movement No power requirements Low maintenance Cost effective Floor surface must be well maintained Low load capacity with respect to size Difficulty in directional control Time intensive directional abilities Cole
Air Bearing Technology What is an air bearing? How does it work? Shawn
Pros & Cons Pros Cons Ability to integrate with existing facilities High load carrying capacity Omni-directional movement Ease of movement Low power requirements Floor surface must be flat, crack free, and well maintained More costly than conventional wheels and casters Requires a physical line of air to be connected during movement Requires an independent system to control movement Requires employee training Shawn
Propulsion System Pneumatic systems Pros Cons Interfaces with existing air systems Units made to attach to air skids Cons Airlines needed to operate Jordon
Propulsion Systems Battery powered systems Pros Cons No airlines needed Can be modified to work with either concept Cons Need to determine hookup system to cart design Limited battery life Jordon
Risk Assessment Nick – Top 4 are most important
Project Plan Detailed Design through MSD I and beginning of MSD II. How far with testing, prototyping, and building should we plan for based on needs and resources? Lauren
Discussion Points Do we need to design to incorporate the HOSS models? What design for translational movement should we focus on? Are we missing anything? Do our concepts conflict with the current process and tools for placing the compressor frame on our concept? How does this cause pros and cons for the shipping scenario? What is the status of the loading dock design? What are you expecting from a testing and prototyping standpoint? How far in detailed design should we go? What is the approval process in order to from a safety, design, and purchasing standpoint?