The Agents of Socialization and Children’s Literature Intro to Socialization Explanation of Socialization & Children’s Literature Ms. Blackhurst
Day 1 Warm-up : How does society socialize us? Socialization Notes & Discussion Story time! (Not to be confused with nap time!)
Lesson Objectives: Define socialization List and explain the role of socializing agents Describe the role of children’s literature in socialization
Socialization beings at birth & continues throughout your life! “I’m ready to be socialized!”
Warm-up: Children’s Literature Think/Pair/Share How many of you remember a favorite book from your childhood? What was it and why do you remember that story?
What is socialization? Socialization is the cultural process of learning to participate in group life. It is how we learn to act in groups. Begins at birth & continues throughout life
What are expected behaviors and norms of our society? Let’s brainstorm….. On a daily basis, what is expected of you? What is expected of me? Your parents?
How do people learn these norms? Family T.V./Videos/DVD School Books Friends These are called the Agents of Socialization!
The Family & Socialization Within the family, a child learns to: Think & speak Internalize norms, beliefs, & values Form some basic attitudes Develop a capacity for intimate & personal relationships Acquire a self-image
Schools & Socialization Hidden curriculum—the informal & unofficial aspects that children are taught in preparation for life. Discipline, order, cooperation—all needed for success in the adult world Sense of time & rules
Peer Groups & Socialization Engage in give & take relationships Engage in self-direction ---experiment in new ways of thinking, feeling, & behaving Engage in self-expression
Peer Groups & Socialization Promote independence Develop close ties with people outside of the family; including members of the opposite sex Learn to get along with large numbers of people; many different from themselves
Mass Media & Socialization T.V., Radio, Music, Movies, Internet, Books, Magazines, Newspapers display role models for children to imitate. Learning these roles models helps to integrate the young into society.
Think/Pair/Share Which agent of socialization do you believe has the most influence on children? Does the degree of influence vary by age?
Let’s read a story… Let’s examine the role of children’s literature in socialization Watch The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss
In The Sneetches: What happened?
The Sneetches What was the socializing message in the book? What lesson did it teach? How are males/females dealt with in the book? Are any values dealt with? Do you agree or disagree with those values? What ethnic groups are portrayed in the book? How are they portrayed? Are there any other concepts from the chapter presented in the book? How can you apply the author’s message to your life?
One of the choices: Your task is to analyze children’s books or a children television’s show armed with your new found sociological knowledge!
Recap/Closure When does socialization begin? What are the four socializing agents? Media Family Friends School
Projects are due: Thursday, November ___th!