Herbrand Resolution
Problem With Natural Deduction Assumption p(a) p(f(a)) p(x) => q(x) ~p(x) => q(x) Universal Elimination ∀x.∀y.q(x,y) q(a,a) q(x,a) q(a,y) q(x,y) q(a, f(a)) q(x, f(a)) … … One of the problems of natural deduction systems like Fitch is that there are rules that require that we choose from infinitely many possible instances. For example, the Assumption rule allows us to assume any legal sentence. And the universal elimination rule allows us to substitute almost any legal term for the variables in universally quantified sentences.
Resolution Principle The Resolution Principle is a rule of inference. Using the Resolution Principle alone (without axiom schemata or other rules of inference), it is possible to build a proof system (called Resolution) that is can prove everything that can be proved in Fitch. The search space using the Resolution Principle is much smaller than that of natural deduction systems. Herbrand Resolution is a proof system for Herbrand Logic that does not have this problem. As we shall see, Herbrand Resolution allows us to derive conclusions from premises without making arbitrary substitutions. Like Propositional Resolution, Herbrand Resolution relies on a single rule of inference called the Resolution Principle. Using the resolution principle alone (without axiom schemata or other rules of inference), it is possible to build a reasoning system that is able to prove everything that can be proved in Fitch. Moreover, the search space using the resolution principle is smaller than the search space for generating Fitch proofs.
Programme Clausal Form Unification Resolution Rule of Inference Unsatisfiability Logical Entailment Answer Extraction This lesson is devoted entirely to Herbrand resolution. We start with a look at clausal form, a variation of the language of Herbrand logic. We then discuss unification, which is a key to the power of Herbrand resolution. And then we examine the resolution rule of inference in detail. Finally, we show how the rule is used in determining unsatisfiability, in checking logical entailment, and in extracting answers to fill-in- the blanks type questions.
Clausal Form
Clausal Form Resolution works only on expressions in clausal form. Fortunately, it is possible to convert any set of Herbrand Logic sentences into an equally satisfiable set of sentences in clausal form. As with propositional resolution, Herbrand Resolution works only on expressions in clausal form. Fortuntaley, it is possible to convert any set of Herbran Logic sentences into an equally satsifiable set of expressions in clausal form.
{p(a)}, {¬p(b)}, {p(a),¬p(b)} Clausal Form A literal is either an atomic sentence or a negation of an atomic sentence. p(a), ¬p(b) A clausal sentence is either a literal or a disjunction of literals. p(a), ¬p(b), p(a) ∨ ¬p(b) A clause is a set of literals. {p(a)}, {¬p(b)}, {p(a),¬p(b)} The definitions here are analogous to those for Propositional resolution. A literal is either a relational sentence or a negation of a relational sentence. A clausal sentence is either a literal or a disjunction of literals. A clause is a set of literals and, as in propositional logic, represents a disjunction of the literals in the set.
Empty Sets The empty clause {} is unsatisfiable. Why? It is equivalent to an empty disjunction. As with Propositional clausal form, the empty set is also a clause. It is equivalent to an empty disjunction and, therefore, is unsatisfiable.
Inseado Implications Out: The procedure for converting relational sentences to clausal form is similar to that for Propositional Logic. It goes by the catchy name of Inseado, which is an acronym for the steps in the procedure. Some of the rules are the same as those of propositional logic. However, there are a few additional rules to deal with variables and quantifiers. In the first step (Implications out), we eliminate all occurrences of the => and <=> operators by substituting equivalent sentences involving only the &, |, and ~ operators.
Inseado Implications Out: Negations In: In the second step (Negations in), negations are distributed over other logical operators and quantifiers until each such operator applies to a single atomic sentence. The replacement rules shown here do the job. We eliminate double negations. We use deMorgan’s laws to distribute negations over conjunctions and disjunctions; and we distribute negations over quantifiers. When this step is done, any remaining negations are applied directly to atomic sentences.
Inseado (continued) Standardize variables In the third step (Standardize variables), we rename variables so that each quantifier has a unique variable, i.e. the same variable is not quantified more than once within the same sentence. For example, in the case shown here, we rename the variable x in the second disjunct to y.
Inseado (continued) Standardize variables Existentials Out (Outside in) In the fourth step (Existentials out), we eliminate all existential quantifiers. The method for doing this is a little complicated, and there are two cases. If an existentially quantified sentence does not contain any free variables and does not occur within the scope of a universal quantifier, we simply drop the existential quantifier and replace all occurrences of the quantified variable by a new object constant; i.e., one that is NOT part of the language. The constant used to replace the existential variable in this case is called a Skolem constant. In the example shown here we have replaced x by a (on the assumption that a was not in the original language).
Inseado (continued) Standardize variables Existentials Out (Outside in) If an existential quantified sentence contains free variables or lies within the scope of any universal quantifiers, there is the possibility that the value of the existential variable depends on the values of the associated universal variables. Consequently, we cannot replace the existential variable with a constant. Instead, the general rule is to drop the existential quantifier and to replace the associated variable by a term formed from a new function symbol applied to the variables associated with the free variables and universally quantified variables in the target. Any function defined in this way is called a Skolem function. The following example illustrates this transformation. It assumes f is not part of the language. In the case shown here, the existentially quantified sentence contains a universally quantified variable x and a free variable y, and so we create a term by taking f and applying it to x and y.
Inseado (continued) Alls Out In the fifth step (Alls out), we drop all universal quantifiers. Because the remaining variables at this point are universally quantified, this does not introduce any ambiguities.
Inseado (continued) Alls Out Distribution In the sixth step (Disjunctions in), we put the expression into conjunctive normal form, i.e. a conjunction of disjunctions of literals. This can be accomplished by repeated use of the distribution listed here rules.
Inseado (concluded) Operators Out In the seventh and final step (Operators out), we eliminate operators by separating any conjunctions into its conjuncts and writing each disjunction as a separate clause.
Example As an example of this conversion process, consider the problem of transforming the following expression to clausal form. The initial expression appears on the top line, and the expressions on the labeled lines are the results of the corresponding steps of the conversion procedure. On the I step, we get rid of the implication operator. The N step has no effect since the only negation in the sentence is already applied to an atomic sentence. The S step has no effect because there are no duplicate variables. On the E step, we notice that the quantified sentence contains no free variables, so we simply replace the quantified variable by a new constant, in this case greg. The A step and the D step have no effect. Finally, on the O step, we convert our conjunction into two separate clauses.
Example Here is another example. In this case, the starting sentence is almost the same. The only difference is the leading ~, but the result looks quite different. As before, on the I step, we get rid of the implication operator. This time the N step is more interesting. We need to push the negation sign down through all of the subexpressions. First, distribute over the existential, flipping it to a universal and negating the target. We then distribute the negation over the conjunction, leading to a disjunction of negated disjuncts. We distribute the negation in the second disjunct over the universal quantifier, flipping it to an existential and negating the target. We distribute that negation ove the disjunction. Finally, we eliminate the double negation. The S step here has no effect.
Example (concluded) On the E step, we note that the existentially quantified sentence does contain a free variable, so we replace the existentailly quantified variable with a term consisting of a Skolem function and the free variable y. On the A step, we drop the universal quantifier. On the D step, we distribute the disjunction over the conjunction. Finally, on the O step, we convert our conjunction of disjunctions to two separate clauses.
Clausal Form Bad News: The result of converting a set of sentences is not necessarily logically equivalent to the original set of sentences. Why? Introduction of Skolem constants and functions. Good News: The result of converting a set of sentences is satisfiable in the expanded language if and only if the original set of sentences is satisfiable in the original language. Important because we use satisfiability to determine logical entailment. In Propositional Logic, the clause set corresponding to any sentence is logically equivalent to that sentence. In Herbrand Logic, this is not necessarily the case. For example, the clausal form of the sentence Ex.p(x) is {p(a)}. This is not logically equivalent. It is not even in the same language. Since the clause exists in a language with an additional object constant, there are truth assignments that satisfy the sentence but not the clause. On the other hand, the clause is effectively equivalent to the original sentence in the sense that it is satisfiable in the expanded language if and only if the original sentence is satisfiable in the original language. As we shall see, in resolution, this equivalence of satisfiability is all we need.
Unification Unification is the process of determining whether two expressions can be unified, i.e. made identical by appropriate substitutions for their variables. Unification is the process of determining whether two expressions can be unified, i.e. made identical by appropriate substitutions for their variables. As we shall see, making this determination is an essential part of resolution.
p(x,x,y,z){x←a, y←f(b), v←w} = p(a,a,f(b),z) Substititions A substitution is a finite set of pairs of variables and terms, called replacements. {x←a, y←f(b), v←w} The result of applying a substitution σ to an expression ϕ is the expression ϕσ obtained from ϕ by replacing every occurrence of every variable in the substitution by its replacement. p(x,x,y,z){x←a, y←f(b), v←w} = p(a,a,f(b),z) A substitution is a finite mapping of variables to terms. In what follows, we write substitutions as sets of replacement rules, like the one shown here. In each rule, the variable to which the arrow is pointing is to be replaced by the term from which the arrow is pointing. In this case, x is to be replaced by a, y is to be replaced by f(b), and v is to be replaced by w. The result of applying a substitution sigma to an expression phi is the expression phi sigma obtained from phi by replacing every occurrence of every variable in the domain of the substitution by the term with which it is associated. For example, applying our substitution to the expression p(x,x,y,z) yields p(a,a,f(b),z).
Cascaded Substitutions r{x,y,z}{x←a, y←f(u), z←v}=r{a,f(u),v} r{a,f(u),v}{u←d, v←e, z←g}=r(a,f(d),e) r{x,y,z}{x←a, y←f(d), z←e, u←d, v←e}=r(a,f(d),e) Given two or more substitutions, it is possible to define a single substitution that has the same effect as applying those substitutions in sequence. For example, the substitutions {x<-a, y<-f(u), z<-v} and {u<-d, v<-e} can be combined to form the single substitution {x<-a, y<- f(d), z<-e, u<-d, v<-e}, which has the same effect as the first two substitutions when applied to any expression whatsoever.
Composition of Substitutions The composition of substitution σ and τ is the substitution (written compose(σ,τ) or, more simply, στ) obtained by (1) applying τ to the replacements in σ (2) adding to σ pairs from τ with different variables (3) deleting any assignments of a variable to itself. {x←a, y←f(u), z←v}{u←d,v←e,z←g} ={x←a,y←f(d),z←e}{u←d,v←e,z←g} ={x←a,y←f(d),z←e,u←d,v←e} Computing the composition of a substitution sigma and a substitution tau is easy. There are three steps. (1) First, we apply tau to the replacements in sigma. (2) Then we adjoin to sigma all pairs from tau with different variables, and finallly (3) we delete any assignments of variables to themselves.
Unification A substitution σ is a unifier for an expression ϕ and an expression ψ if and only if ϕσ=ψσ. p(x,y){x←a,y←b,v←b}=p(a,b) p(a,v){x←a,y←b,v←b}=p(a,b) If two expressions have a unifier, they are said to be unifiable. Otherwise, they are nonunifiable. p(x,x) p(a,b) A substitution sigma is a unifier for an expression phi and an expression psi if and only if phi sigma = psi sigma, i.e. the result of applying sigma to phi is the same as the result of applying sigma to psi. If two expressions have a unifier, they are said to be unifiable. Otherwise, they are nonunifiable.
Non-Uniqueness of Unification Unifier 1: p(x,y){x←a,y←b,v←b} = p(a,b) p(a,v){x←a,y←b,v←b} = p(a,b) Unifier 2: p(x,y){x←a,y← f(w),v← f(w)} = p(a,f(w)) p(a,v){x←a,y← f(w), v← f(w)} = p(a,f(w)) Unifier 3: p(x,y){x←a,y←v} = p(a,v) p(a,v){x←a,y←v} = p(a,v) Note that, although this substitution unifies the two expressions, it is not the only unifier. We do not have to substitute b for y and v to unify the two expressions. We can equally well substitute c or d or f(c) or f(w). In fact, we can unify the expressions without changing v at all by simply replacing y by v. In considering these alternatives, it should be clear that some substitutions are more general than others are. We say that a substitution sigma is as general as or more general than a substitution tau if and only if there is another substitution delta such that tau is the composition of sigma and delta. For example, the substitution at the bottom here is more as general as or more general than the other two since each can be obtained by composing the unifier at the bottom with another substitution. And, in fact, it is more general than the other two in that reverse does not hold. There is no way to convert either of the first two unifiers into the third.
Most General Unifier A substitution σ is a most general unifier (mgu) of two expressions if and only if it is as general as or more general than any other unifier. Theorem: If two expressions are unifiable, then they have an mgu that is unique up to variable permutation. p(x,y){x←a,y←v} = p(a,v) p(a,v){x←a,y←v} = p(a,v) p(x,y){x←a,v←y} = p(a,y) p(a,v){x←a,v←y} = p(a,y) In resolution, we are interested only in unifiers with maximum generality. A most general unifier, or mgu, sigma of two expressions has the property that it as general as or more general than any other unifier. Although it is possible for two expressions to have more than one most general unifier, all of these most general unifiers are structurally the same, i.e. they are unique up to variable renaming. For example, p(x) and p(y) can be unified by either the substitution {x<-y} or the substitution {y<-x}; and either of these substitutions can be obtained from the other by applying a third substitution. This is not true of the unifiers mentioned earlier.
Unification Procedure One good thing about our language is that there is a simple and inexpensive procedure for computing a most general unifier of any two expressions if it exists. One good thing about our language is that there is a simple and inexpensive procedure for computing a most general unifier of any two expressions if it exists.
Expression Structure Each expression is treated as a sequence of its immediate subexpressions. Linear Version: p(a, f(b, c), d) Structured Version: The procedure assumes a representation of expressions as sequences of subexpressions. For example, the expression p(a, f(b),z) can be thought of as a sequence with four elements, viz. the relation constant p, the object constant a, the term f(b), and the variable z. The term f(b) can in turn be thought of as a sequence of two elements, viz. the function constant f and the object constant b. p a d f b c
Unification Procedure (1) If two expressions being compared are identical, succeed. (2) If neither is a variable and at least one is a constant, fail. (3) If one of the expressions is a variable, proceed as described shortly. (4) If both expressions are sequences, iterate across the expressions, comparing as described above. We start the procedure with two expressions and a substitution, which is initially the empty substitution. We then recursively process the two expressions, comparing the subexpressions at each point. Along the way, we expand the substitution with variable assignments as described below. If, we fail to unify any pair of subexpressions at any point in this process, the procedure as a whole fails. If we finish this recursive comparison of the expressions, the procedure as a whole succeeds, and the accumulated substitution at that point is the most general unifier. If the two expressions being compared are identical, w succeed. (2) If neither is a variable and at least one is a constant, we fail. (3) If one of the expressions is a variable, we proceed as described shortly. (4) If both expressions are sequences,we iterate across the expressions, comparing as just described.
Dealing with Variables If one of the expressions is a variable, check whether the variable has a binding in the current substitution. (a) If so, try to unify the binding with the other expression. (b) If no binding, check whether the other expression contains the variable. If the variable occurs within the expression, fail; otherwise, set the substitution to the composition of the old substitution and a new substitution in which variable is bound to the other expression. If one of the expressions is a variable, we first check whether the variable has a binding in the current substitution. If so, we try to unify the binding with the second expression. If there is no binding, we check whether the second expression contains the variable. If the variable occurs within the expression, we fail; otherwise, we set the substitution to the composition of the old substitution and a new substitution in which we bind the variable to the second expression.
Example Call: p(x,b), p(a,y), {} Call: p, p, {} Exit: {} Call: x, a, {} Exit: {}{x←a} = {x←a} Call: b, y, {x←a} Exit: {x←a}{y←b} = {x←a, y←b} Exit: {x←a, y←b} As an example, consider the computation of the most general unifier for the expressions p(x,b) and p(a,y) with the initial substitution {}. A trace of the execution of the procedure for this case is shown here. We show the beginning of a comparison with a line labelled Call together with the expressions being compared and the input substitution. We show the result of each comparison with a line labelled Exit. The indentation shows the depth of recursion of the procedure. On the first nested step, we compare the first element of the first expression with the first element of the second expression. Since they are identical, we succeed with no changes to our substitution. We then compare the variable x to the constant a, leading to a binding of x to a. Finally, we compare b to y. In this case, we compose the current variable assignment with an assignment of y to b to produce the joint assignment x<-a and y<-b. Since we have reached the ends of the two expressions, we are done.
Example Call: p(x,x), p(a,y), {} Call: p, p, {} Exit: {} Call: x, a, {} Exit: {}{x←a} = {x←a} Call: x, y, {x←a} Call: a, y, {x←a}) Exit: {x←a}{y←a} = {x←a, y←a} Exit: {x←a, y←a} As another example, consider the process of unifying the expression p(x,x) and the expression p(a,y). A trace is shown here. The main interest in this example comes in the step involving x and y. At this point, x has a binding, so we recursively compare the replacement a to y, which results in binding of y to a.
Example Call: p(x,x), p(a,b), {} Call: p, p, {} Exit: {} Call: x, a, {} Exit: {}{x←a} = {x←a} Call: x, b, {x←a} Call: a, b, {x←a}) Exit: false Here is an example where we two expressions that do not unify. We start as before. This time, when we compare the second x to b, we get a different result. As before, we retrieve the binding of x, viz. a, and try to unify that with b. Since we have two different constants, we fail, and the unification as a whole fails as well.
Example Call: p(x,x), p(y,f(y)), {} Call: p, p, {} Exit: {} Call: x, y, {} Exit: {}{x←y} = {x←y} Call: x, f(y), {x←y} Call: y, f(y), {x←y}) Exit: false One more example. This one is similar to the last except that the second term in the second expression is functional term that contains y. Afer unifying the first two arguments, we find ourselves trying to unify x and f(y) with a substitution where x is bound to y. This requires us to unify y and f(y). One of the conditions in the unification procedure is that no variable can be bound to complex a term that contains that variable. So the unification fails in this case.
Reason Circularity Problem: {x←f(y),y←f(y)} Unification Problem: p(x,x){x←f(y), y←f(y)} = p(f(y),f(y)) p(y,f(y)){x←f(y), y←f(y)} = p(f(y),f(f(y))) Why do we have this condition? If we were to allow bindings of variables to expressions that contain those variables, it would lead to circular bindings. This in an of itself is not a problem, though it does raise the question of how many times the substitution needs to be applied.. More importantly, it can create a situation where the substitution does not actually unify the input expressions no matter how many times it is applied. As we see here, applying this substitution does not lead to the same result. And it fails no matter how many times we apply it. The second argument in the second case always has one additional application of f.
Solution Before assigning a variable to an expression, first check that the variable does not occur within that expression. This is called, oddly enough, the occur check test. Prolog does not do the occur check (and is proud of it). This is the reason why we check whether a variable is contained in an expression before creating a binding. This is often called the occur check, for obvious reasons. Interestingly, not all logical systems do the occur check. Prolog is notable for not performing the occur check (at least by default in most systems). Programmtically it is useful as a way of generating circular data structure. However, logically, it can lead to errors, and so we always do the occur check in resolution.
Resolution Principle
Propositional Resolution In Propositional Logic, if we have a clause containing a literal phi and another clause containing a literal ~phi, we can use propositional resolution to derive a new clause by collecting together the literals from both clauses except for the complementary pair of literals.
Resolution (Simple Version) Resolution for Herbrand Logic is similar except that the positive literal and the target of the negative literal do not need to be identical; it suffices that they are unifiable. A slightly simplified version of the rule is shown here. Given a clause with a literal phi and a second clause with a literal ~psi such that phi and psi have a most general unifier sigma, we can derive a new clause by collecting together the remaining literals form each clause and applying sigma to the result.
Example Here is an example. Suppose we have a clause containing the literal p(a,y) and another clause containing the literal ~p(x,b). We can unify p(a,y) and p(x,b) with the most general unifier x gets a and y gets b. Hence, we can resolve these two clauses. We form a new clause consisting of the remaining literals from each clause, in this case r(y) and s(x); we apply the most general unifier to this clause; and we thereby produce their resolvent, viz. the clause consisting of literals r(b) and s(a). We’ll see how to use resolution to solve some interesting problems in the next segment. But first we need to refine our definition of the rule to deal with a couple of shortcomings.
Problem Consider the two clauses shown here. Given the meaning of these two clauses, it should be possible to resolve them to produce the empty clause. However, the two atomic sentences do not unify. The variable x must be bound to a and b at the same time.
Resolution (Improved) Fortunately, this problem can easily be fixed by extending the Resolution Principle slightly as shown below. Before trying to resolve two clauses, we select one of the clauses and rename any variables the clause has in common with the other clause.
Example Renaming solves our problem case. We simply change the variables in one of our clauses before attempting to resolve them. After renaming, we see that the positive literal and the target of the negative literal can be unified. Hence, they can be resolved, in this case leading to the empty clause.
Problem Unfortunately, we are still not quite done. There is one more technicality that must be addressed to finish the story. As stated, even with variable renaming, the rule is not quite good enough. Given the clauses shown here, we should be able to infer the empty clause {}; however, this is not possible with the preceding definition. The clauses can be resolved in various ways, but the result is never the empty clause.
Factors If a subset of the literals in a clause Φ has a most general unifier γ, then the clause Φ' obtained by applying γ to Φ is called a factor of Φ. Clause {p(x),p(f(y)),r(x,y)} Factors {p(f(y)),r(f(y),y)} If a subset of the literals in a clause Phi has a most general unifier gamma; then the clause Phi obtained by applying gamma to Phi is called a factor of Phi. For example, the literals p(x) and p(f(y)) have a most general unifier {x<-f(y)}, so the clause {p(f(y)), r(f(y), y)} is a factor of {p(x), p(f(y)),r(x, y)}. Note that any clause is a trivial factor of itself.
Resolution (Final Version) Using the notion of factors, we can give a complete definition for the resolution principle. Suppose that capital Phi and capital Psi are two clauses. If there is a literal little phi in some factor of capital Phi after renaming andthere is a literal ~little psi in some factor of capital Psi such that little phi and little psi have a most general unifier sigma, then we can form a reolvent of these two clauses as shown here.
Example Using this enhanced definition of resolution, we can solve the problem mentioned above. Once again, consider the premises {p(x),p(y)} and {~p(u),~p(v)}. The first premise has the factor {p(x)}, and the second has the factor {~p(u)}, and these two factors resolve to the empty clause in a single step.
Need for Original Clauses 1. {p(a,y), p(x,b)} Premise 2. {¬p(a,d)} Premise 3. {¬p(c,b)} Premise 4. {p(x,b)} 1, 2 5. {} 3, 4 4. {p(a,b)} Factor of 1 Note that we cannot just replace a clause by its factors. We must retain the original clauses as well. The example here shows what goes wrong if we try to replace a clause by its factor. The three premises shown at the top lead to the empty clause after two steps of resolution. Now consider the partial derivation shown at the bottom. Same three clauses. The clause on line 4 is a factor of the clause on line 1. If we were to discard the clause on line 1 and replace it by its factor, we would find ourselves stuck; there would be no further resolutions. The upshot of this is that factoring is useful; it allows us to derive conclusions we would not otherwise be able to produce. However, we must consider resolutions with unfactored clauses as well if we want to be sure to produce all possible conclusions. Okay, that’s it for our treatment of the resolution rule. Now, it is time to put it to work solving some logic problems. As it turns out, there is quite a bit we can do with it.
Resolution Reasoning Reasoning with the Resolution Principle is analogous to reasoning with other rules of inference. We start with premises; we apply the Resolution Principle to those premises; we apply it again to the results of those applications; and so forth until we get to our desired conclusion or we run out of things to do.
Resolution Derivation A resolution derivation of a conclusion from a set of premises is a finite sequence of clauses terminating in the conclusion in which each clause is either a premise or the result of applying the resolution principle to earlier elements of the sequence. As with Propositional Resolution, we define a resolution derivation of a conclusion from a set of premises to be a finite sequence of clauses terminating in the conclusion in which each clause is either a premise or the result of applying the resolution principle to earlier members of the sequence. And, as with Propositional resolution, we do not use the word proof, because we reserve that word for a slightly different concept, which is discussed in the next segment. A resolution derivation of a conclusion from a set of premises is a finite sequence of clauses terminating in the conclusion in which each clause is either a premise or the result of applying the resolution principle to earlier elements of the sequence. Note that our definition of resolution derivation is analogous to our definition of linear proof. However, in this case, we do not use the word proof here, because we are reserving that word for a slightly different concept, which we see a little later.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} As an example, consider a problem in the area kinship relations. Suppose we know that Art is the parent of Bob and Bud; suppose that Bob is the parent of Cal; and suppose that Bud is the parent of Coe. Suppose we also know that grandparents are parents of parents. Starting with these premises, we can use resolution to conclude that Art is the grandparent of Coe. We start with our five premises - four simple clauses for the four facts about the parent relation p and one more complex clause capturing the definition of the grandparent relation g.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 We start by resolving the clause on line 1 with the clause on line 5 to produce the clause on line 6.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal) } 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z) , g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 We then resolve the clause on line 3 with this result to derive that conclusion that Art is the grandparent of Cal. Interesting but not what we set out to prove; so we continue the process.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,z), g(art,z)} 2, 5 We next resolve the clause on line 2 with the clause on line 5 to produce the clause on line 8.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,z), g(art,z)} 2, 5 9. {g(art,coe)} 4, 8 Then we resolve the clause on line 4 with this result to produce the clause on line 9, which is exactly what we set out to prove.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,z), g(art,z)} 2, 5 9. {g(art,coe)} 4, 8 One thing to notice about this derivation is that there are some useless dead-ends. We first tried resolving the fact about Art and Bob before getting around to trying the fact about Art and Bud. Resolution does not eliminate all search. However, at no time did we ever have to make an arbitrary assumption or an arbitrary choice of a binding for a variable. The absence of such arbitrary choices is why Resolution is so much more focussed than natural deduction systems like Fitch.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,z), g(art,z)} 2, 5 9. {g(art,coe)} 4, 8 Another worthwhile observation about Herbrand Resolution is that, unlike Fitch, Herbrand Resolution frequently terminates even when there is no derivation of the desired result. Suppose, for example, we were interested in Cal is the grandparent of Art from the premises in this case. This sentence, of course, does not follow from the premises. And resolution is sound, so we would never generate this result. The interesting thing is that, in this case, the attempt to derive this result would eventually terminate.
Example 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬p(bob,z), g(art,z)} 1, 5 7. {g(art,cal)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,z), g(art,z)} 2, 5 9. {g(art,coe)} 4, 8 With the premises given, there are a few more resolutions we could do, e.g. resolving the clause on line 1 with the second literal in the clause on line 5. However, having done these additional resolutions, we would find ourselves with nothing left to do; and, unlike Fitch, the process would terminate.
Resolution Not Generatively Complete Using the Resolution Principle alone, it is not possible to generate every clause that is logically entailed by a set of premises. Examples: {} |= {p(a), ¬p(a)} But resolution cannot generate these results. Unfortunately, like Propositional Resolution, Herbrand Resolution is not generatively complete, i.e. it is not possible to find resolution derivations for all clauses that are logically entailed by a set of premise clauses. For example, the clause {p(a), ~p(a)} is always true, and so it is logically entailed by any set of premises, including the empty set of premises. Herbrand Resolution requires some premises to have any effect. Given an empty set of premises, we would not be able to derive any conclusions, including this valid clause. Although Herbrand Resolution is not generatively complete, problems like this one are solved by negating the goal and demonstrating that the resulting set of sentences is unsatisfiable.
Demonstrating Unsatisfiability Start with premises. Apply resolution repeatedly. If empty clause generated, the original set is unsatisfiable. The simplest use of resolution is in demonstrating unsatisfiability. In clausal form, a contradiction takes the form of the empty clause, which is equivalent to a disjunction of no literals. Thus, to automate the determination of unsatisfiability, all we need do is to use resolution to derive consequences from the set to be tested, terminating whenever the empty clause is generated.
Example 1. {p(a,b), q(a,c)} Premise 2. {¬p(x,y), r(x)} 3. {¬q(x,y), r(x)} 4. {¬r(z)} Let's start with a simple example. We have four premises, whch are jointly unsatisfiable. p(a,b) | q(a,c). p(x,y)=>r(x). q(x,y)=>r(x). ~r(z). The derivation of the empty clause in this case is easy.
Example 1. {p(a,b), q(a,c)} Premise 2. {¬p(x,y), r(x)} 3. {¬q(x,y), r(x)} 4. {¬r(z)} 5. {q(a,c), r(a)} 1, 2 We resolve the first clause with the second to get the clause shown on line 5.
Example 1. {p(a,b), q(a,c)} Premise 2. {¬p(x,y), r(x)} 3. {¬q(x,y), r(x)} 4. {¬r(z)} 5. {q(a,c), r(a)} 1, 2 6. {r(a)} 5, 3 Next, we resolve the result with the third clause to get the unit clause on line 6. Note that r(a) is the remaining literal from clause 3 after the resolution, and r(a) is also the remaining literal from clause 5 after the resolution. Since these two literals are identical, they appear only once in the result.
Example 1. {p(a,b), q(a,c)} Premise 2. {¬p(x,y), r(x)} 3. {¬q(x,y), r(x)} 4. {¬r(z)} 5. {q(a,c), r(a)} 1, 2 6. {r(a)} 5, 3 7. {} 6, 4 Finally, we resolve this result with the clause on line 4 to produce the empty clause.
Logical Entailment
Provability A resolution derivation of a clause ϕ from a set Δ of clauses is a sequence of clauses terminating in ϕ in which each item is (1) a member of Δ or (2) the result of applying the resolution to earlier items. A sentence ϕ is provable from a set of sentences Δ by resolution if and only if there is a derivation of the empty clause from the clausal form of Δ∪{¬ϕ}. A resolution proof is a derivation of the empty clause from the clausal form of the premises and the negation of the desired conclusion.
Example Everybody loves somebody. Everybody loves a lover. Show that everybody loves everybody. As an example of using Herbrand Resolution to determine logical entailment, let's consider a case we saw earlier. The premises are shown below. We know that everybody loves somebody and everybody loves a lover. Our goal is to show that everybody loves everybody. So, we negate this conclusion and add it to our set of premises. Finally, we convert to clausal form, leading to the clauses shown below. Note the use of a Skolem function in the first clause and the use of Skolem constants in the clause derived from the negated goal.
Example 1. {loves(x,f(x))} Premise 2. {¬loves(v,w), loves(u,v)} 3. {¬loves(jack,jill)} Negated Goal In order to prove our result, we start with our premises.
Example (continued) 1. {loves(x,f(x))} Premise 2. {¬loves(v,w), loves(u,v)} 3. {¬loves(jack,jill)} Negated Goal 4. {loves(u,x)} 1, 2 We resolve the clause on line 1 with the clause on line 2 to produce the clause on line 4.
Example (concluded) 1. {loves(x,f(x))} Premise 2. {¬loves(v,w), loves(u,v)} 3. {¬loves(jack,jill)} Negated Goal 4. {loves(u,x)} 1, 2 5. {} 4, 3 Finally, we resolve the clause on line 4 with the clause on line 3 to produce the empty clause and thus prove our result.
Harry and Ralph Every horse can outrun every dog. Some greyhound can outrun every rabbit. Show that every horse can outrun every rabbit. As another example of resolution, once again consider the problem of horses and dogs introduced in an earlier lesson. We know that every horse is faster than every dog. Some greyhounds are faster than every rabbit. Greyhounds are dogs. The relationship of being faster is transitive. We desire to prove that horses are fatser than rabbits. In order to do this, we negate the desired conclusion.
Harry and Ralph We convert the premises to clausal form, as shown here. Note the use of the Skolem constant greg in the second and third clauses, which results from the existential quantifier in the second premise.
Harry and Ralph Similarly, we can convert our negated goal to clausal form as well. Note that, to deal with the negated universal quantifiers, we need to add some Skolem constants. In this case, we have chosen to use harry and ralph, assuming they are not already in the language.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} We write down our clauses and go to work. First, we resolve the clause on line 2 with the clause on line 4 to derive the fact that greg is a dog.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10. {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} We resolve the clause on line 6 with the clause on line 1 to derive the clause on line 10.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10. {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 11. {f(harry,greg)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} And we reolve these two results to derive that fact that harry is faster that greg.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10 {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 11. {f(harry,greg)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 12. {f(greg,ralph)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} Next, we resolve the clause on line 7 with the clause on line 3 to deribve that fact that greg is faster than ralph.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10 {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 11. {f(harry,greg) } 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 12. {f(greg,ralph)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 13. {¬f(greg,z),f(harry,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} At this point all we need to do is to use trasitivity and we are done. We first reoslve the clause on line 11 with the transitivity clause on line 5.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10 {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 11. {f(harry,greg)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 12. {f(greg,ralph)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 13. {¬f(greg,z),f(harry,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 14. {f(harry,ralph)} 7. {r(ralph)} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} And then we resolve the clause on line 12 with the result to derive that fact harry is faster than ralph.
Harry and Ralph 1. {¬h(x), ¬d(y), f(x,y)} 9. {d(greg)} 2. {g(greg)} 10 {¬d(y), f(harry,y)} 3. {¬r(z), f(greg,z)} 11. {f(harry,greg)} 4. {¬g(y), d(y)} 12. {f(greg,ralph)} 5. {¬f(x,y),¬f(y,z),f(x,z)} 13. {¬f(greg,z),f(harry,z)} 6. {h(harry)} 14. {f(harry,ralph)} 7. {r(ralph)} 15. {} 8. {¬f(harry,ralph)} Finally, we resolve this result with the negated goal clause on line 8 to derive the empty clause.
Inferential Equivalence Equivalence Theorem: It is possible to prove a conclusion from a set of premises using Herbrand Resolution if and only if it is possible to prove that conclusion from those premises using Fitch. This example shows that resolution is much more focussed than Fitch. The added good news is that it is every bit as powerful. In fact it is possible to derive a conclusion from a set of premises using resolution if and only if it is possible to derive that conclusion using Fitch.
Answer Extraction In the segment on Reasoning With Resolution, we saw how to use the Resolution Principle in answering true-or- false questions (such as Is Art the grandparent of Co e?). In this egment, we show how resolution can be used to answer fill-in-the-blank questions as well (such Who is the grandparent of Coe? And Who are the grandchildren of Art?).
Determining Logical Entailment To determine whether a set Δ of sentences logically entails a closed sentence ϕ, rewrite Δ∪{¬ϕ} in clausal form and try to derive the empty clause. Recall that our method for determining logical entailment is to negate the conclusion, convert to clausal form, and try to derive the empty clause.
Example Show that (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and p(a) logically entail ∃z.q(z). Here is an example. Givne p(x) => q(x) and p(a), we can prove Ez.q(z). The clauses orresponding to our premises are shown here on lines 1 and 2. And the clause for our negated goal is shown on line 3. Starting from these clauses, we can quickly derive the empty clause, as shown here on lines 4 and 5.
Alternate Method Basic Method: To determine whether a set Δ of sentences logically entails a closed sentence ϕ, rewrite Δ∪{¬ϕ} in clausal form and try to derive the empty clause. Alternate Method: To determine whether a set Δ of sentences logically entails a closed sentence ϕ , rewrite Δ∪{ϕ ⇒ goal} in clausal form and try to derive goal. Intuition: The sentence (ϕ ⇒ goal) is equivalent to the sentence (¬ϕ ∨ goal). Now, let’s take this basic method and modify it just slightly. Instead of adding the negated goal phi to our premise set, we add a sentence of the form phi => goal. Intuitively, we are saying that, if our goal phi is true, the the condition goal is true. We then convert to clausal form. Finally, instead of trying to derive the empty clause, we try to derive a clause that contains just the literal goal. This is equivalent to what we are doing before because phi=>goal is logically the same as ~phi | goal.
Example Show that (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and p(a) logically entail ∃z.q(z). Here is our example once again. We have the same premises as before. Instead of the negated goal, we have a clause for the negated goal with the goal condition appended. The same reolution steps apply. And we end up with a clause containing just goal. It is easy to see that for any derivation of the empty clause from a set of consistent premises and a negated goal, there is a derivation of a goal clause from the premises and our goal implication. In fact, the proof steps are 1-1 equivalent.
Answer Extraction Method Alternate Method for Logical Entailment: To determine whether a set Δ of sentences logically entails a closed sentence ϕ , rewrite Δ∪{ϕ ⇒ goal} in clausal form and try to derive goal. Method for Answer Extraction: To get values for free variables ν1,…,νn in ϕ for which Δ logically entails ϕ, rewrite Δ∪{ϕ ⇒ goal(ν1,…,νn)} in clausal form and try to derive goal(ν1,…,νn). Intuition: The sentence (q(z) ⇒ goal(z)) says that, whenever, z satisfies q, it satisfies the “goal”. Why are we doing thi?. The reason is that a simle extension of this method allows us to extract answers from our proofs. Suppose we have a sentence with some free variables nu_1, …, nu_n and we want terms such that, when we substitute those terms for the variables, the goal sentence is true. If we modify our method just a little more, we can get resolution to give us these answers. Given a goal phi with free variables nu_1, …, nu_n, we add the goal sentence phi => goal(nu_1,…,nu_n) to our premise set and try to derive a clause containing just goal literals. If we manage to do this, then the arguments to the goal literal are answers to our original question. By adding this new type of goal sentence to our premises, we are in effect saying that, if anything staisfies our goal sentence, tehn it satisfies our “goal”.
Example Given (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and p(a), find a term τ such that q(τ) is true. Let’s look at our example once again. Except that this time, let’s suppose that our goal is not just to prove that there existss a z such that q(z) is true. Let’s suppose that we want to find a specific z such that q(z) is true. Our goal in this case is the open sentence q(z). So, as we see here on line 3 we write this as q(z)=>goal(z). We then execute the same steps as before. This time, because we include the variable z in the goal literal, it gets replaced by a on line 5, effectively giving us our answer. Nifty.
Example Given (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and p(a) and p(b), find a term τ such that q(τ) is true. Let’s look at a slightly more interesting example. In this case everything is the same, except that we have two p facts in our premise set. Our goal is the same. This time, if we do the resolution and keep going, we see that we produce our answer from last time but we also get an additional answer, viz. b. In other words, we can use resolution as a generator for answers to our query.
Example Given (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and (p(a) ∨ p(b)), find a term τ such that q(τ) is true. Okay, one more example. Suppose that, instead of knowing p(a) and p(b), all we knew was that at least one of those facts were true. What would happen. Our disjunctive premise is shown here on line 2. The goal is the same. We start out as before, by resolving our goal clause with the clause on line 1. producing the result on line 4.
Example Given (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and (p(a) ∨ p(b)), find a term τ such that q(τ) is true. Next, we resolve this result with the clause on line 2, resulting in the clause on line 5. Since there is a non-goal literal in this result, we cannot stop just yet. However, there are more resolutions we can do.
Kinship Art is the parent of Bob and Bud. Bob is the parent of Cal and Coe. A grandparent is a parent of a parent.
Example Given (p(x) ⇒ q(x)) and (p(a) ∨ p(b)), find a term τ such that q(τ) is true. In particular, we can resolve this result with the clause on line 2 once again, producing the result on line 6. Now, we a clause containing just goal literals, and so we can stop. Let’s loo at this result. What exactly does it mean? Recall that a clause is an implicit disjunction. So, we know goal(a) | goal(b). In other words, we know that one of the two answer is true but we do not know which. Not as good as knowing which one works but we know that at least one of them works. This method can be extended to produce other interesting results, such as conditional answers, e.g. the goal is true of all purple mushrooms. And so forth.
Is Art the Grandparent of Coe? 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬g(art,coe), goal()} 1, 5 7. {¬p(art,y), ¬p(y,coe), goal()} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,coe), goal()} 2, 5 9. {goal()} 4, 8
Who is the Grandparent of Coe? 1. {p(art,bob)} Premise 2. {p(art,bud)} 3. {p(bob,cal)} 4. {p(bud,coe)} 5. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,z), g(x,z)} 6. {¬g(x,coe), goal(x)} Goal 7. {¬p(x,y), ¬p(y,coe), goal(x)} 3, 6 8. {¬p(bud,coe), goal(art)} 2, 5 9. {goal(art)} 4, 8
Who Are the Grandchildren of Art?
People and their Grandchildren?
cons(a,cons(b,cons(c,cons(d,nil)))) Variable Length Lists Example [a,b,c,d] Representation as Term cons(a,cons(b,cons(c,cons(d,nil)))) Shorthand (a . (b . (c . (d . nil)))) a b c d
List Membership Membership axioms: member(u, u . x) member(u, v . y) ⇐ member(u, y) Membership Clauses: {member(u, u . x)} {member(u, v . y), ¬member(u, y)} Answer Extraction for member(w, [a, b, c]) {¬member(w, a.b.c. nil),goal(w)} {goal(a)} {¬member(w, b.c. nil)} {goal(b)}
List Concatenation Concatenation Axioms: append(nil,y,y) append(w. x, y, w.z) ⇐ append(x, y, z) Concatenation Clauses: {append(nil,y,y)} {append(w. x, y, w.z), ¬append(x, y, z)} Answer Extraction for append([a,b],[c,d],z): {¬append(a.b.nil, c.d.nil, z), goal(z)} {¬append(b.nil, c.d.nil, z1), goal(a.z1)} {¬append(nil, c.d.nil, z2), goal(a.b.z2)} {goal(a.b.c.d.nil)}
reverse([a,b,c,d], [d,c,b,a]) List Reversal Reversal Example: reverse([a,b,c,d], [d,c,b,a]) Reversal Axioms: reverse(x, y) ⇐ reverse2(x, nil, y) reverse2(nil, y, y) reverse2(w.x, y, z) ⇐ reverse2(x, w.y, z) Answer Extraction for reverse([a,b,c,d],z): {¬reverse(a.b.c.d.nil, z), goal(z)} … {goal(d.c.b.a.nil)}