GRWG Report and Briefing Tim Hewison on behalf of Dohyeong Kim Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 20 September 2018 GRWG Report and Briefing Tim Hewison on behalf of Dohyeong Kim
Overview GRWG Chairing Deliverables Update Strategy Challenges References & Traceability Expansion Consistency User Engagement – Case Studies GRWG Actions Review
GSICS Research Working Group GRWG Chairing GSICS Research Working Group Chair: Dohyeong Kim Vice-Chair: Tim Hewison Vice-Chair: Scott Hu UV Sub-Group Chair: Rose Munro VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair: Dave Doelling IR Sub-Group Chair: Tim Hewison Microwave Sub-Group Chair: Ralph Ferraro
Definition of GSICS Deliverables 20 September 2018 Definition of GSICS Deliverables GSICS Products for users of satellite data, including calibration corrections/coefficients GSICS Algorithms, which describe inter-calibration processes, (described by ATBD) GSICS Monitoring Reports, assessments GSICS Reference datasets, including Solar spectrum, … GSICS Tools for use by inter-calibration developers, (GIRO, SBAF, …) GSICS recommended standards, conventions and guidelines, GSICS User Services, information Pro- ducts corrections Intercalib. Algorithms Monitoring assessmentreports Standards, conventions, Software and hardware tools Calibration references Calibration datasets
Routine Generation of GSICS Products 20 September 2018 Routine Generation of GSICS Products Decision: GSICS should aim to provide users with the most recent available calibration data at the highest available update frequency, allow users to decide how to apply it for their applications. For example: Considering calibration changes driven by long-term drift: Users interested in long-term trends may want to apply frequent updates to the calibration corrections (expected to be smaller) to avoid large, artificial jumps in the calibration time series, Users interested in near real-time applications may want to apply the updates less frequently (e.g. only when it exceeds a certain threshold) to avoid additional calibration noise.
Challenges - References Multiple References Merging or Single Handling Transitions Traceability CLARREO/TRUTHS The Moon The Sun 10:35 Manik Bali NOAA Selecting GSICS References: IR and MW 3e 11:05 Tim Hewison GRWG Primary GSICS or Key Comparison References? 3f 17:05 Denis Jouglet (Remote) CNES Hyperspectral IR comparisons - including TANSO-FTS/2 3p 17:25 Likun Wang NOAA IR Reference Sensor Traceability and Uncertainty 3q 16:30 Discussion All (+XX?) Discussion: Migration of reference instrument 4s 18:05 Tim Hewison/Tobin EUMETSAT CLARREO preparations 3s 9:00 Aisheng Wu NASA MODIS calibration summary presentation 4a 9:20 Jack Xiong VIIRS calibration summary presentation 4b 10:30 Tom Stone USGS ROLO developments & schedule 4d 10:50 Arata Okuyama JMA Application of GIRO to NIR bands 4e 11:10 Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Status of GIRO policy, infrastructure & inter-cal study 4f 11:30 Discussion All Way forward on lunar inter-calibration 4g 11:50 Fred Wu/Fangfang Yu NOAA Lunar surface target selections & auto-mapping 4h 16:50 Larry Flynn UVSG Reference Solar Irradiance Spectra 4t
Challenges - Expansion New Instruments New Channels (GEO NIR) Sounders Hyperspectral High-Resolution New Sub-Groups Coordinate with CEOS 10:50 Arata Okuyama JMA Application of GIRO to NIR bands 4e 17:05 Denis Jouglet (Remote) CNES Hyperspectral IR comparisons - including TANSO-FTS/2 3p 13:20 Seongick Cho KIOST Operation and Calibration of GOCI 1j 13:40 Hiroshi Murakami JAXA Himawari-8 Ocean Color and Aerosol 1k 14:00 Yukio Kurihara Himawari-8 SST 1l 14:20 Calibration activities of GCOM-C/SGLI 1m 14:40 Kei Shiomi Calibration activities of GOSAT & GOSAT-2 1n 15:30 Takeo Tadono JAXA Calibration activities of ALOS/AVNIR2 PRISM 1o 15:50 Takeshi Motooka Calibration activities of ALOS-2/PALSAR 1p 16:10 Takeshi Masaki Calibration activities of TRMM & GPM Radars 1q 16:30 Marehito Kasahara Calibration activities of GCOM-W/AMSR2 1r 16:50 Ralph Ferraro NOAA Intercalibration on ATMS and SAPHIR 1s 17:10 Shengli Wu (Remote) CMA Intercalibration on the FY3/MWRI 1t 17:30 Takashi Maeda Intercalibration of AMSR2 and PMWs 1u
GRWG Coordination GSICS Exec Panel GSICS Coordination Center GSICS Research Working Group UV Sub-Group CEOS ACC WGCV ACSG VIS/NIR Sub-Group WGCV IVOS IR Sub-Group Microwave Sub-Group WGCV MWSG GPM X-CAL GSICS Data Working Group
Challenges - Consistency Between Algorithms Merging Results DCC/lunar Spectral Formats Focus on Users 15:50 Bertrand Fougnie CNES Combining Methods 4q 17:10 Discussion All (+BF+FY) Discussion: Next method - Rayleigh v Ray-matching 4u
Linking the GEO ring Comparing GEO-LEO and GEO-GEO Differences To Validate Uncertainty estimates Ensure consistency Generate global L2 products
GSICS Web Meetings 2015/16 Date Group Topics 2016-01-06 GRWG - MW Subgroup Update on MW calibrations and standards, preparation for GRWG+GDWG Annual Meeting 2015-12-03 GRWG+GDWG - R.Roebeling Instrument Information Landing Pages for OSCAR 2015-11-03 GRWG VIS/NIR DCC - Plotting Tool Requirements, GPPA Review, Latest Ray-matching results 2015-10-08/09 GRWG UVSG Joint Meeting of GRWG UV and WGCV Atmospheric Composition Sub-Groups 2015-09-16 GRWG - MWSG Update on micorwave sensor calibrations and plans for 2015 GSICS Users Workshop 2015-09-08 GRWG - T.Hewison Best Practice for Process of defining SBAF and uncertainties 2015-07-09 GRWG - IR Sub-Group Formation of Infrared Sub-Group of GRWG - and Reference Instruments' Requirements 2015-05-13 GRWG-MWSG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2015-04-23 GRWG/GDWG Review of Actions from 2015 Annual GRWG+GDWG Meeting
GSICS Web Meetings 2015/16 Date Group Topics 2016 GRWG - VIS/NIR Joint web meeting with IVOS, ACSG on use of SBAF tool GRWG VIS/NIR - S.Wagner Lunar Inter-Calibration Double-difference between MODIS/VIIRS and GIRO GRWG - T.Hewison Scoping inter-calibration opportunities using NWP bias monitoring statistics Identify potential topics for web meetings Will review list on Friday morning
Actions on GRWG Chair Closed during 2015/16 Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GWG_13.13 GRWG Chair to set up web meeting to define Best Practice for Process of defining SBAF and uncertainties by 1 June 2013. TimHewison 01 Jun 2013 Closed - Web meeting GRWG_15.8 Tim to put Pradeep in touch with 3G activity to assess uncertainties in RAOB-Sat 29 Feb 2016 Closed by email 2015-07-02. GRWG_15.11 EUMETSAT to circulate report on investigation of the impact of the GSICS correction on atmospheric motion vector winds and other products. Closed by email 2016-02-22 GRWG_15.29 Tim Hewison to propose the approach of issuing frequent GSICS corrections to the Exec Panel and Users Workshop. - Completed at Users Workshop GRWG_15.64 Tim to cooperate with the GDWG to develop a version control document. Completed by email Feb 2016: in User Guide by EUMETSAT. GDWG chair will add clarifications to explain case of bug fixes.
Other GRWG Actions Closed during 2015/16 Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_15.7 Fred to follow up on the availability of information on Metop/AVHRR instruments, for which NOAA is responsible- FredWu? 29 Feb 2016 closed by email to 11 May 2015: We can process Metop-B AVHRR data now. Thanks for all the relevant Metop-B nominal AVHRR information see link GRWG_15.10 KMA to clarify during the discussion on lunar data policy the position of KMA wrt to their data KMA closed GRWG_15.48 Tim to ask ECMWF for double differencing of geostationary ring. TimHewison Emailed Tony McNally2016-01-11, - see 3a
Actions on GRWG Chair Still Open – Transfer? Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_14.15 GRWG Chair to investigate the possibility to form a sub-group to develop inter-calibration products based on double difference comparisons with model data (NWP/RAOB+RTM). TimHewison 01 May 2015 CLOSE? GRWG_14.38 Tim Hewison to provide a one-page summary GEO/LEO IR products for QA4EO? best practices showcase. Tim, Hewison Late GRWG_15.2 GRWG Chair to add a meeting on NWP in the agenda of the next GSICS web meetings in 2015/2016 29 Feb 2016 Now due - Transfer to GRWG Chair GRWG_15.56 GRWG Chair to coordinate review by all GPRCs of requirements for inter-calibration references for GEO-LEO IR products. Now due (3e) EP_GRWG_16.08 GRWG to review the calibration issues in the draft input to the WMO Vision of WIGOS space-based observing system in 2040 and report to the EP. 31 Oct 2015 Late - Transfer to GRWG Chair EP_GRWG_16.09 The GRWG Chair (or EP Chair ?) to invite the CEOS WGCV to work on a joint statement on procedures, best practices and calibration resources required to ensure consistency of data records through accurate and homogeneous calibration, as an input to the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space. 31 Jul 2015 EP_GRWG_16.10 All satellite operators to evaluate their requirements for GSICS resources, products and services to serve the needs of their internal users (for NRT products or climate applications such as SCOPE-CM projects): identify application areas, draft requirement indicating the characteristics of the product needed, quality criteria and delivery mode 31 Jan 2016
Actions on GRWG Chair Still Open – Transfer? Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GSICS_15.1 G.2 A43.16 GSICS to work with CEOS/WGCV to: – Describe the processes to be followed to ensure consistent calibration meeting climate requirements – Describe the required infrastructure (space-based and surface-based) supporting these processes – Review the analysis of calibration-related tasks in the logical analysis of the Architecture (with a view to provide a joint input to the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space) and report to CGMS-44 TimHewison, KenHolmlund? 29 Feb 2016 Now due - Transfer to GRWG Chair GSICS_15.2 WGII/3 A43.03 GSICS to document and implement its approach to manage changes in reference instruments TimHewison GSICS_15.3 WGII/3 A43.01 GSICS to establish the requirements for absolute lunar calibration and prepare a white paper describing the tentative way to meet those requirements in case they go beyond those lunar calibration capabilities. - Transfer to VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair
Other GRWG Outstanding Actions Review items in Bold Others just as a reminder Quick review – 10s per page! So pay attention – look for your agency/name If you spot one and have an update stop me!
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_14.1 Bruce Wielicki (NASA) to investigate availability of lunar observation data from CLARREO demonstrator test flight and share these with CNES and USGS and notify CNES of future balloon flights so Pleiades observations can be synchronised. BruceWielicki? 01 May 2015 Late GRWG_14.4 Bertrand Fougnie to provide smoothed DCC BRDFs derived from PARASOL observations. BertrandFougnie? GRWG_14.7 Fangfang Yu to propose what the variables should be in the NetCDF? file to provide information on the calibration diurnal v ariation, and report to GRWG. - Reassigned to ManikBali? in May 2014. ManikBali GRWG_14.8 CMA and JMA to present their analysis on GEO-GEO IR products at the next meeting. Scott,Masaya GRWG_14.9 CMA to present plans for developing inter-calibration products for GEO hyperspectral IR sounder. Scott GRWG_14.14 XingMing? Liang to report the requirement from GSICS to support MICROS. XingMingLiang GRWG_14.16 CMA to provide ATBD for FY-3C IR product. CMA
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_14.20 KMA to send products to the EUMETSAT GSICS Data and Products server until the CMA collaboration server is available. KMA 01 May 2015 Late GRWG_14.27 All GPRCs to review their GSICS websites to take into account of the new developments in GSICS as these websites will be reviewed in the next joint meeting. ALL, GPRC GRWG_14.28 IMD to update their website to provide GSICS information. This will be provided on the WMO for inclusion into their website IMD GRWG_14.29 Masaya Takahashi to check for a document regarding minimum content for GPRC GSICS webpage. If this document does not exist, then he shall author one and upload it to the Wiki. MasayaTakahashi GRWG_14.31 EUMETSAT to prepare a proposal for automating the GPPA and demonstrate this in a Webex meeting. EUMETSAT GRWG_14.32 Xu Na (CMA): report at the next meeting on the work done on SRF retrieval using hyperspectral instruments. XuNa? GRWG_15.45 CMA to report back on their investigations on SRF retrieval. CMA 29 Feb 2016 GRWG_14.33 EUMETSAT to share with IMD plans for reprocessing of the archive data (re-calibration) GRWG_14.35 EUMETSAT/NOAA/NASA/JMA to perform analysis to evaluate the optimal temporal resolution for a DCC product. GPRCs are invited to report at the next web-meeting on the DCC method. EUMETSAT, NOAA, NASA, JMA GRWG_14.39 CMA to investigate hosting a joint GSICS/CEOS-IVOS workshop to promote SI traceable measurements in orbit.
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_14.41 KMA to investigate the feasibility of providing GSICS with its BRDF model and report. KMA 01 May 2015 Late GRWG_15.5 KMA to present the use BJ Sohn's DCC algorithm to build a BRDF model 29 Feb 2016 Due now GRWG_15.21 KMA to deliver their RTM DCC BRDF model. GRWG_15.3 IMD to report on results of investigation into suitability of Rann of Kutch as a test site for INSAT-3D calibration, following ground characterisation, and share details with GSICS by email IMD GRWG_15.4 D. Jouglet to investigate the availability of POLO in SADE database and report to GSICS. CNES GRWG_15.9 JAXA to correspond with Microwave Sub-Group to consider whether GSICS products could/should be generated for active instruments such as DPR. JAXA GRWG_15.12 NOAA to report on plans to incorporate GOES-R/ABI in ICVS. FredWu? GRWG_15.13 NOAA to provide their GEO-LEO IR algorithm code to IMD. 29 Feb 201 GRWG_15.14 Dave to investigate the use of MIIC to generate DCC data for near-real-time processing of DCC using VIIRS. DaveDoelling? GRWG_15.15 Dave to investigate potential to transfer this technology to other data centres.
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_15.17 Rob to propose new terminology, based on the term "homogenised" or "MODIS (or whatever)-equivalent. RobRobelling? 29 Feb 2016 Due now GRWG_15.18 EUMETSAT to circulate Rob's review of FCDR inter-calibration requirements to GRWG/GDWG, identifying which type of inter-calibration product could meet each of these. TimHewison GRWG_15.19 A. K. Sharma to interact with GDWG to provide INSAT-3D SRFs. AKSharma GRWG_15.20 EUMETSAT to interact with KNMI to see if they could process the SCIAMACHY data to have the SBAFs for the last two bands (beyond 1900nm). NASA is ready to provide the code. GRWG_15.22 Jack Xiong (NASA) to deliver the MODIS spectral response to the GSICS wiki JackXiong? GRWG_15.24 Fred to implement Sebastien's deseasonalisation method and compare with Fangfang's and report back FredWu? GRWG_15.25 NASA to consider providing centralised processing of MODIS DCC data NASA GRWG_15.26 Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) to present at a further web meeting on DCC the extracted time series for the NIR16 channel. SebastienWagner GRWG_15.27 Lin Chen and Sebastien Wagner to circulate statistics of mode/mean/median for review by email. GRWG_15.33 Dave Doelling to ask Constantine Lukashin to participate in meeting on lunar inter-calibration accounting for spectral differences. DaveDoelling?
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_15.34 Dave Doelling to check availability of lunar observations in the Hyperion dataset by 1 April 2015. DaveDoelling? 29 Feb 2016 Late GRWG_15.35 Jack Xiong and Dave Doelling to report plans to investigate the double difference between MODIS and VIIRS lunar observations in preparation to transfer the calibration reference and at web meeting. JackXiong? Due now GRWG_15.36 Dave Doelling to investigate whether CLARREO could fund dedicated observation campaigns to tie lunar irradiance models to an absolute SI-traceable scale. GRWG_15.37 Sebastien Wagner to circulate survey on participation in the planned activities to develop lunar inter-calibration to members of lunar calibration community. SebastienWagner GRWG_15.38 Sebastien Wagner to organize a web meeting to report on the progress made on inter-calibration using the Moon (between October and December 2015). GRWG_15.39 NOAA to update the product user guide for GOES-IASI products to inform about the range of diurnal applicability FredWu? GRWG_15.42 KMA to investigate the possibility to extract the data before the MBCC is applied, and in collaboration with NOAA to assess the impact of MBCC on the data. KMA to report back at the next GSICS annual meeting. KMA GRWG_15.43 ISRO to explore NOAA MBCC more into detail and to apply it. ISRO to report back at the next GSICS annual meeting. ISRO GRWG_15.44 ISRO to report back on their investigations on SRF retrieval.
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_15.47 JMA to investigate and provide a report on the uncertainty analysis to support progress to Pre-Operational mode. MasayaTakahashi 29 Feb 2016 Due now GRWG_15.49 IMD/ISRO to contact the IMD NWP and NCMRWF about double differencing of geostationary ring. IMD, ISRO GRWG_15.50 Tim to conduct a survey to identify a date among GPRC so that they produce the GSICS corrections for that date and provide them to Dave. - Reported on 20160302 TimHewison GRWG_15.51 Dave to report on the analysis of GEO-GEO double-differences. DaveDoelling? GRWG_15.52 Tim to provide SBAF tool to support the analysis of GEO-GEO double-differences GRWG_15.53 NASA-MODIS (Jack) to consider investigating alternative regression algorithms in radiance instead of Tb and report at next GRWG annual meeting JackXiong? GRWG_15.54 CMA to report on generalising regression in GEO-LEO IR products to include polynomial terms and report by next GRWG meeting Scott GRWG_15.55 NOAA to investigate inter-channel calibration with IASI. FredWu? GRWG_15.57 Denis Jouglet to review capabilities of IASI and AIRS and CrIS? to meet the requirements for inter-calibration references for GEO-LEO IR products. CNES GRWG_15.58 Fred to invite Pagano and Yong Han to join this review as relevant instrument experts
Other GRWG Actions Still Open Action Ref Description Assigned to Due Date State GRWG_15.59 Dave to investigate how to share the existing data set for MODIS 0.6µm band (2002-end of 2009) with the GRWG. DaveDoelling? 29 Feb 2016 Due now GRWG_15.60 Larry Flynn (NOAA) to consider mechanisms to provide delayed CrIS? data for FY-2 inter-calibration LarryFlynn? GRWG_15.61 Rob to propose the maximum frequency on the update requirement for non-routine events RobRoebelling? GRWG_15.62 Manik to interact with Jérôme to push forward the development of the expert system as a tool to select inter-calibration reference instruments ManikBali GRWG_15.63 Tim to provide to Manik a list of parameters from his scoring proposal to include them into the expert system. TimHewison
GSICS Operations Plan Actions are tracked in a topic on GSICS Development Wiki: Grown too cumbersome to use Wishlist: Clear actionees – e.g. Chair, Agency Rep, Raporteur, Person Filterable – like GSICS Product Catalog – by name/open Sortable – by name/org, status, open/closed date Standardised – numbering – Actionees Add closed dates Add outcomes (with optional links) Easier for actionees to add outcomes Automatic reminders & notifications on closure …
Thank You for your contributions!
Infrared Sub-Group Report Tim Hewison Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 20 September 2018 Infrared Sub-Group Report Tim Hewison
GSICS GEO-LEO IR Product Status 2016-02 20/09/2018 GSICS GEO-LEO IR Product Status 2016-02 GPRC Monitored Instrument Reference Instrument GSICS NRT Correction GSICS Re-Analysis Correction GSICS Bias Monitoring EUMETSAT Meteosat-8 – 11 } Meteosat-7 Metop-A/IASI Operational Demo Plots RAC* JMA MTSAT-1R } MTSAT-2 } IASI (+ AIRS) Plots RAC NOAA GOES-13 & -15 Imager GOES-11 & -12 Imager Pre-op Prototype GOES Sounder Development In development CMA FY2C – E KMA COMS-1 IASI ISRO INSAT-3D Full GSICS Product Catalog available at
IR Product Development within GSICS GEO-LEO IR hyperspectral Progress existing products to Operational Status Promote new products to Demonstration Status Application of Prime GSICS Correction concept To merge multiple reference instruments To allow corrections to cover diurnal cycle Other Agencies’ plans for Prime GSICS Corrections? Wednesday afternoon 13:05 Xu Na (Remote) CMA GEO-LEO IR Progress at CMA 3i 13:20 Munn V. Shukla (Remote) ISRO GEO-LEO IR Progress at ISRO 3j 13:35 Arata Okuyama JMA GEO-LEO IR Progress at JMA 3k 13:50 Dohyeong Kim? KMA GEO-LEO IR Progress at KMA 3l 14:05 Yuanzheng "Jordan" Yao NOAA GEO-LEO IR Progress at NOAA 3m 11:25 Tim Hewison GRWG Do we need to generate Prime GSICS NRTCs? 3g 16:20 Fangfang Yu? NOAA Handling Diurnal Cycle in GEO-LEO IR 3n
New IR Product Development within GSICS Scope potential new GSICS products/deliverables Alternative inter-calibration algorithms Retrieved SRFs GEO-GEO inter-calibration (part of GEO-ring) LEO-LEO inter-calibration Traceability of Reference Instruments Plans for TANSO-FTS/2 & CLARREO Wednesday morning & afternoon 16:35 Arata Okuyama JMA v2 of GEO-LEO IR - alternative ATBDs 3o 17:45 Manik Bali NOAA SRF Retrievals 3r 9:00 Tim Hewison GRWG GEO-Ring Test Dataset 3a 9:15 Rob Roebeling EUMETSAT Discussion: GEO-Ring dataset preparation 3b 9:30 Discussion All Discussion: GEO-Ring dataset analysis 3c 18:25 Aisheng Wu NASA Development of LEO-LEO IR Products 3t 11:45 Rose Munro EUMETSAT Plans for AVHRR inter-calibration 3h 17:05 Denis Jouglet (Remote) CNES Hyperspectral IR comparisons - including TANSO-FTS/2 3p 17:25 Likun Wang NOAA IR Reference Sensor Traceability and Uncertainty 3q 18:05 Tim Hewison/Tobin EUMETSAT CLARREO preparations 3s
Thank You for your contributions!