Schedule - Day 1, Mon 8:30-9:30 - Dawn - Intro 9:30-10:00 – Break - Technical Setup 10:00-12:00 – Emily/Dawn - Module 1: Exploring the Reefs all modules include intro lecture, then hands-on work 12:00-1:00 – Lunch 1:30-2:30 – Dawn – Seafloor mapping techniques and GIS analysis 2:30-4:30 – Emily/Dawn – Module 2: Benthic Classifications
http://dusk. geo. orst. edu/djl/samoa http://dusk. geo. orst
GIS Terrain Analysis Dawn Wright Department of Geosciences Oregon State University Photo by ASCC GIS Workshop, September, 2004
NOAA Biogeography “Benthic Habitat” from Ikonos By OrSt grad student Emily Lundblad
Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, 2001 bathy
Terrain Analysis: Bathymetric Position Index (from TPI, Jones et al Terrain Analysis: Bathymetric Position Index (from TPI, Jones et al., 2000, Weiss, 2001) Measure of where a point is in the overall land- or “seascape” Compares elevation of cell to mean elevation of neighborhood Hilltop Middle Coarse BPI Bottom Many physical and biological processes acting on the landscape are highly correlated with topographic position: in some cases a species’ habitat may be partially or wholly defined by the fact it is a hilltop, valley bottom, exposed ridge, flat plain, upper or lower slope, and so on Similarly, these larger-scale features may be important habitat characteristics for some species in the marine environment Ridge Crest Fine BPI Lava Channel
BPI Zone and Structure Classification Flowchart Emily Lundblad, OrSt M.S. Thesis
Emily Lundblad, OrSt M.S. Thesis
From Greene, Bizarro et al From Greene, Bizarro et al., in press, 2004, The benefits and pitfalls of GIS in marine benthic habitat mapping, in Wright, D.J. and Scholz, D.J. (eds.), Place Matters: Geospatial Tools for Marine Science, Conservation, and Management in the Pacific Northwest, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press.
Terrain Analysis: Rugosity Measure of how rough or bumpy a surface is, how convoluted and complex Ratio of surface area to planar area For each cell in the grid, surface areas are based on triangle areas derived from eight triangles Each triangle connects the center point of the central cell with the center points of two adjacent cells. These triangles are located in three-dimensional space, so that the area of the triangle represents the true surface area of the space bounded by the three points. The triangle area is adjusted so that it only represents the portion of the triangle that overlays the central cell. The areas of the eight triangles are summed to produce the total surface area of that cell. The surface ratio of the cell is calculated by dividing the surface area of the cell with the planimetric area of the cell. Surface area based on elevations of 8 neighbors 3D view of grid on the left Center pts of 9 cells connected To make 8 triangles Portions of 8 triangles overlapping center cell used for surface area Graphics courtesy of Jeff Jenness, Jenness Enterprises, and Pat Iampietro, CSU-MB
reveals rugosity in association with complexity and depth. dark blue areas have very high rugosity and yellow areas have low rugosity NEED - common method for attributing visual data and derived grids identifying the habitat types in segments, idea of where marine life is located. %algae, %coral Emily Lundblad, OrSt M.S. Thesis
http://dusk. geo. orst. edu/djl/samoa http://dusk. geo. orst