Appendices Navigating in BearQuest Appendix - 2 Viewing your Requests Viewing your Tasks Appendix - 4 Request Summary Appendix - 5 Adding/Viewing Comments & Attachments Appendix - 6 Accessing BearQuest off-campus Appendix - 10
Navigating in BearQuest Home When you log in to BearQuest (, you will come to this Home page. 2 3 1 The screen is divided into three main sections : My Dashboard – This section gives you the links to start a new request and to navigate quickly to requests that are in progress or complete. It also gives you the link to your open tasks. Main work space – The large middle section is the main workspace. This is where you will be able to select from your lists of tasks or requests. This is also where forms will be presented to you when you are making a request. Announcements and messages– Check this part of the screen for messages from the BearQuest administrators.
Viewing your list of existing requests Click on the link for ‘My Requests’ in the “My Dashboard” section of the screen to see requests you originated that are already in progress or are complete. View Icons – Click on the view icon beside the name of the request to see a list of all the completed forms associated with that request. The ID number is a unique identifier. You will need to know this number if you ever need to call and ask for assistance. Status – This shows you the current status of the request. Once you have released your request for review, this is the place for you to check to see where it is in the process. You will get an email when your course action request is headed to the provost office, other than that, this is your best place to check to see how far along your request has gotten. 1 1 2 2
Viewing your list of tasks Click on the links “My Tasks” in the “My Dashboard” section of the screen to see the lists of all the tasks open to you, or tasks you have completed, regardless of whether you originated the request or not. Open Icon – Click on the “Open” icon next to the task you wish to view. Request name – This column shows you the name of the request with which each task is associated. Status – This shows you the current status of the request. 2 3 1
Request Summary Get to this page by clicking on the view Icon and then the Request Detail tab from any list of your requests. This page lets you view information from forms that have already been completed. 2 1 3 The name of the task that was completed. Who (or what) completed the task. Click on “view form” here to see the information that was entered into the form. Very useful for reviewing information from requests that are no longer “open” tasks for you.
Adding/viewing comments and attachments At almost any point during the BearQuest process you can add attachments or start a discussion related to your request, even after you have released it for review. To begin, click on the “discussion” tab. On this screen, type in your comment and then click “post” in the middle the screen.
Adding/viewing attachments If you would like to add an attachment, click on the icon in the middle of the screen and browse for the file you would like to attach. Then, choose upload file and click post.
Adding/viewing comments and attachments If you would like to specify which users are able to view your comment or attachment, you may do so by clicking the icon in the middle of the screen, this should be done before posting the comment. Note: Once you send your e-mail through BearQuest, you will not have a record of to whom it was sent. You may want to add a “cc” in the body of your e-mail to remind you of the recipients at a later date. Note: When you send an e-mail to someone through the BearQuest system, it will create a task on his/her task history related to this request. This will give him/her access to the full request summary of the request with which the e-mail is associated. Be aware that you may be sharing confidential data. If you do not want to give your recipient access to this data, send your e-mail via Outlook or some other system outside of BearQuest.
Adding/viewing comments and attachments Use this screen to select the recipients for your e-mail, by clicking the magnifying glass. A list of users will appear. Click the name of the person you want to receive the email, and repeat this step if you want to add more than one user. Click “save” to add your comment to the discussion tab. Choose “post” to complete the process.
Accessing BearQuest off-Campus To access BearQuest from an off-campus location – Use VPN. For instructions for installing VPN go to or call the Helpdesk (4357)