Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0 Winter 2016-2017:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Outline Digital logic and gates; Boolean algebra; De Morgan’s theorems and applications; Karnaugh maps; sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops; implementation: array logic; synchronous circuits; finite-state machines; state minimization/assignment; glitches and hazards; asynchronous circuits Learning Objective This objective of this course is to introduce the student to the theory and tools required for designing combinational/sequential digital logic circuits and synchronous/asynchronous finite state machines. 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Learning Outcomes A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated ability to: Define the binary system and 2’s complement representation Apply operations such as addition and subtraction for binary numbers and 2’s complement notation Comprehend the different theorems in Boolean algebra and apply them for logic functions Design logic circuits implementing a Boolean expression Define Karnaugh maps for Boolean functions and perform algorithmic reduction on them Define combinational circuits such as exclusive-ORs, exclusive-NORs, (de)multiplexers and adders Design programmable array logic (PAL) components to implement logic functions Define sequential circuits such as latches and flip-flops Design synchronous and asynchronous finite-state machines from functional specifications Reduce number of states in finite-state machines Define Mealy and Moore output circuits Use Textronix logic board to design, construct and test digital circuits with a lab-partner Use computer-aided tools in a lab-environment with a lab-partner to design, construct, simulate and test digital circuits Write lab-reports, answer essay-type questions using text, equations and numeric values for assignments and examinations 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Instructor: Robert C. Gauthier Tony Forzley MC 7024 MC7062 (shared) gauthier@doe.carleton.ca tforzley@doe.carleton.ca 613 520 2600 ext. 5808 Formal meetings by appointment through e-mail system Office hours: Lecture days Evaluation Scheme Labs 20% Assignments 10% Midterm 20% Final 50% Lab exemptions cannot be given for accreditation purposes. Students need to obtain a minimum of 50% in their term mark (labs + assignments + midterms) and the final examination in order to pass the course. Students should also do all the labs and get 50% or higher in their overall lab mark to pass this course. 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Required Textbooks: It is highly recommended that you purchase (and read from time to time) the two textbooks indicated. The first is a general reference text outlining the fundamentals of digital switching circuits. The second is a more advanced text treating applications. “Digital Fundamentals”, T, L. Floyd, eleventh edition, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-273796-5. “Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals”, fifth edition, M.M. Mano, C. R. Kime and T. Martin, Pearson, Hoboken New Jersey, ISBN 0-13376063. 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Other References I Consult from Time to Time “Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design”, V. P. Nelson, H. T Nagle, J. D. Irwin and B. D. Carroll, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-463894. “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, fourth edition, J. W. Wakerly, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-186389-4. “Digital Design”, M. M. Mano, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-212333-9. “Digital Systems Principles and Applications, fifth edition, R. J. Tocci, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-213224-9. “Digital Design from Zero to One”, J. D. Daniels, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-12447-8. “Boolean Algebra and Switching Circuits”, E. Mendelson, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book Company, ISBN 07-041460-2. Lecture notes may be available from CuLearn (certainly from my web page) 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
Elec 2607 Digital Switching Circuits Lecture 0: Course Outline Miscellaneous Notes Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course are encouraged to contact a coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to complete the necessary letters of accommodation. After registering with the PMC, make an appointment to meet and discuss your needs with the course coordinator at least two weeks prior to the first in-class test or midterm exam. This is necessary in order to ensure sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements. Requests for religious accommodations should be sent to the course coordinator by 31st Jan 2015. Religious obligations that coincide with the mid-term will be dealt with by moving the weight of the mid-term to the final ????? 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 0:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
Properties of Digital Signals 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
Analog Versus Digital 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
Analog Versus Digital 20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2:
20/09/2018 ELEC 2607 Lecture 1 & 2: