Scalable peer-to-peer substrates: A new foundation for distributed applications? Peter Druschel, Rice University Antony Rowstron, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Collaborators: Miguel Castro, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, MSR Cambridge Y. Charlie Hu, Sitaram Iyer, Animesh Nandi, Atul Singh, Dan Wallach, Rice University
Outline Background Pastry Pastry proximity routing PAST SCRIBE Conclusions
Background Peer-to-peer systems distribution decentralized control self-organization symmetry (communication, node roles)
Peer-to-peer applications Pioneers: Napster, Gnutella, FreeNet File sharing: CFS, PAST [SOSP’01] Network storage: FarSite [Sigmetrics’00], Oceanstore [ASPLOS’00], PAST [SOSP’01] Web caching: Squirrel[PODC’02] Event notification/multicast: Herald [HotOS’01], Bayeux [NOSDAV’01], CAN-multicast [NGC’01], SCRIBE [NGC’01], SplitStream [submitted] Anonymity: Crowds [CACM’99], Onion routing [JSAC’98] Censorship-resistance: Tangler [CCS’02]
Common issues Organize, maintain overlay network node arrivals node failures Resource allocation/load balancing Resource location Network proximity routing Idea: provide a generic p2p substrate
Architecture P2p application layer P2p substrate (self-organizing Event notification Network storage ? P2p application layer P2p substrate (self-organizing overlay network) Pastry TCP/IP Internet
Structured p2p overlays One primitive: route(M, X): route message M to the live node with nodeId closest to key X nodeIds and keys are from a large, sparse id space
Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) nodes k1,v1 k2,v2 k3,v3 P2P overlay network Operations: insert(k,v) lookup(k) k4,v4 k5,v5 k6,v6 p2p overlay maps keys to nodes completely decentralized and self-organizing robust, scalable
Why structured p2p overlays? Leverage pooled resources (storage, bandwidth, CPU) Leverage resource diversity (geographic, ownership) Leverage existing shared infrastructure Scalability Robustness Self-organization
Outline Background Pastry Pastry proximity routing PAST SCRIBE Conclusions
Pastry: Related work Chord [Sigcomm’01] CAN [Sigcomm’01] Tapestry [TR UCB/CSD-01-1141] PNRP [unpub.] Viceroy [PODC’02] Kademlia [IPTPS’02] Small World [Kleinberg ’99, ‘00] Plaxton Trees [Plaxton et al. ’97]
Pastry: Object distribution Consistent hashing [Karger et al. ‘97] 128 bit circular id space nodeIds (uniform random) objIds (uniform random) Invariant: node with numerically closest nodeId maintains object 2128-1 O objId Each node has a randomly assigned 128-bit nodeId, circular namespace Basic operation: A message with key X, sent by any Pastry node, is delivered to the live node with nodeId closest to X in at most log16 N steps (barring node failures). Pastry uses a form of generalized hypercube routing, where the routing tables are initialized and updated dynamically. nodeIds
Pastry: Object insertion/lookup 2128-1 O Msg with key X is routed to live node with nodeId closest to X Problem: complete routing table not feasible X Each node has a randomly assigned 128-bit nodeId, circular namespace Basic operation: A message with key X, sent by any Pastry node, is delivered to the live node with nodeId closest to X in at most log16 N steps (barring node failures). Pastry uses a form of generalized hypercube routing, where the routing tables are initialized and updated dynamically. Route(X)
Pastry: Routing Tradeoff O(log N) routing table size O(log N) message forwarding steps
Pastry: Routing table (# 65a1fcx) Row 0 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 log16 N rows
Pastry: Routing Properties log16 N steps O(log N) state d471f1 d467c4 d462ba d46a1c d4213f Each node has a randomly assigned 128-bit nodeId, circular namespace Basic operation: A message with key X, sent by any Pastry node, is delivered to the live node with nodeId closest to X in at most log16 N steps (barring node failures). Pastry uses a form of generalized hypercube routing, where the routing tables are initialized and updated dynamically. Properties log16 N steps O(log N) state Route(d46a1c) d13da3 65a1fc
Pastry: Leaf sets Each node maintains IP addresses of the nodes with the L/2 numerically closest larger and smaller nodeIds, respectively. routing efficiency/robustness fault detection (keep-alive) application-specific local coordination
Pastry: Routing procedure if (destination is within range of our leaf set) forward to numerically closest member else let l = length of shared prefix let d = value of l-th digit in D’s address if (Rld exists) forward to Rld forward to a known node that (a) shares at least as long a prefix (b) is numerically closer than this node
Pastry: Performance Integrity of overlay/ message delivery: guaranteed unless L/2 simultaneous failures of nodes with adjacent nodeIds Number of routing hops: No failures: < log16 N expected, 128/b + 1 max During failure recovery: O(N) worst case, average case much better
Pastry: Self-organization Initializing and maintaining routing tables and leaf sets Node addition Node departure (failure)
Pastry: Node addition d471f1 d467c4 d462ba d46a1c New node: d46a1c Each node has a randomly assigned 128-bit nodeId, circular namespace Basic operation: A message with key X, sent by any Pastry node, is delivered to the live node with nodeId closest to X in at most log16 N steps (barring node failures). Pastry uses a form of generalized hypercube routing, where the routing tables are initialized and updated dynamically. Route(d46a1c) d13da3 65a1fc
Node departure (failure) Leaf set members exchange keep-alive messages Leaf set repair (eager): request set from farthest live node in set Routing table repair (lazy): get table from peers in the same row, then higher rows
Pastry: Experimental results Prototype implemented in Java emulated network deployed testbed (currently ~25 sites worldwide)
Pastry: Average # of hops L=16, 100k random queries
Pastry: # of hops (100k nodes) L=16, 100k random queries
Pastry: # routing hops (failures) 2.73 2.96 2.74 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95 3 No Failure Failure After routing table repair Average hops per lookup L=16, 100k random queries, 5k nodes, 500 failures
Outline Background Pastry Pastry proximity routing PAST SCRIBE Conclusions
Pastry: Proximity routing Assumption: scalar proximity metric e.g. ping delay, # IP hops a node can probe distance to any other node Proximity invariant: Each routing table entry refers to a node close to the local node (in the proximity space), among all nodes with the appropriate nodeId prefix. Locality-related route qualities: Distance traveled Likelihood of locating the nearest replica
Pastry: Routes in proximity space d467c4 65a1fc d13da3 d4213f d462ba Proximity space d46a1c Route(d46a1c) d462ba d4213f d13da3 65a1fc d467c4 d471f1 NodeId space
Pastry: Distance traveled L=16, 100k random queries, Euclidean proximity space
Pastry: Locality properties 1) Expected distance traveled by a message in the proximity space is within a small constant of the minimum 2) Routes of messages sent by nearby nodes with same keys converge at a node near the source nodes 3) Among k nodes with nodeIds closest to the key, message likely to reach the node closest to the source node first
Pastry: Node addition d467c4 d471f1 d467c4 d462ba d46a1c d4213f 65a1fc d13da3 d4213f d462ba Proximity space New node: d46a1c d46a1c Route(d46a1c) d462ba d4213f d13da3 65a1fc d467c4 d471f1 NodeId space Each node has a randomly assigned 128-bit nodeId, circular namespace Basic operation: A message with key X, sent by any Pastry node, is delivered to the live node with nodeId closest to X in at most log16 N steps (barring node failures). Pastry uses a form of generalized hypercube routing, where the routing tables are initialized and updated dynamically.
Pastry delay vs IP delay GATech top., .5M hosts, 60K nodes, 20K random messages
Pastry: API route(M, X): route message M to node with nodeId numerically closest to X deliver(M): deliver message M to application forwarding(M, X): message M is being forwarded towards key X newLeaf(L): report change in leaf set L to application
Pastry: Security Secure nodeId assignment Secure node join protocols Randomized routing Byzantine fault-tolerant leaf set membership protocol
Pastry: Summary Generic p2p overlay network Scalable, fault resilient, self-organizing, secure O(log N) routing steps (expected) O(log N) routing table size Network proximity routing
Outline Background Pastry Pastry proximity routing PAST SCRIBE Conclusions
PAST: Cooperative, archival file storage and distribution Layered on top of Pastry Strong persistence High availability Scalability Reduced cost (no backup) Efficient use of pooled resources
PAST API Insert - store replica of a file at k diverse storage nodes Lookup - retrieve file from a nearby live storage node that holds a copy Reclaim - free storage associated with a file Files are immutable
PAST: File storage fileId Insert fileId PAST file storage is mapped onto the Pastry overlay network by maintaing the invariant that replicas of a file are stored on the k nodes that are numerically closest to the file’s numeric fileId. During an insert operation, an insert request for the file is routed using the fileId as the key. The node closest to fileId replicates the file on the k-1 next nearest nodes in then namespace. Insert fileId
PAST: File storage Storage Invariant: File “replicas” are fileId Insert fileId k=4 Storage Invariant: File “replicas” are stored on k nodes with nodeIds closest to fileId (k is bounded by the leaf set size) PAST file storage is mapped onto the Pastry overlay network by maintaing the invariant that replicas of a file are stored on the k nodes that are numerically closest to the file’s numeric fileId. During an insert operation, an insert request for the file is routed using the fileId as the key. The node closest to fileId replicates the file on the k-1 next nearest nodes in then namespace.
PAST: File Retrieval C k replicas Lookup fileId file located in log16 N steps (expected) usually locates replica nearest client C The last point is shown pictorally here. A lookup request is routed in at most log16 N steps to a node that stores a replica, if one exists. In practice, the node among the k that first receives the message serves the file. Furthermore, network locality properties of Pastry (not discussed in this talk) ensure that this is node is usually the node that is closest to the client in the network !!
PAST: Exploiting Pastry Random, uniformly distributed nodeIds replicas stored on diverse nodes Uniformly distributed fileIds e.g. SHA-1(filename,public key, salt) approximate load balance Pastry routes to closest live nodeId availability, fault-tolerance A number of interesting properties emerge: since nodeId assignment is random, neighboring nodes in namespace are diverse in location, ownership, jurisdiction, network attachment -- thus, excellent candidates for storing replicas of a file. fileId are pseudo-randomly assigned and, like nodeIds, uniformly distributed in the namespace. Thus the number of files assigned to each node is roughly balanced. Pastry routes requests to live node with closest nodeId. Thus, file is available unless all k nodes die simultaneously.
PAST: Storage management Maintain storage invariant Balance free space when global utilization is high statistical variation in assignment of files to nodes (fileId/nodeId) file size variations node storage capacity variations Local coordination only (leaf sets)
Experimental setup Web proxy traces from NLANR Filesystem 18.7 Gbytes, 10.5K mean, 1.4K median, 0 min, 138MB max Filesystem 166.6 Gbytes. 88K mean, 4.5K median, 0 min, 2.7 GB max 2250 PAST nodes (k = 5) truncated normal distributions of node storage sizes, mean = 27/270 MB Using appropriate workloads to evaluate systems like PAST is difficult, because few such systems exist and workloads are difficult to capture. We used two traces – the filesystem is described in the Paper. We chose to use two existing workloads with different characteristics, to probe the space of workload characteristics that a system like PAST might encounter in practice. In particular...
Need for storage management No diversion (tpri = 1, tdiv = 0): max utilization 60.8% 51.1% inserts failed Replica/file diversion (tpri = .1, tdiv = .05): max utilization > 98% < 1% inserts failed
PAST: File insertion failures Leave this out if running out of time
PAST: Caching Nodes cache files in the unused portion of their allocated disk space Files caches on nodes along the route of lookup and insert messages Goals: maximize query xput for popular documents balance query load improve client latency
PAST: Caching fileId Lookup topicId PAST file storage is mapped onto the Pastry overlay network by maintaing the invariant that replicas of a file are stored on the k nodes that are numerically closest to the file’s numeric fileId. During an insert operation, an insert request for the file is routed using the fileId as the key. The node closest to fileId replicates the file on the k-1 next nearest nodes in then namespace. Lookup topicId
PAST: Caching
PAST: Security No read access control; users may encrypt content for privacy File authenticity: file certificates System integrity: nodeIds, fileIds non-forgeable, sensitive messages signed Routing randomized
PAST: Storage quotas Balance storage supply and demand user holds smartcard issued by brokers hides user private key, usage quota debits quota upon issuing file certificate storage nodes hold smartcards advertise supply quota storage nodes subject to random audits within leaf sets
PAST: Related Work CFS [SOSP’01] OceanStore [ASPLOS 2000] FarSite [Sigmetrics 2000]
Outline Background Pastry Pastry locality properties PAST SCRIBE Conclusions
SCRIBE: Large-scale, decentralized multicast Infrastructure to support topic-based publish-subscribe applications Scalable: large numbers of topics, subscribers, wide range of subscribers/topic Efficient: low delay, low link stress, low node overhead
SCRIBE: Large scale multicast topicId PAST file storage is mapped onto the Pastry overlay network by maintaing the invariant that replicas of a file are stored on the k nodes that are numerically closest to the file’s numeric fileId. During an insert operation, an insert request for the file is routed using the fileId as the key. The node closest to fileId replicates the file on the k-1 next nearest nodes in then namespace. Publish topicId Subscribe topicId
Scribe: Results Simulation results Comparison with IP multicast: delay, node stress and link stress Experimental setup Georgia Tech Transit-Stub model 100,000 nodes randomly selected out of .5M Zipf-like subscription distribution, 1500 topics
Scribe: Topic popularity Sunscribers to the topic were selected randomly wwith a uniformprobability gsize(r) = floor(Nr -1.25 + 0.5); N=100,000; 1500 topics
Relative delay penalty, average and maximum Scribe: Delay penalty We mesaured the entire distribution of delay all topics together. What is plotted here is the cumulative distribution of ratio of average dealy Relative delay penalty, average and maximum
Scribe: Node stress
One message published in each of the 1,500 topics Scribe: Link stress This plot the link stress of both Scribe and IP. The maximum for Ip is obviously 1500 and is represented by the blue line. We can see that One message published in each of the 1,500 topics
Related works Narada Bayeux/Tapestry CAN-Multicast
Summary Self-configuring P2P framework for topic-based publish-subscribe Scribe achieves reasonable performance when compared to IP multicast Scales to a large number of subscribers Scales to a large number of topics Good distribution of load
Status Functional prototypes Pastry [Middleware 2001] PAST [HotOS-VIII, SOSP’01] SCRIBE [NGC 2001, IEEE JSAC] SplitStream [submitted] Squirrel [PODC’02]
Current Work Security Keyword search capabilities secure routing/overlay maintenance/nodeId assignment quota system Keyword search capabilities Support for mutable files in PAST Anonymity/Anti-censorship New applications Free software releases
Conclusion For more information