Socio-emotional Development Age 20-39 Young Adulthood Socio-emotional Development Age 20-39
Family Although parent and teen relationships are challenging, conflicts are minimal in young adulthood. Parents may be there for emotional support or to provide financial assistance. Sometimes conflicts can arise when parents expects young adults to follow rules because they are providing financial support. Relationships with siblings can strengthen into more mature relationships. They can diminish when young adults leave home if they don’t stay in close contact.
Friends Friendships change as people move away and develop new interests or have new schedules. New friendships form, sometimes quickly and sometimes over time. Friendships are needed for emotional support and care. Friendships can provide stress relief in many ways.
Intimacy Intimate relationships may occur with family, friends, or romantic relationships. According to Erikson, developing intimate relationships is a big part of this stage. In relationships with acquaintances, intimacy may never develop. Some people become easily attached, while others struggle with trusting people.
Love Love for a friend, family, or a pet differs from a romantic love. Affectionate love can turn into romantic love with can turn into consummate love, which is a combination of the two. Some people get infatuation (obsession with someone based on appearance or ability) confused with love.
Mate Selection Dating allows people to figure out what they want in a lifetime partner. Finances are one of the biggest problems in marriages so deciding what you desire out of life is crucial. Career paths, living situations, decisions to parent, and family expansion are all issues that should be discussed.
Engagement and Marriage This is a happy and exciting time for a couple. Once marriage happens reality sits in. All marriages experience conflict. Couples need to make the commitment to resolve it and not give up. Marriage is not easy, it takes effort on the part of both partners.