Peranan Pusat Sitasi Malaysia Prof.Madya Dr Abrizah Abdullah Timb. Pengarah, Pusat Sitasi Malaysia
Skop pembentangan Isu-isu akses kepada jurnal ilmiah di Malaysia Eksais audit jurnal ilmiah Peranan Pusat Sitasi Malaysia (PSM) Produk PSM MyCite & MyJurnal Cabaran & prospek Implikasi kepada pustakawan & professional maklumat Skop pembentangan
Saya mulakan dengan berkongsi pengalaman akan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh penerbit jurnal, penyelidik, pengarang, profesional maklumat dan pustakawan untuk mengakses jurnal ilmiah di Malaysia I will start by highlighting problems expressed by stakeholders of scholarly journal publishing which was extracted from workshops, seminars, conferences and conversations.
Problems expressed by journal publishers Not getting enough articles to publish Not getting quality articles Not supported with clerical assistants Don’t know whether people can easily access my journal Don’t know who is citing articles I publish Don’t know how to get my journal indexed Does my journal has an impact in Malaysia How can I prove to management that my journal has quality? Don’t know the best practices for e-journal publishing Scholarly journal publishers expressed several problems such as not getting enough articles to publish and this affect their currency, not getting enough quality articles, not getting submissions from foreign authors, have no idea whether their journals are easily available in libraries, don’t know who are citing their articles, don’t know how they are performing in Malaysia, not sure of how to get indexed, and do not have the technical knowhow of e-publishing.
Problems expressed by authors, researchers Where / how to access Malaysian journals in my field? Is there an online repository of Malaysian journals? Are the journals refereed? What are IF of the journal? What is journal’s frequency? How can I get infor about instructions to authors? Is there an e-version of a journal? Can I submit online? Who is citing my articles in Malaysian journals? What is my h index in Malaysia? Are Malaysian journals indexed by ISI, Scopus or any indexes? Authors and researchers indicated not knowing how to access Malaysian journals, wondering whether there is a database which they can search, are there eversins of a print journals, can they submit online, and most important of all, are the journals refereed, indexed in any indexes, what is their impact factor?
Problems expressed by information professionals/ librarians Is there a master list of Malaysian journals? Is the list available online? Who is responsible for maintaining such a list? How can I locate Malaysian journals to purchase or subscribe for the library? How can I help show my university the performance of our own journals? The total cites, h index? For librarians and information professionals the problem expressed are not having access to a master list of scholarly journals which are dynamic, updated every year so that they can use it to make make decisions on purchasing or subscribing for their repositories.
Keputusan audit jurnal ilmiah (Zainab, A. N. , Sanni, S. A. , Edzan, N Keputusan audit jurnal ilmiah (Zainab, A.N., Sanni, S.A., Edzan, N.N. & Koh, A.P. 2012. Auditing scholarly journals published in Malaysia and assessing their visibility. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 17. no. 1, April: 65-92 We did a journal audit and the results indicated there are 464 scholarly journals. The information was obtained from catalogues of major libraries. You can see that there was an increase over the years and seems to be increasing. However I am guessing that slightly more than half of this total are still current as well as new titles are getting published every year especially from the newer universities.
Jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan penerbit Jumlah jurnal Peratus Kerajaan 96 20.6 Persatuan 104 22.4 Universiti 257 55.5 Agensi swasta 7 1.5 Jumlah 464 100.0 When sorted by publishers, the results show that the universities are the main publishers followed by professional societies and government agencies.
Kekerapan & format Kekerapan Jumlah jurnal Peratus Annual 259 55.8 Bi-annual 167 36.0 Tri-annual 10 2.2 Quarterly 25 5.4 >4 issues 3 0.6 TOTAL 464 100.0 Format Print 272 62.9 Hybrid 145 31.3 Online 27 5.8 Jumlah Out of the 464 journals about 90% are published either annually or biannual And more are still being published in print although hybrids are increasing in number. This seems to infer why problems of accessibility exist.
Jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan disiplin Bidang Jumlah jurnal Peratus Arts, humanities, social sciences 265 57.1 Sciences, technology, engineering, medicine 199 42.9 Jumlah 464 100.0 When sorted by broad disciplines the results show that there are more titles published in the arts humanities and the social sciences. However I am guessing that sustainability is better for journals in the STEM fields. Ie more are still publishing.
Jurnal Malaysia di dlm WoS (n=9) No Title Journal Impact factor Scimago Journal Rank Quartile S=Scopus, W=Wos 1 Al-Shajarah N/A 2 Bul Mal Math Sci Soc 0.696 0.041 S&W=Q2 3 J Oil Palm Res 0.148 - S = Q4 4 J Rubber Res 0.154 0.031 S=Q3 5 J Trop Forest Sci 0.519 0.035 S=Q2 6 Mal J Comp Sci 0.364 0.030 W=Q4,S=Q3 7 Mal J Lib Infor Sci 0.353 0.027 8 Sains Malaysiana 0.152 W=Q4 9 Trop Biomed 0.581 0.053 S&W=Q3 We also studied Malaysian journals visibility. In this context we mean their indexation status in international indexing databases. We found that only 9 journals are indexed in the Web of Science. The performance is indicated and I would like to highlight the performance of Bull Mal Maths Sci Soc which has achieved quartile 2 in both WoS and Scopus.
Jurnal Malaysia di dalam WoS (9) & Scopus (49) berdasarkan penerbit Jumlah Jurnal Peratus Kerajaan 7 1.5 Persatuan 15 3.2 Universiti 29 6.2 Agensi swasta Jumlah 51 10.9% We found that more Malaysian journals are indexed in Scopus totalling 51 and the universities are doing well in getting their journals indexed especially by Scopus.
Jurnal Malaysia di dalam WoS & Scopus berdasarkan bidang (10.9%) Jumlah jurnal Peratus Science 18 35.3 Medicine 10 19.6 Engineering 4 7.8 Arts, humanities 5 9.8 Social sciences 19.7 Miscellaneous TOTAL 51 100.0 Out of the 51 journals, there are more journals in the sciences and medicine are successful in getting indexation status, while in the Arts and social sciences more journals in the fields of business and economics are represented
Jurnal Malaysia di dalam WoS & Scopus diterbitkan oleh universiti (6 Universities Scopus WoS Total UIA - 1 UKM 5 UM 7 2 UNIMAS UMT UPM USM 6 Taylors UC TOTAL 28 29 Here we show there are 29 journals from the universities being indexed mainly in Scopus and more titles are published by the research universities, UM, UPM, USM and UKM.
Pengindeksan oleh MyAIS
Hasilnya Pusat Sitasi Malaysia ditubuhkan - Februari 2011 oleh KPT. Lokasi: Fakulti Sains Komputer & Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya (UM) KPI di UM: - Mengupah staf kontrak (indexers, programmers) - Membangunkan MyCite + sistem sokongan lain - Migrasi data daripada MyAIS - Melancarkan MyCite sesegera mungkin (telah dilancarkan pada 22 Mei 2012, Pan Pacific KLIA). To improve the situation the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia put forward a paper to the government for the setting up of a Malaysian Citation Centre and in Feb 2011 a centre was established at the Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology University of Malaya. The main KPI at this early stage are: to hire indexers and programmers, to develop MyCite and other relevant supporting system, to migrate and simulate data from MyAIS (Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System) developed at UM which then holds about 12,000 records from scholarly journals and finally to launch MyCite as soon as possible.
Penubuhan PSM adalah sejajar dengan aspirasi KPT Malaysia, khususnya, dan dengan Kerajaan Malaysia, pada amnya, iaitu untuk menempatkan universiti-universiti Malaysia di kalangan universiti terbaik di dunia melalui peningkatan kualiti penerbitan di Malaysia khususnya penerbitan jurnal ilmiah. PSM akan menjadi pusat sehenti yang dapat membantu mengantarabangsakan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah Malaysia, membuatkan kandungan jurnal dapat dicapai secara global dan diindeks di peringkat kebangsaan, serta mencadangkan pengindeksan jurnal-jurnal ini di dalam pangkalan data agensi pengindeksan antarabangsa seperti Scopus dan Web of Science. Mengenai PSM
Mengumpul artikel dan sitasi bagi jurnal ilmiah Malaysia dan membangunkan alatan capaian kembali di dalam bentuk pangkalan data indeks sitasi yang mampan. Menyediakan maklumat faktor impak jurnal Malaysia bagi setiap tahun. Menjalankan kajian bibliometrik dan saintometrik di dalam bidang-bidang berkaitan dan menerbitkan artikel secara berkala di dalam jurnal kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Menyediakan perkhidmatan akademik serta latihan dan perundingan bagaimana meningkatkan kualiti jurnal Malaysia. Menjalin perkongsian dengan organisasi berkaitan bagi menjadikan jurnal Malaysia lebih kelihatan di peringkat kebangsaan, serantau dan antarabangsa. Tanggungjawab PSM
Mengumpul, memantau, menyelaras dan meningkatkan standard penerbitan jurnal ilmiah di Malaysia. Menjalankan penyelidikan dan penilaian komunikasi ilmiah di Malaysia, pembangunan pangkalan data jurnal serta pembangunan dan penyelidikan perisian sitasi. Peranan utama
Produk PSM MyJurnal MyCite Bibliographic data For each article in journals = Author(s), Title, Journal, Year + References. Full text if publishers permit Editing modules = author, affiliations, journal names, References segmentation Performance bibliometric reports Topic = Total articles, for each article total cites Authors = Total articles, total cites, h index Affiliation – Total articles, total cites, h index Journal = total articles, total cites, h index. If 2 or 5 year issues are indexed total articles total citations Impact factor Immediacy index, citation half life, h index, other indicators Produk PSM
So how does MyCite then uses the data in Myjurnal So how does MyCite then uses the data in Myjurnal? This is print screen of MyCite home page.
Jurnal perlu diterbitkan selama 2 tahun sebelum diindeks oleh MyCite Jurnal yang mempunyai faktor impak yang baik akan dicadangkan oleh PSM untuk diindeks oleh Scopus. Dihubungkan dengan MyJurnal untuk mengekstrak data bibliografik dan pengiraan indicator bibliometrik.
Laporan bibliometrik yang boleh dijana Produktiviti jurnal: total articles, total cites, yearly IF, 5-yrly IF, immediacy index, citation half life, h index. Produktiviti institusi dan pengarang: total articles, total cites, h index Laporan sitasi berdasarkan bidang: total articles, total cites to an article
MyCite adalah initiatif kebangsaan MyCite atau Indeks Sitasi Malaysia merupakan initiatif Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPTM), yang selari dengan aspirasinya di dalam Teras Tiga Pelan Strategik Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PSPTN) iaitu dalam memperkukuh penyelidikan dan inovasi di institusi pengajian tinggi. Ia dapat menyokong Pelan Tindakan PSPTN yang berikut: 1. Item 5.24 (iii) Meningkatkan kolaborasi sistem penyelidikan IPT dengan rantaian Sistem Inovasi Kebangsaan menerusi peningkatan kualiti penyelidikan dan penerbitan. 2. Item 5.24 (xii) Menggalakkan dan membantu penyelidik dalam penulisan jurnal berwasit (refereed journal) dan berimpak tinggi. 3. Item 5.24 (xii) Memperkasakan jurnal tempatan terpilih setanding dengan jurnal antarabangsa. 4. Item 9.28 (v) Mempertingkatkan keupayaan, penyusunan, dan penganalisisan data berkaitan dengan semua aspek pengajian tinggi. MyCite adalah initiatif kebangsaan
MyCite bermatlamat meningkatkan kualiti dan keternampakan jurnal-jurnal ilmiah Malaysia. Objektif spesifik adalah: Untuk mewujudkan satu polisi yang dapat memudahcara dalam penyusunan, pemantauan serta dalam meningkatkan standard penerbitan jurnal ilmiah di Malaysia Untuk membentuk satu sistem penarafan jurnal bagi membantu penerbit- penerbit Malaysia mengenal pasti kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka dan kemudiannya mempertingkatkan kualiti jurnal tersebut Untuk menyenaraikan dan menilai semua penerbitan ilmiah di Malaysia dengan menggunakan penunjuk-penunjuk bibliometrik Untuk memberikan satu ukuran yang objektif bagi impak saintifik jurnal Malaysia Untuk menjadikan penerbitan ilmiah Malaysia boleh dicapai secara global Objektif MyCite
Menyediakan maklumat bibliometrik serta kandungan teks penuh jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan di Malaysia dalam bidang Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan, Perubatan, Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan. Menyediakan laporan sitasi dan bibliometrik bagi penyelidik, jurnal dan institusi di Malaysia yang hanya berdasarkan kandungan dalam MyCite. Membantu membuat kandungan penerbitan ilmiah Malaysia lebih kelihatan di peringkat global agar penyelidik Malaysia boleh mengenal pasti pakar dan bidang untuk berkolaborasi, serta merangsang penggunaan dan sitasi. Kebolehgunaan MyCite
Signifikan MyCite Pengarang dapat mengetahui … Jumlah artikel mereka yang diterbitkan di dalam jurnal Malaysia iaitu produktiviti penyelidikan. Individu lain yang merujuk hasil kerja mereka di dalam jurnal Malaysia. Individu lain yang menjalankan kajian di dalam bidang mereka dan menghasilkan penerbitan di dalam jurnal Malaysia. Penerbit jurnal akan tahu … Jumlah artikel yang diterbitkan mereka. Impak jurnal mereka di dalam tetingkap 2 dan 5 tahun. Immediacy index jurnal mereka atau seberapa cepatkah artikel yang diterbitkan menerima sitasi. h-index jurnal masing- masing. Signifikan MyCite
Signifikan MyCite Pustakawan akademik boleh mengetahui … Jumlah penerbitan oleh pengarang yang bergabung kepada institusi mereka. Jumlah sitasi kepada artikel yang ditulis oleh pengarang yang bergabung kepada institusi mereka Para akademik, penyelidik dan pelajar boleh … Mencari dan mendapatkan maklumat, serta muat-turun artikel teks-penuh yang terdapat di dalam sistem. Mengetahui pengarang dan institusi yang aktif di dalam penerbitan. Mengenalpasti impak sesebuah jurnal. Menjalankan kajian bibliometrik dan saintometrik berkaitan penyelidikan di Malaysia. Signifikan MyCite
Gratis kepada penerbit jurnal Malaysia untuk menerbit dan mengurus jurnal mereka - MyJurnal menyokong fungsi pewasitan dan penerbitan artikel. Satu keperluan sekiranya sesebuah jurnal mahu diindeks oleh MyCite untuk pengiraan produktiviti dan impak (sitasi). Penerbit diberi pilihan untuk membina website jurnal melalui aplikasi penerbitan MyCite ekstrak data daripada MyJurnal untuk memaparkan hasil pencarian, jana sitasi dan laporan impak.
Just to show the main screen of MyJurnal
Web Site Generated (
Keterangan Menu MyJurnal No Descriptions Shows the summary of the journal Able to edit the journal information, name, descriptions Function to upload published articles by Editors/Publishers Function where editor will be able to check all the submitted articles and view all the comments from the collaboration with reviewers, editorial board members, editor-in-chief and authors Collect / register all the reviewers for this journal Information about the editorial group to be displayed in the web Information about the submission to be displayed in the web Create volume and Issue to upload and publish articles Function for editors to change their profile CMS to create journal website 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
And the modules which are in the red square bracket are important modules that we use to clean, merge and edit bibliographic and citation data
“Cleaning” of critical data Challenges: “Cleaning” of critical data Affiliations can be deleted or edited Establish Authors’ names & aliases Establish affiliation & aliases Establish journal names & aliases for abbreviations Algorithm that segment article references I highlight the editing modules, which we mainly use to clean the following data, Affiliation names, authors’ variant names, journal names and their aliases and the most important of all is the references editor which embeds an algorithm which automatically segments all references attached to articles. Therefore for each article being uploaded the references are segmented and this need to be checked by the indexers to make sure that the segmentation is carried out correctly. This the key module that produces the citation counts for MyCite.
Problems: authors’ variant names Affiliation Country Publica-tions Citations h-Index 1 Nazni, W.A. Institute for Medical Research Malaysia 20 6 2 Nazni Wasi Ahmad 3 4 Huq, Naznin Afrose University of Dhaka Bangladesh 5 Nazni, W. Nazni Wasi Ahma University of Malaya To handle problem like this one where an author use variant form of his/her name. We will merge 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 so that what ever form of the name is queried by the user data from all these variant forms are displayed. This is done to ensure accurate productivity and citation count.
Affiliation aliases management module A print screen shot of the affiliation aliases module
Segmented References in “Reference editor” Item title: An unusual presentation of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults Ray, S1, Sarkar, D2, Ganguly, S3, Maiti, A4. Medical Journal of Malaysia (Volume 67, No. 1, 2012, Pages 116 to 117) Times cited: 0 5 references, Reference no: 1071 Screen shot of the reference editor module where the indexer makes sure that the references in an article is properly segmented. We observe that journals adopted over 40 different ways of referencing style and we it took us a long time to improve this algorithm.
Jurnal yang diindeks oleh MyCite Bidang Jumlah jurnal Peratus Jumlah artikel Arts & Humanities 14 18.0 1292 11.0 Engineering & Technology 7 9.3 948 8.0 Medical & Health Sci 15 20.0 3429 29.0 Sciences 17 22.7 4139 35.0 Social Sciences 22 29.3 2008 17.0 Total 75 100.0 11816 In total now MyCite indexed fully (5 years or more) 75 journals. This number changed dynamically as we indexed more journals. As you can observe we cover more jourals in the STEM fields because many are already published online, making it easy for MCC to access for indexing purposes.
Sepuluh negara tertinggi di MyCite berdasarkan jumlah penerbitan ilmiah 2006 - 2010 We can also generate report about country contributions. You can observe from just over 11,000 records in Mycite the number of authors affiliated to a foreign country publishing in malaysian journals is well represented, mainly from India, Australia, the UK, USA, Indonesia, Iran, Thailand, Japan and Singapore.
Sepuluh Institusi Terbaik di MyCite – berdasarkan jumlah penerbitan No Institusi Jumlah Penerbitan Jumlah Sitasi h-Index 1 UKM 1715 171 4 2 UPM 1270 122 3 UM 1195 102 USM 925 72 5 UiTM 406 41 6 UTM 346 13 7 IIUM 279 30 8 UMT 177 9 UM Sabah 175 11 10 UM Sarawak 166 14 We can also produce reports indicating contributions by institutions in Malaysia. Please observe that presently, the main contributors are UKM, UPM, UM UM.
General search module Briefly I will show print screen showing the main modules in MyCite. You can search and explore this yourself if you have Internet access from anywhere. I will highlight the General search Module first.
Search topic = “nipah virus” Under general search you can post 4 types of searchers, by a topic or subject, an author’s name, a journal title, affiliation. Under this option combined search cannot be done but is provided under advance search. So for example if you search under topic for NIPAH VIRUS
Results for “nipah virus” This sctreen will be displayed showing all 167 articles from various journals on nipah virus. You can view abstract and full text here if the publishers allow us to give access. If you choose citation report .. And you choose an article by ticking the box You get the visualized report
Article citation report In this example is a report for an article indicating it receives 5 citations and the year the citations were made. And if you click on the number under a particular year you will view the citing articles
Articles citing an article The citing artices
Search author = “Chua, k.b.” Similarly for the other options the diplay is the same. Example searching for author Chua KB will display the authors name and the institution he reports to be affiliated to in his articles. Lets take the first one where he is indicated to publish 11 articles and receives 4 citations. Again tick the box or boxes beside the names and choose citation report.
Citation report “chua, k.b” A visualized report is provided indicating chua’s publications over the years covered. If you click on the number under total you can choose to view articles that cite Chua or articles by chua that were cited
Articles by “chua, k.b” Articles by Chua, K.B. Screen showing articles by chua
Articles that cite chua, k.b. Total 4 Screen showing articles that cite chua
Search journal “Sains Malaysiana” So the same would be when you search for a journal. In this case Sains Malaysiana. At the bottom the number of publications indexed in MyCite is given, as well as the total citations received and the h index. Click on the box and choose citation report to see the visualized results
Publication Report for “Sains Malaysiana” The visualized report showing articles indexed in MyCite between 2006 and 2010. Clicking of the number under total will take you to the publication list
Publication in “Sains Malaysiana” Total articles: 152 This screen shows the publications published in Sains Malaysiana
Citation report: “Sains Malaysiana” You can also see the citation report. Articles citing Sains Malaysiana in 2010 and articles by Sains Malaysiana cited in 2010
Search affiliation “Universiti Malaya” The same results is displayed when searching for an institutions name under affiliation Example Universiti Malaya. Information given is total publications, total citations received and the h index
Publication report: “Universiti Malaya” Shows the visualized the publication report between 2006 and 2012
Citation report: “Universiti Malaya” Can visualize the citation report
MyCite Citation reports Another module is the Citation reports
Journal Citation Report by yearly IF I show you one of the reports = that is journal citation report for the 76 journals indexed fully by MyCite. You can sort the report A-Z by title or by total artcles Or by total citations or by Yrly impact factor, etc. In this screen short the 10 titles are ranked by yearly impact factor. You may observe that journals in the Arts and social sciences are performing well in Malaysia.
Single journal summary click on journal title Besides this for every journal an individualized summary report is generated
Summary: Mal J Econ Stud Giving basic details. In this case for Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies
Journal information Journal impact factor The report shows the alternative title of the journal, who is the publisher, the calculation of its impact factor
5-yr impact factor Calculation of its 5-year impact factor
Total cites vs Self cite Total cites vs self citation
Immediacy index Its immediacy index
Cited half life: 1.7 Cited half life
Citing half life: 0.9
Prospek masa hadapan PSM Kolaborasi dengan negara-negara Asean seperti Thailand, Filipina, Indonesia dan Vietnam di dalam pembentukan ASEAN Citation Index. Menyumbang maklumat penerbitan dan sitasi kepada Pusat Sitasi Islam (Islamic Citation Centre Iran). Agen yang mencadangkan pengindeksan jurnal-jurnal Malaysia kepada Scopus. Prospek masa hadapan PSM
Buku maklumat MyCite = MyCite information booklet Malaysian scientific performance in the Web of Science 2001-2010 Citation performance of Malaysian scholarly journals in the Web of Science 2006-2010 Proceeding: International Conference on Journal Citation Systems in Asia Pacific Countries Penerbitan PSM 2012
Tindakan anda! Ambil tahu prestasi jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh institusi anda khasnya, dan jurnal Malaysia secara amnya. Tingkatkan visibiliti jurnal institusi anda. Pohon agar ia diindeks oleh MyCite. Berikan PSM sekurang-kurangnya 5 isu 2007-2011 untuk diindeks. Beri PSM akses kepada teks penuh (online, soft copies, print) Ikuti piawaian penerbitan jurnal ilmiah (menjaga kualiti jurnal) Perbaiki h index institusi anda dengan bekerjasama memberi PSM akses kepada jurnal di perpustakaan. Finally, for your actions dear editors of Malaysian scholarly journals. Please request for indexation in Myjurnal and MyCite to increase your visibility Provide MCC with access to at least 6 years of your issues if not longer So that you can know the performance of your journal in Malaysia Remember the more journals that are indexed the higher would be the chances of seeing how you really perform inMalaysia. For example if medical science journals are indexed – only then can we know which Malaysian medical journals are influential in Malaysia in terms of citation and impact factor. Later on we can also include quartile performance of journals in a particular field. Please visit our sites Lawati: Terima kasih