[This 15 minute presentation should be used to introduce people to All We Can, an international relief and development charity. It is suitable for a fundraising occasion such as at a supper or a quiz night, to inform people of the work All We Can is doing and how their support will make a big difference to the lives of people living in poverty. Make sure you have All We Can Gift Aid envelopes to help the donations go further. On the following slides is a script you may like to adapt and use for your situation.] Thank you for coming to [name of event] that has been organised to raise money for All We Can, an international relief and development charity helping some of the world’s poorest communities. The name, ‘All We Can’, is inspired by the words of the great preacher and Christian leader John Wesley to “do all the good you can”. Let me show you a film to help bring these inspiring words to life. [If you do not have the film then read out the words on the third slide] [Photo: This is Shanu and his son Sam from Malawi, Shanu is working hard to break the cycle of poverty that his family face.]
[Play the film: “Do all the good you can…” which can be downloaded from www.allwecan.org.uk/light]
[Note – if video has not been possible to play, skip to this slide and read the quotation “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”] Points to make after the film: These words from John Wesley, continue to be a strong call to action to take seriously our ability to make a difference to our world. Through the film we met people from poor communities around the world where All We Can works, helping to improve their lives and transform communities. By supporting All We Can we can be a part of this transformation,.
These words, and its commitment to do all we can for the most vulnerable people in the world, have influenced All We Can’s vision, to see every person’s potential fulfilled. All We Can is a movement of people around the world, driven by the belief that wherever people live or whatever their situation may be, everyone has God-given potential. Poverty, discrimination and injustice are key factors that hold people back from people fulfilling their potential and All We Can helps people to overcome these challenges in the following ways. [Photo: Meena Devi from Jharkhand, a poor state in India. With support from All We Can she is meeting with other women in her community, developing awareness of their rights as tribal women and gaining a secure income through rearing goats.]
Firstly it does this through providing emergency relief: All We Can responds quickly to humanitarian disasters around the world. An earthquake, flood, war or hurricane, for example, can devastate peoples lives, people who are often already struggling to provide for their families’. Such a disaster can leave people in need of food and clean water to survive, of shelter for protection and of vital medical aid. It is hard to imagine just how desperate these situations are and what a difference a fast response can make. Over the last year, All We Can has responded: to the people facing starvation due to the famine in East Africa, to the refugee crisis due to the war in Syria, ensuring families and vulnerable people have the basic provisions they need to survive the ordeal of such displacement. to the Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in Myanmar in need of basic provisions like food. [Check to see if All We Can has responded to any other emergencies since the writing of this presentation, April 2018] So, where there is urgent human need affecting some of the world’s poorest people, All We Can seeks to respond with the support of its generous supporters across the UK . [Photo: A Rohinga refugee living in Jamtoli refugee camp in Coxs Bazarin, Bangladesh.]
Secondly, All We Can helps find solutions to poverty by engaging with local people and organisations in some of the world’s poorest communities to end the suffering caused by inequality and injustice. All We Can helps bring lasting change to poor communities in a number of ways as it responds to the local needs. Such as by: giving support and training to widows in Cameroon who are suffering from a life of poverty and discrimination helping communities in Zimbabwe access clean water and good sanitation to help people enjoy a healthier and longer life providing struggling farmers in Ethiopia, like Sintayhu Belachew pictured, with sheep and training to help him provide a secure income to meet his families needs. Every community has its own story to tell and its own issues to contend with. We are now going to meet Shanu and his community from Malawi in a short film, and hear how All We Can is supporting him to overcome the challenges he faces.
[Play the film, Rays of Hope, or the PowerPoint alternative, available from www.allwecan.org.uk/light]
Shanu is working hard for his family and has come together with other people in his community to work on shared land, benefitting from solar irrigation, modern farming methods and resources like seeds. But this development is only possible because people outside of their community, people like us, are choosing to give to All We Can, to make a difference. A gift of £19 would provide a community with seeds and fertiliser, helping poor farmers to improve their harvests enabling them to provide for their families.
A monthly donation to All We Can will go further A monthly donation to All We Can will go further. For example, by giving £10 a month you can ensure that more communities, like the one we met today, can survive the tough challenges that they face and improve their lives, not only for them, but for future generations. [This is an opportunity to thank people for the money raised to this point, such as through ticket sales or donations, and to invite people to make further donations].