Leading A Healthy Lifestyle Mid-Unit Exam Review “Jeopardy” Leading A Healthy Lifestyle Mid-Unit Exam Review Edit the topic by double-clicking on Type the topic here.
Causes of Death & Risk Factors Communication & Emotions Components of Health Goals & Pressures Self Esteem Communication & Emotions 1 2 3 4 5 Double-click on each topic at the top to edit it. The numbers are all hyperlinked to the questions. The hyperlinks only work in the Slide Show view. Type Shift and F5 simultaneously to test your links.
Causes of Death & Risk Factors Physical activity, weight, and smoking are what type of risk factors for heart disease? On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too. Controllable
Causes of Death & Risk Factors Prior to the 20th century, this was the leading cause of death Infectious Diseases
Causes of Death & Risk Factors This is the cause of most health problems today Lifestyle
Causes of Death & Risk Factors This is the major cause of death for teens Car Accidents
Causes of Death & Risk Factors These risk behaviors cause the most serious health problems today Sedentary lifestyle & poor eating habits; Sexual activity and behaviors that cause injury; alcohol, drug, and tobacco use
Components of Health This is the knowledge of health information needed to make good health decisions Health Literacy
Components of Health This is something that can be used to reach a goal Resource
Components of Health Having satisfying relationships is an example of this component of health Social Health
Components of Health The values, beliefs, and practices shared by people who have a common background make up the group’s… Culture
Components of Health This is the single leading preventable cause of death in the United States Tobacco Use
Goals & Pressures Something that can be practiced to help avoid doing something you don’t want to do Refusal Skill
Goals & Pressures Something to work toward and hope to achieve Goal
Goals & Pressures The type of pressure that results from someone trying to convince you to do something you normally wouldn’t do Direct Pressure
Goals & Pressures A type of goal that might take months or years to achieve Long-Term Goal
Goals & Pressures The type of pressure that results from being swayed to do something because people you look up to are doing it Indirect Pressure
Self Esteem The measure of how much a person values, respects, and feels confident about themselves, which can be changed, is… Self Esteem
Self Esteem A measure of how one views oneself Self-Concept
Self-Talk or Positive Self-Talk Self Esteem Coaching yourself about your own self-worth by sending messages to yourself Self-Talk or Positive Self-Talk
Speaking positively about oneself; Rewarding doing well; Having fun Self Esteem These are some ways to build self-esteem Speaking positively about oneself; Rewarding doing well; Having fun
Self Esteem Resisting peer pressure and not doing anything to harm oneself in a risky behavior-type situation means a person has this type of self-esteem High Self-Esteem
Communication & Emotions Facial expressions, gestures, and body posture are this type of communication Nonverbal expression or body language
Communication & Emotions A communication style that doesn’t offer opposition when challenged or pressured Passive
Communication & Emotions A way of talking that explains how you feel while remaining firm, calm, and polite “I” Messages
Communication & Emotions A communication style that expresses yourself in a hostile and unfriendly manner Aggressive
Communication & Emotions Arguments, hurt feelings, and unsatisfying relationships can result from… Miscommunication
Daily Double! These “Daily Double” slides are linked to the questions. As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
Daily Double! Template designed by Theresa M. Dyson Computer Resource Specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Adjunct Professor, Tidewater Community College As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!