10.3 revision: Worship and Celebration
Structure of the Mass The Penitential Rite (confess sins) The Liturgy of the Word (Bible readings and homily/sermon) The Liturgy of the Eucharist (bread and wine is consecrated/made holy) The rite of Communion (people exchange peace and receive blessed bread and wine) Concluding Rite (priest blesses the people)
Importance of the Mass It’s a way of purifying sins Fulfils the commandment ‘Keep the Sabbath holy’ Unites people with Christ and other Catholics Spiritual nourishment/food A sacrament of love from God to Christians through Jesus’ sacrifice
Different meanings of the Eucharist Catholics: transubstantiation (the bread and wine mysteriously changes into the actual body and blood of Christ) Orthodox: consubstantiation (Jesus’ presence enters people through bread and wine) Most Protestants: a symbol of Christ’s presence Salvation Army and Quakers: no Eucharist as they don’t need rituals to be close to God
penance and reconciliation Also known as ‘confession’ Has 4 parts: Contrition – person says sorry Confession – admit responsibility to the priest Satisfaction – being prepared to make up for your sins to God (and anyone you’ve hurt) Absolution – priest gives a penance (‘punishment’) to be performed
Anointing of the sick The person confesses sins (if possible) Gives strength to those seriously ill or near death The main features of the ceremony are: The person confesses sins (if possible) The priest anoints forehead and hands with chrism The person is given communion