Year 6 SATs meeting 8th February 2018
We will look at; Organisation of the week The meaning of the results Help between now and then
The tests will be from 14th- 17th May Date Subject (morning) Monday 14th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: short answer questions (45 minutes) Paper 2: spelling (15 minutes) Tuesday 15th May English reading test Paper 1: Reading comprehension (60 minutes) Wednesday 16th May Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic (30 minutes) Paper 2: reasoning (40 minutes) Thursday 17th May Paper 3: reasoning (40 minutes)
A SATs day Breakfast (free) in Year 6 between 8 and 8:30 The tests will start between 9:15 and 9:30 The maths tests will be in their maths groups – other tests in their own classrooms Only equipment they need will be a couple of sharpened pencils
Feeling unwell/late Unless they have something contagious – they need to be in Please don’t book dentist appointments for that week! If they miss a maths paper they can’t retake it If you are running late, please inform the school
Raw and Standardised scores Each pupil will get a raw score, based on the number of questions they got right This is then converted into a standardised score, with 100 being age-expected and 110 being greater depth Last year, in reading, a raw score of 26 out of 50 equated to a standardised score of 100 A score of 39 equated to 110
Conversion Table
Results The papers are sent away to be marked and the results are returned to us in the first week of July
Over the holidays the children need time to be children How You Can Help Over the holidays the children need time to be children In maths, smart revision is needed with focused work being on the areas they struggle with There are some ‘easy wins’, for example fractions
Topics to revise Hopefully you will all have been given a sheet as you came in today, that has a list of key areas for your child to revise. These are areas we KNOW are very likely to come up in the papers this year. The more work they can do on them, the better!
Useful Websites