FCR ARB Presentation- Team 07 SCRIPTONOMICS THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED SCRIPT ANALYTICS FCR ARB Presentation- Team 07 Aditya Holikatti Anitha Neelakantan Alex Miller Michael Cappuccio Nicky Singh Nikhita Reddy Gade Sri Anusha Veeramachineni Vaishnavi Venkatraman
AGENDA ● Remote Team Member ● Operational Concept Description ● Win Win Agreements ● Prototype/ Product Demo ● Architecture ● Life Cycle Plan ● Feasibility Evidence ● Quality Focal Point
TEAM STRENGTHS Operational View Well spread division of labor among the team Weekly meetings with clients and constant contact via slack. Technical View Front end web development Most team members have a computer science background.
TEAM WEAK POINTS Operational View Lack of proper communication among team members Team meetings are not properly organizied Mitigation Improve team communication by using platforms like slack, skype and watsapp Discuss and schedule weekly meeting goals and requirements beforehand
TEAM WEAK POINTS Technical View Not familiar with django Plugin is complex and difficult to understand. Mitigation : Improve knowledge on django by going through online tutorials. Trace the flow of control through the plugin.
Technical Concerns & Solutions Improve team communication by using platforms like Slack, Skype, and WhatsApp Discuss and schedule weekly meeting goals and requirements before hand. Assign specific tasks to avoid diffusion of responsibility Improve knowledge on Django by going through online tutorials
Shared Vision Create a platform(blog) to give useful insight into the art, science, and business of screenwriting. Add to the Brand value and Recognition of Scriptonomics. Increase the user base through subscriptions.
SYSTEM PURPOSE The Scriptonomics Blog is primarily dedicated to funneling Users to the Scriptonomics website by providing articles which demonstrate the kind of analytics and insights available by using the Scriptonomics website. The aspects of the blog include:
Benefit Chain Diagram
Levels of Services (LOS)
Levels of service
System Boundary
Core Capabilities
Organizational Goals
WinWin Agreements USER ● WC_4603: As a user, I can view blog posts by categories. ● WC_4590: As a user, I can share the post on other social media platforms. ● WC_4581: As a user, I can like a blog post.
WinWin Agreements USER WC_4582: As a user, I can comment on a blog post if I have logged in. WC_4589: As a user, I can add a post to my favorites if I have logged in. WC_4587: As a user, I can search for blog posts. WC_4604: As a user, I can view trending articles.
WinWin Agreements ADMINISTRATOR ● WC_4605: As an admin, I can edit/add a post. ● WC_4606: As an admin, I can view the analytics of the blog. ● WC_4588: As an admin, I can delete the comments which are inappropriate.
Risk : COTS Integration Zinnia – 3rd party plugin Interaction with existing setup.For example, Current Scriptonomics setup uses PostgreSQL Zinnia uses SQlite3
Mitigation : •Prototype •Inherent Django capabilities – migrations from one database to another.
Database models defined independent of implementation specifics
Django provides for migrations from on database to another.
Risk : Overlapping functionality-User Comments • Win Condition : As a User, I can comment only when I am logged in. • Identification : Personnel Shortfall Clash of scope with plugin, i.e functionality in blog needs to be overridden.
Top Level Physical Architecture System User Scriptonomics Blog
Top Level Logical Structure Client Side Server Side Database User Interface Scriptonomics blog Back end Request Fetch/store data Request Render UI Response Response
System Context
Domain Model
Use Case: User- Blog Home Page
Use Case: Content Writer Dashboard
Use case: Admin Dashboard
Life cycle strategy The Overall strategy we are undertaking for Scriptonmics project is following NDI/NCS intensive process. All the core capabilities and functionality of the system are delivered by COTS services. We are using Zinnia as our main COTS. The whole project life cycle is divided into four phases right now namely Exploration Phase Valuation Phase Foundation Phase Development Phase
Foundation Phase Plan
Development phase
Key Stakeholder & Responsibilities Stakeholders Roles Developers Responsible for creating the blog homepage and respective platform Site Admin Responsible for managing project str Content writer Responsible for providing content for Blog Maintainer Responsible for maintaing the Client Responsible for providing requirements and feedback on project progress Scriptwriter Responsible for writing blog post.
Project Plan
Resource Estimation Estimated CSCI577a Effort: 8 team members at 16 hrs/week for 12 weeks Total estimated effort: 16 hrs/week x 8 members x 12 weeks = 1536 hours Budget information: $ 0 Project duration: 12 weeks Component modules in your development project: User Template, Admin Template Programming language/ Tools used: Zinnia, Bootstrap., HTML, CSS Time required as per Pessimistic Value: Total time(in Months): (8 person-month × 152 hours per person-month) ÷ 512= 2.375 months Total time(in hours): 8 person-month x 152 hours per person-month = 1216 hours
Required Skills for Team Members Bootstrap Django knowledge AJAX CSS
NDI Alternatives
NDI Evaluation
Business Case Analysis: Cost Analysis
Business Case Analysis: Cost Analysis
Business Case Analysis : Benefit Analysis
ROI Graph
Risk Assessment
Capability Feasibility
Capability Feasibility
Level Of Service
Persona - 1 •First Name: Daniel •Last Name: Anaya •Email: danaya@scriptonomics.com •Profession: production assistant in Hollywood, CA •Interests: * action/adventure movies, high concepts, old tv shows (sopranos, mad men) * got into writing after realizing I was good at it and my passion for movies •Desired Blog Feature: Insightful articles
Persona - 2 •First Name: Michael •Last Name: Chorlian •Email: mchorlian@scriptonomics.com •Profession: script writer •Interests: * Modern Family, House of Cards, The Crown * got into writing based on passion for movies •Desired Blog Feature: Express his views on the article and interact with others with similar and differing views
Persona - 3 •First Name: Andy •Last Name: Peterson •Email: apeterson@scriptonomics.com •Profession: Financial Advisor to producer •Interests: * Modern Family, , The Crown * Likes to invest in exciting movies •Desired Blog Feature: Keep a list of articles he finds fascinating, easily accessible so that he can refer to them when required.
Quality Focal Point (QFP) FCR ARB Quality Focal Point (QFP) -ALEX
Requirements Traceability Matrix Requirement ID Verification Type Test Case ID (if applicable) WC_4602 As a User, I can search for articles. Testing TC-01-01 WC _4582 As a User, I can comment on a blog post if I have signed in. TC-02-01 TC-02-02 WC_4580 As a User, I can view a blog post. Demonstration WC_1579 As an Content-Writer, I can add blog posts using a form. WC_4591 As an admin, I can edit a post.
WC_4606 As an admin, I can view analytics of the blog. Demonstration WC_4605 As an admin, I can add a post. Testing TC-03-01 WC_4591 As an admin, I can edit a post. TC-03-02 WC_4590 As a user, I can share the post on other social media platforms, namely facebook and twitter. TC-04-01 WC_4598 As a user, I can add a post to my favorites if I have logged in TC-05-01 TC-05-02 WC_4588 As an admin, I can delete the comments which are inappropriate. TC-06-01
Tracking issue, and project progress Strategy Priority Level Description Client Feedback High Team, Client Collect feedback from client often with respect to functionalities of website Prototyping Team Make Prototypes for COTS Integration Testing and continuously test high-risk features. Jira Medium Tracking issue, and project progress Team Meeting Have team meetings at least once a week, check progress, and discuss about risks and their mitigation strategy
Risk Identification Review Use requirements traceability matrix to monitor consistency with requirements. Peer Review Client review Unit Testing Integration Testing Functional Testing Test
Jira Bi-weekly Reports (One week) OCD LCP PRO FED SSAD Found 2 Removal 1
Information about URL navigation Current Defects Avoidable Defects Proposed Solution Login and Logout redirect to Scriptonomics page instead of staying in the blog website Information about URL navigation And redirection
Technical Debt Description Mitigation Plan Forward and Backward compatibility Zinnia is also a work in progress and changes to the plugin might affect current implementation.