Sovereign Credit Outlook: Kenya and East Africa Session 1: Economic Outlook and Overview Kenya-UK Trade & Investment Forum 15 SEPTEMBER 2016, LONDON
Global Outlook Shifting to Negative Balance POLICY CHALLENGES Deflation High Debt Low Growth Structural Reform Trade Policy? VOLATILE CAPITAL FLOWS ‘Taper Tantrum’ etc show sentiment vulnerable Potential triggers – normalisation, China Growth… GROWTH LOW, STABILIZING EM growth recovery; AE low for long Trade, Productivity, Inv. limit LT growth Engines of Growth (US, China) to slow Commodity prices stabler; little upside SUPPORTIVE MONETARY CONDITIONS Gradual US rate normalization Loose policy in other major economies POLITICAL DYNAMICS ‘Fragmentation’ concerns in Europe ‘Political Risk’ from Turkey to Brazil… US elections?
Sub-Saharan Africa Outlooks Also Balanced to Negative Ratings under pressure in 2016: Weakened growth prospects, especially following commodity price slump With very limited fiscal or monetary space, historically high debt loads and service costs High vulnerability to external shocks, given growth in external, non-concessional debt And – with exceptions, including Kenya – very shallow domestic debt markets 6 sovereigns downgraded : Mozambique, Zambia, Gabon, Nigeria, Angola, Congo Negative outlooks reflect: Adjustment to oil price fall (Angola, Gabon) Commodity price decline and domestic policy slippage (Ghana, RSA, Zambia) Fiscal slippage and government liquidity risk (e.g. Ghana and Zambia) Senegal’s positive outlook was affirmed in June 2016, reflecting the country's positive momentum in growth performance, improving institutional strength and fiscal consolidation efforts in the context of its development plan, which we also expect will bring about structural improvements to the economy. Cote d’Ivoire was upgraded to Ba3 stable from B1 stable, reflecting: (i) the consolidation of political stability following successful presidential elections; (ii) a positive trend in the country's public finances, supported by very strong growth prospects; and (iii) an improvement in governance and institutional strength. Source: Moody’s
East Africa: Bucking the Trend, Though Pressured Strong growth momentum Rising infrastructure investment Robust household consumption Net oil/commodity importers Regional integration Economically diversified Market-friendly policy environment Rising debt, twin deficits, exposure to volatile capital flows Infrastructure investment results in rising deficits and debt burdens Twinned with large, persistent current account deficits Relatively weak institutions, high political risk Comparatively robust growth mitigates to some extent growing fiscal and external pressures
Kenya: Balancing Potential Growth vs Fiscal Stability Economic Strength Moderate (-) Large, diverse, rapidly growing economy. Low wealth, external deficit. Institutional Strength Low Relatively weak governance but stronger macro policy institutions Fiscal Strength Low (+) Mature capital mkts but high/rising deficit/debt and spending pressures Event Risk Moderate Political/liquidity focus, external exposure limited but rising Economic Resiliency Low (+) Government Financial Strength Low (+) Government Bond Rating Range Ba3 – B2
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Alastair Wilson Managing Director Global Sovereign Risk +44.20.7772.1372 Rita Babihuga-Nsanze AVP Analyst Global Sovereign Risk +44.20.7772.1718