Jan 2011 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: OFDM comment resolution Date Submitted: Jan 14, 2011 Source: Emmanuel Monnerie, Emmanuel Riou, Tim Schmidl, Shusaku Shimada, Cheol Ho Shin Company Landis+Gyr, Accent SARL, Texas Instruments, Yokogawa Corp., ETRI Re: Status of proposed resolutions for the OFDM-related comments after LB59. Abstract: Summary and overview of proposed resolutions Purpose: LB59 comment resolution Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
Current Status Status as of 1/18/2010: Jan 2011 Current Status Status as of 1/18/2010: 18 remaining OFDM-related comments CID 167, 169, 179, 181, 367, 553, 644, 813, 912, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1110, 1157. Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
OFDM channel separation Jan 2011 OFDM channel separation CID: 367, 553, 644, 912, 1157. Proposed AP: resolved through CID 521, 349 and 1145 (These comments have been accepted in Dallas) Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
Jan 2011 CID 1099 Comment: STF tables could be simplified by using unit entries instead of current values Commenter’s proposal: Suggestion to allign the STF tables with popular convention by normalising the table to use values of +1 or -1 to designate the tones. Then time domain samples with an rms of 1 can be obtained by multiplying by N/sqrt(ntones). Where ntones are the number of tones used by the STF. Then power boosting can be applied explicitly as desired. Related comment : CID 1100, 181, 1103, 1106, 1110, 179 2 Proposed resolutions: Accept or Reject Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
CID 1108 – Data scrambler seed Jan 2011 CID 1108 – Data scrambler seed Comment: Change the scrambler seed for the first line of the table to zeros. 3 Proposed resolutions: Accept or Reject AP: use a PIB attribute to define the scrambler options. The definition of the scrambler option in the PHR introduces some unnecessary delay in the processing. Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
CID 169 (definition of the bandwidth) Jan 2011 CID 169 (definition of the bandwidth) Comment: Definition of nominal b/w needed. Commenter’s proposal: Clarify that the nominal b/w is the 20 dB b/w of the signal. 3 Proposed resolutions: Use 20dB bandwidth or (N+1)*T where N is the number of active tones, including pilots and T is the tone spacing. Use the Tx spectrum mask defined in 802.11revmb, figure 19-17, with the following scaling in the frequency domain: option 1: 1/18, option 2: 1/36, option 3 : 1/70, option 4: 1/125 Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
CID 1107: Differential Modulation Jan 2011 CID 1107: Differential Modulation Comment: The pilot tone scheme seems overly complex for the problem it is trying to solve. This makes implementation difficult. Commenter’s proposal: Consider more staightforward approaches 2 proposed resolutions: no differential modulation (current draft) or include some form of differential modulation in the standard. Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin
Jan 2011 CID 1101 (negation of Z) Comment: The necessity of the negated Z is unclear Commenter’s proposal: Consider adopting a more standard STF such as used in 802.11a 2 Proposed resolutions: negate the last Z (current draft) or keep all Z the same Monnerie, Riou, Schmidl,Shimada, Shin