Part 2 Carrie Tupa Texas Workforce Commission December 6, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Part 2 Carrie Tupa Texas Workforce Commission December 6, 2017 Welcome to TEAMS 3.2 Part 2 Carrie Tupa Texas Workforce Commission December 6, 2017

Review The last webinar covered: Changes to the Training Services screen New Educational Outcomes Screen

This Webinar - Overview Review tracking of MSG’s Review tracking of Credentials Review tracking of Post-Exit Educational Enrollment

Remember… Use the matrix found in Part 1 for an overview of where you add/view new kinds of outcomes

Helpful Diagram – Measurable Skill Gains Type 1 – Educational Functioning Level Gain Type 1a – Achievement on a Pre/Post Test Type 1b – Enrollment in Postsecondary Education After Exit Type 2 – Achievement of a High School Equivalency Type 5 – Skills Progression

Adding Measurable Skill Gains

Adding a Baseline Assessment

Adding a Baseline Assessment There are no changes to the process of adding a baseline assessment Remember, all participants need a baseline assessment for eligibility purposes

Adding Assessment: Step-by-Step with Screen Shots

Step 1 – Click on the “Assessments” Tab

Step 2 – Click on the “Add Assessment” Button

Step 3 – Add Assessment Information

Adding a Measurable Skill Gain, Type 1a, Educational Functioning Level Gain, Achievement on a Pre/Post Test

Step-by-Step: Add Progress Assessment and Verify Outcomes

Step 1: Click on Assessment Tab

Step 2: Click on “Add Assessment”

Step 3: Add Assessment Information

Step 4: To Verify Gain (Option 1) Click on Pre/Post Test Gains

Pre/Post Test Gains Screen

Step 5: to Verify Gain (Option 2) Click on Educational Outcomes

Adding a Measurable Skill Gain, Type 1b, Educational Functioning Level Gain, Enrollment In Postsecondary Education After Exit

Adding a New MSG Type 1a – Enrollment in Postsecondary Education After Exit – Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Click on Add Gain

Step 2: Add Date Achieved

Step 3: Choose Measurable Skill Gain Type (Educational Functioning Level Gain)

Step 4: EFL Gain Type Auto Completes

Step 5: Add Educational Provider (will filter from FICE codes)

Step 6: Add Details

Remember This gain requires: A date Measurable Skill Gain Type (which is Educational Functioning Level Gain) Educational Functioning Level Gain Type (which is auto-filled) Educational Provider (this list auto-filters once you start typing) Details

Editing Gain Record – Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Click on the Date for the Gain Record you want to Edit

Step 2: Click “Edit” on the Record

Seeing Educational Enrollment in Two Locations: Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Educational Enrollment under Measurable Skill Gains Section

Step 2: Educational Enrollment under Educational Enrollment Section

Adding a Measurable Skill Gain, Type 2, High School Equivalency In-State

Remember… In-State High School Equivalencies are added through data match with TEA

Other Important Information: The certificate date of the high school equivalency must be in the program year to count as an MSG for that program year

Verify In-State High School Equivalency and See in Two Locations: Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: See High School Equivalency on Participant Profile Screen

Step 2: See High School Equivalency on Educational Outcomes Screen, Measurable Skill Gains Section

Step 3: See High School Equivalency on Educational Outcomes Screen, Credentials Section

Adding a Measurable Skill Gain, Type 2, High School Equivalency Out-Of-State

Adding an Out-of-State High School Equivalency: Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Click on “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add “Date Achieved”

Step 4: Add Measurable Skill Gain Type: Achievement of Diploma/Equivalent

Step 5: Select State

Step 6: Add Details of the Equivalency

Step 7: Verify Details on the Educational Outcome Screen

Adding a Measurable Skill Gain, Type 5, Skills Progression

Remember… This type of gain is only applicable for participants in an IET, but this section does not yet tie to the training component Skills Progression (includes): Successful passing of an exam that is required for a particular occupation; OR Achievement of progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by as evidenced by Trade-related Benchmarks, such as knowledge-based exams

Adding Skills Progression – Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Click on “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Select Measurable Skill Gain Type: Skills Progression

Step 4: Add Details

What information is required What information is required? (for MSG’s Manually Added on Educational Outcomes Page) MSG Date Achieved MSG Type State EFL Gain Type Educational Provider Details 1b – Enrollment in Postsecondary Education Y N Y – Auto-fills 2 – Achievement of HSE – Out-of-State N/A 5 – Skills Progression


Credential Type: In-State High School Equivalency

Remember… In-State High School Equivalencies are added through data match with TEA

Other Important Information: A participant technically has up to one year after exit to earn a high school equivalency, and enroll in postsecondary education or become employed TEAMS does not calculate exit at this time TEAMS looks at the last year with a profile to establish the passing of a year TEAMS does not tie to employment at this time, so the “counting” of a credential happens by TWC after the additional criteria has been met

Credential Type: Out-of-State High School Equivalency

Adding Out-of-State High School Equivalency: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Select “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Select Credential Type – High School Equivalency

Step 4: Add Issuing Entity

Step 5: Select the State in which the HSE was Issued

Step 6: Add the Credential Name, “Certificate of High School Equivalency”

Step 7: Add Details

Credential Type: AA/AS (BA/BS) Diploma/Degree

Adding an AA/AS (BA/BS) Diploma/Degree – Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Select “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Add Credential Type – AA/AS or BA/BS Diploma/Degree

Step 4: Add Issuing Entity; Will Auto-filter from FICE Codes

Step 5: Add Credential Name

Step 6: Add Details

Credential Type: Occupational Licensure

Step 1: Select “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Add Credential Type – Occupational Licensure

Step 4: Add Issuing Entity

Step 5: Add Details

Credential Type: Occupational Certificate

Step 1: Select “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Add Credential Type – AA/AS or BA/BS Diploma/Degree

Step 4: Add Issuing Entity

Step 5: Add Credential Name

Step 6: Add Credential Details

Credential Type: Occupational Certification

Step 1: Select “Add Gain”

Step 2: Add Date

Step 3: Add Credential Type – Occupational Certification

Step 4: Add Issuing Entity

Step 5: Add State (if relevant) and Credential Name

Step 6: Add Details

What information is required What information is required? (for Credentials Manually Added on Educational Outcomes Page) Credential Date Achieved Credential Type Issuing Entity State Credential Name Details Out-of-State HSE Y Y – Should be “Certificate of High School Equivalency” AA/AS Diploma/ Degree Y – Filters from FICE CODES N BA/BS Diploma/ Degree Occupational Licensure Occupational Certificate Occupational Certification

Post-Exit Educational Enrollment

Why do we Track These? Establish MSG type 1b, enrollment in postsecondary education “Qualify” a credential Fulfill other required fields for tracking on the PIRL

Important Notes You need to either add an end date for educational enrollment or update every quarter if enrollment is continuing. Otherwise, the system assumes the educational enrollment has ended This prevents a service from being left open “indefinitely” and thus reported multiple times on federal reports Future reports will include reports on participant enrollment statuses that need to be updated. THIS IS NOT IET. This is post-exit educational enrolment. IET training activities are tracked under “training services”.

Educational Enrollment: Enrollment in a Registered Apprenticeship

Adding a Registered Apprenticeship: Step-by Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Select “Add Enrollment”

Step 2: Add Start Date -

Step 3: Add End Date (optional; end date must be within quarter Step 3: Add End Date (optional; end date must be within quarter. If no end date is added, it’s assumed end of quarter).

Step 4: Educational Enrollment Type – Registered Apprenticeship

Step 5: Click “Select Registered Apprenticeship”

Step 6: Enter Search Term

Step 7: If Needed, Select “See More Details” to See Additional Details on the Registered Apprenticeship

Step 8: Click “Select” Next to Correct Program

Step 9: Educational Provider is Automatically Selected; Select Occupation from Drop Down List

Step 10: Add Details

Educational Enrollment: Enrollment in an Occupational Skills Training Program

Adding Occupational Skills: Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Click “Add Enrollment”

Step 2: Add Start Date

Step 2: Add End Date if Applicable; End Date Must Be Within Quarter

Step 3: Add Educational Enrollment Type – Occupational Skills Training

Step 4: Add Educational Provider; List will Auto-Filter from FICE Codes

Step 5: Add Details

Educational Enrollment: Postsecondary Enrollment

Adding Postsecondary Enrollment – Step-by-Step with Screenshots

Step 1: Add Start Date

Step 2: Add End Date; End Date Must be Within Quarter

Step 3: Add Educational Enrollment Type - Post-Secondary Enrollment

Step 4: Add Educational Provider; List Will Auto-Filter from FICE Codes

Step 5: Add Details

What information is required? (for Educational Enrollment) Start Date End Date Educational Enrollment Type Educational Provider Occupation Details Registered Apprenticeship Y N (if you don’t update will assume the end of quarter) Y – auto-completes after you select apprenticeship Occupational Skills Training N N/A Postsecondary Enrollment Y – Filters from FICE CODES