Cowan Ave. Elementary Special Education Presented by: Patricia Hecht 9/20/2018
Special Education Special Education services are provided to students that qualify under LAUSD guidelines Services are specific to the child and the need of the child A child with a disability doesn’t always qualify for services A child qualifies for services based on need 9/20/2018
IDEA IDEA- “What is IDEA?” IDEA stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act- The law allows children with disabilities to be education in a general education classroom with their peers. IDEA provides the laws that created the IEP process IDEA was recently reauthorized in December 2004 IDEA was originally enacted in 1975 9/20/2018
Special Education Special Education Services can begin at age 3 Services continue until a student graduates or reaches the age of 22 9/20/2018
Eligible Disabilities Autism Deafness Deaf-Blindness Emotional Disturbance Established Medical Disability- Ages 3-5 only Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Hard of Hearing Mental Retardation Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Speech or Language Impairment 9/20/2018
The IEP What is an IEP? Individualized Education Program Present Levels of Educational Performance, strengths and weaknesses Goals and objectives for student Services needed to access curriculum Accommodations and modification used by students Placement Transportation Services Summer School Testing accommodations Offer of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 9/20/2018
IEP Process- Pre Referral Parent interview Teacher Interview SST Meeting Test Score Evaluation Previous Report Cards and Records 9/20/2018
IEP Process- Referral Request is submitted in writing School has 15 days to determine if assessment is appropriate or written notification will be sent to parent/guardian Assessment Request is sent to parent or guardian 9/20/2018
Assessments School has 50 days to complete assessments and conduct an IEP meeting Assessments are complete by Special Education Teachers, Psychologist, Nurse, Speech, Occupational Therapy Parents may need to provide medical documents, or complete checklists 9/20/2018
IEP Meeting IEP meeting is held to discuss findings IEP is written If student is eligible for services, a plan is written that includes goals and objectives for the following year Services begin once parents sign and consent 9/20/2018
Least Restrictive Environment General Education Classroom General Education Classroom with accommodations General Education Classroom with related services(DIS) General Education Classroom with Resource Specialist Services General Education Classroom and Special Day Program Special Day Class Special Schools/Centers Nonpublic Schools Home/Hospital School Residential- State or Non-Public 9/20/2018
Accommodations Small Group Setting One on One Support Extended Time Chunking Materials Visual Supports and Cues Graphic Organizers Re-teach materials Peer buddy Use of computer or tape recorder 9/20/2018
Modifications Out of grade level work Reduction of work Change of assignment Orally answer questions Exams given orally Use of calculator 9/20/2018
DIS Services Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Physical Therapy Adapted Physical Education DHH Itinerant 9/20/2018
Transportation Transportation provided to students that meet eligibility requirements Safety Communication Health Program not provided at home school 9/20/2018
Parents Rights Right to Receive Written Notice Right to Consent to Activities Involving Child Right to Access Child’s Educational Records Right to Procedural Safeguards Right to file a Complaint Right to Due Process 9/20/2018
504 vs IEP 504 General Education Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 9/20/2018
LAUSD Policy and Procedure Private School Policy Service Models Full Inclusion vs SDC and Mainstreaming 9/20/2018
LAUSD parent workshops School site meetings Brochures Resources LAUSD parent workshops School site meetings Brochures Referral to LAUSD ex. School Mental Health Special Day Class Teachers School Site Personnel Other Parents 9/20/2018