American History Chapter 23: An Era of Activism III. The Counterculture
Objectives Find out about social changes promoted by the counterculture. Learn how the music world of the 1960s and 1970s contributed to the cultural changes of this era.
Bellringer Counterculture – how is it a counter to traditional American culture? 777
A) A Time of Change Counterculture – Group of young Americans in the 1960s who rejected conventional customs and mainstream culture hippies - peace, love, freedom, new music, new dress, sexual attitudes, drugs Baby boom resulted in huge student population – music and clothing industry, college courses, and politians could not ignore
a) Sixties Style Rejected restrictions and challenged authority – women wore long hair, loose dresses – men beards and long hair – reject the suit Wore “poor” clothes and “oppressed” clothes – ponchos Pop Art/Op Art – soup cans and psychedelic drugs look
b) The Sexual Revolution Don’t need to be married to have sex Communal groups – couples – not married Sex and the Single Girl and Human Sexual Response
c. The Drug Scene Psychedelic drugs – hallucinations and altered perceptions of reality – marijuana Harvard University – Timothy Leary researched psychedelic drugs and created LSD – fired – “Tune in, turn on, drop out” Argued it freed the mine Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix died of drug overdose – escape reality
B) The Music World 1960s – folk music Songs about protest, laborer, and slavery 1964 revolutionized music in America – “the Fab Four” Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin
a) Woodstock Woodstock Festival – 1969 music festival in upstate New York Bethel, pasture heat and rain – police did not enforce drug laws and the festival remained under control Mainstream deplored the drugs, sex, and nudity – seemed a childish reaction to the problems of the era
b) Atlamont 300,000 people to see the Stones in California – Hell’s Angels hired to provide security – beat a man to death Hippies mainly middle class – when the counterculture ended – many of them went to work for companies they had denounced
Review What social changes were promoted by the counterculture? How did music both reflect and contribute to the cultural changes of this era?