Role of the Brigade S-1 Adjutant General Captains Career Course SHOW SLIDE: ADMINISTER THE EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM (ERS) SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 3 hrs/30 mins Small Group Instruction 1 hrs/00 mins Practical Exercise (Performance) 4hrs/30 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Evaluation Reporting System Method of Instruction. Conference/discussion Instructor to Student Ration: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. MOTIVATOR. Evaluation reports have a direct impact on a Soldier’s career progression, to include promotions, schooling, assignments, and retention. Human Resources (HR) professionals manage the system and help ensure evaluations are not only technically correct, but also that they are submitted in a timely manner. At some point in your career, each of you will be either be a rater, a senior rater, or a reviewer of an evaluation report, in addition to receiving evaluation reports as a rated officer, warrant officer or NCO. It is critically important to a Soldier's career that the evaluation reporting system be properly managed. Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School
Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Communicate the Leadership Roles of the Brigade S-1 CONDITIONS: Given classroom instruction and ATP 1-0.1 (G-1/AG S-1 Operations), ATTP 1-0.1 (S-1 Operations) and FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support). STANDARD: Understand the essential and key tasks of the Brigade S-1 leadership. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: State the TLO NOTE: BLANK out the Screen and cover Safety, Risk, Environmental Impact, Evaluation and Lead-In. SAFETY: Be aware of tripping hazards in the classroom. Keep drinks away from automation equipment. RISK: Low risk. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Ensure that all handouts and printed media are properly recycled. EVALUATION: Your ability to perform this task will be evaluated during a 20 minute practical exercise on the primary roles of the Brigade S-1. In the classroom, we will require you to list with 100% accuracy the four HR Core Competencies, all Key Functions related to each Core Competency and correlate at least one Brigade S-1 task for each Key Function. LEAD-IN (Only tie in PAST and FUTURE Classes): In preparing for this class, you will use your experiences as an HR professional. This class will show you how to identify the roles of the Brigade S-1 section as related to the Four Core Competencies of Provide HR Support. In one of our other classes, we will cover the roles of the Division G-1. NOTE: Pass out Handout from FM 1-0, The Brigade S-1. NOTE: Poll for student questions.
PERSONNEL READINESS TEAM Brigade S-1 Section MISSION: Plan, coordinate, and execute Brigade-level (internal) Human Resources Support HR PLANS AND OPERATIONS 1/1/1 3 2/1/10 13 BRIGADE S-1 O4 42H00 S-1 W2 420A0 HR TECH E8 42A52S SR HR NCO PERSONNEL READINESS TEAM HR SERVICES TEAM 1/0/3 4 0/0/6 6 0/0/5 5 O2 42B00 STRENGTH MANAGER E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42A20 E4 42A1O HR SPEC E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) E4 42A1O HR SPC (3) SHOW SLIDE: BRIGADE S-1 MISSION: Plan, coordinate, and execute Brigade Human Resources Support. The Brigade S-1 Section is an existence based structure and is employed with the Brigade to provide EPS, PA, SR, PRM, PIM, Casualty Operations, and HR Planning and Operations as well as provide policy, procedure and training information and oversight to the BN S-1 Sections within the Brigade. The S-1 Section has all the necessary system accesses and permissions to enter data to or receive data from the top of the HR system (HRC and DFAS) without intermediate steps at the Corps/Div and ASCC G-1/AGs. REQUIRED CAPABILITIES: Requires 100% mobility of the section and the ability to communicate digitally via NIPR/SIPR and voice to subordinate S-1 sections, Sustainment Brigade, HR Operations Branch, HR companies, Casualty Liaison Teams, CONUS personnel, and the Corps/Division and ASCC G-1/AG. The S-1 requires access to personnel and finance systems as well as necessary equipment to produce Common Access Cards (CAC)/ID Tags and provides MWR support as necessary in the Brigade AO. STRUCTURE. The section consists of three teams and totals thirteen personnel. The teams are intended to operate split-based if required by the mission or connectivity availability. (1) The HQs team consists of the 42H MAJ Brigade S1, the CW2 Brigade MIL PERS (HR) Tech, and the E8 Brigade S1 NCOIC. These three HR leaders may work with either section and the S1 also splits his/her time with Adjutant Duties and assisting the Brigade commander. The HQs team performs the HR Planning and Operations core competency. (2) The Personnel Readiness (PR) Team focuses on the PRM, PA, SR and PIM key functions and is responsible for executing strength management under the supervision of the 42B 1LT for officer management and the Brigade S1 NCOIC who will provide direction for enlisted strength management. Although not reflected on this slide, the Brigade CSM will usually play an active role in the enlisted strength management process. This team manages the Brigade DMSL. The PR team supervises the internal Brigade PAT operation. (3) The HR Services Team performs the EPS, Casualty, Postal, MWR key functions for the Brigade. Replacements will normally be processed by this team and it will often be located in the Brigade Support Area during non-FOB based deployed operations. The Brigade Postal Clerk is also in this section. NOTE: There are no Paralegal clerks (27D) in the Brigade S1 section. The legal section of the Brigade is a part of the S3 Non-lethal Effects Cell, and while deployed focuses on Operational Law. The SJA remains a key advisor to the Brigade S1 and operates out of the Brigade Main CP. Essential Personnel Services Postal Operations Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command Interest Programs Customer Service Personnel Readiness Management Personnel Accountability Strength Reporting Personnel Information Management Casualty Operations The ability of S-1s to establish and sustain the readiness of an organization is a critical element in maintaining the personnel combat power of a unit. ~ATTP 1-0.1
Human Resources Core Competencies Provide Human Resources Support Man the Force (ART Provide HR Services (ART Coordinate Personnel Support (ART HR Planning and Operations (ART K E Y F U N C T I O S Personnel Readiness Management (ART Conduct Casualty Operations (ART Conduct Command Interest Programs (ART Perform HR Planning (ART Perform Essential Personnel Services (ART Personnel Accountability (ART Perform MWR and Community Support (ART Operate HR Communication Nodes (ART Strength Reporting (ART Conduct Postal Operations (ART Army Band Operations (ART 4.2.5) SHOW SLIDE: HR CORE COMPETENCIES HR units and staffs perform the core competencies and key functions at theater-level and below. Not all HR key functions are executed at each level of command. For example, personnel accountability is conducted at the S-1 level and monitored at division and above levels. Commanders and HR leaders should use FM 1-0 and the Army Universal Task List (AUTL) as a reference tool for developing general mission essential task lists, core capabilities mission essential tasks, operational orders, and SOPs. Personnel Info Management (ART Retention Operations (ART
Brigade S-1 (First 30 Days) S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths __________________ Weaknesses Opportunities Threats HELPFUL (for your end state) HARMFUL (outside of the organization) EXTERNAL (inside of the organization) INTERNAL
HR Lines of Effort Lines of Effort Endstate Manage Soldier Personnel Readiness Program Processing Support Process Replacements Implement Basic Server Administration in the Communications and Control Station Establish Administrative and Logistics Operations Center (ALOC) Conduct Personnel Readiness Procedures Family Readiness Group A line of effort links multiple tasks and missions using the logic of purpose—cause and effect—to focus efforts toward establishing operational and strategic conditions. JP 5-0 Lines of Effort Endstate Personnel Readiness Management (ART S-1s ensure their unit is prepared to deploy in support of Unified Land Operations and family members are cared for while their Soldier is deployed. Track and maintain accountability of all personnel (in and out of theater; rear detachment) Monitor and process suspension of favorable actions, AWOL, and good conduct medal reports monthly Personnel databases are updated as changes occur Reconcile AAA-162 report twice monthly Maintain DA Form 647 (Personnel Register) Personnel Accountability (ART S-1s are able to accurately accounted for to ensure AHRC receives an accurate strength report. Manage Soldier Personnel Readiness Program Processing Support Process Replacements Implement Basic Server Administration in the Communications and Control Station Establish Administrative and Logistics Operations Center (ALOC) Conduct Personnel Readiness Procedures Strength Reporting (ART S-1s are able to collect, summarize, analyze, and report personnel strength information accurate and on time. Establish a schedule for completing annual finance and personnel records reviews in iPERMS Ensure access to HR information systems Ensure DD93 and SGLV 8286 are accurate and updated (i.e. deployments, marriages, divorces, etc.) AMHRR updates are uploaded in iPERMS and recorded in a tracking log All records are maintained in accordance with AR 600-8-14 and filed in accordance with AR 25-400-2 Personnel Information Management (ART Establish and publish specific times for providing customer service hours Establish an efficient and effective awards and decorations program (i.e. Soldiers depart with award, submission guidelines, tracking system, ceremonies, unit awards) Establish an efficient and effective enlisted promotion system (i.e. AAA-117 reconciled, promotion transactions processed by the 20th of each month, allocations, C10 reports authenticated, MOI for attached personnel in a deployed environment) Establish an efficient and effective evaluations system (i.e. rating schemes (rear detachment and deployed, policy memorandum) Establish an efficient and effective leave and pass program (i.e. R&R, leave control log reconciled) Establish an efficient and effective meal card control program (i.e. appointment orders, meal card control log reconciled) Establish an maintain an efficient and effective sponsorship program (i.e. sponsors are appointed within 24 hours, sponsorship surveys, reported during Command and Staff) S-1s are able to provide accurate and relevant information to commanders in their decision-making process for HR functions and actions. Provide HR Services (ART S-1s are able to manage the functions which impact a Soldier’s status, assignment, qualifications, financial status, career progression, and quality of life. Coordinate with supporting communications (HRSC PASR/PRM/IM Division) branch to establish connectivity Maintain NIPR and SIPR connectivity (i.e. VOSIP, SVOSIP) S-1s are able to maintain connectivity to HR data and voice communication nodes during military operations. Operate HR MC Nodes (ART Soldiers are allocated in accordance with mission priorities Analyze personnel strength requirements to determine current capabilities and project future requirements Establish and maintain personnel running estimates (i.e. current capabilities by location, location of HR assets) Create and update the personnel services annex of OPORD Establish reporting requirements, command and support relationships for deployed operations Sustainable Readiness Process Perform HR Planning (ART S-1s are able to prepare Tab A of Appendix 2 to Annex F to ensure the HR mission supports the mission.
Senior Human Resources Sergeant Senior enlisted HR advisor to the Brigade S1 and the CSM Assists in the planning and execution of HR support for the unit for current and future operations Provides supervision and professional development of HR enlisted personnel Manages the training and daily execution of HR core competencies and subordinate key functions, systems, and equipment Coordinates senior enlisted strength management issues with the CSM, strength manager & the division Reviews and submits personnel status reports Ensures S-1 SOPs are developed for key functions/operations (deployed and non-deployed) Executes Family and MWR support Supervises mail handling operations for the UMR and subordinate S-1 and UMRs Reviews appropriate EPS (Awards, NCO evaluations, Promotions, etc.) Ensures S-1 equipment is operational and coordinates external equipment support, if needed Participates in the development of HR input to OPLANs and OPORDs SHOW SLIDE: PRINCIPLE DUTIES – Brigade S-1 Senior HR Sergeant
Brigade Human Resources Technician HR technical expert for all HR systems, regulations, and staff assistance visits / inspections Advises the S1 on planning and executing HR support Ensures HR support is properly coordinated and executed Assists the strength manager in managing assigned warrant officer personnel Ensures regulatory guidance is applied and enforced Determines user roles and grants system access; manages permission levels to HR systems; resolves and reconciles discrepancies in databases; and manages PIM hierarchy Reviews HR personnel actions and EPS prepared by the unit Monitors HR metrics Supervises personnel records management for the unit Ensures completion of annual finance and personnel records reviews Provides HR training as required to S-1 personnel and subordinate S-1 personnel Provides HR input to OPLANs and OPORDs Ensures financial entitlements and pay inquiries are coordinated or executed SHOW SLIDE: PRINCIPLE DUTIES – Brigade HR TECHNICIAN
Assistant S1 / Strength Manager Supervises the Personnel Readiness Team Conducts strength management and personnel readiness for the unit Monitors the execution of HR support for current and future unit operations Maintains situational awareness (common operating picture) of on-going operations and the impact or potential for impact on S-1 operations Ensures PA, SR, and duty status changes are executed or submitted when changes occur Supervises SRP planning, coordination, and execution for the unit Prepares the personnel portion of the unit status report (USR) Prepares and provides HR support information to OPLANs and OPORDs Ensures the brigade S1 has accurate and timely information for the S-1 running estimate Coordinates external HR support requirements (brigade S-1, HROB, and division G-1/AG) Coordinates the execution of DCS with the appropriate activity/installation Plans and coordinates personnel asset inventories Oversees casualty operations for the unit SHOW SLIDE: PRINCIPLE DUTIES – Brigade ASST S-1 / STRENGTH MANAGER
S-1 METL Crosswalk Directly supports METL Indirectly supports METL 21 September 2018 S-1 METL Crosswalk Sustainment Brigade METL S-1 METL Conduct Mission Command (ART 5.0) Provide Logistics Support (ART 4.1) Conduct Joint, Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (OP 1.1.3) Provide Human Resources Support (ART 4.2.1) Conduct Area Base Security Operations (ART 6.5.1) Man the Force (ART Provide Human Resources Services (ART Coordinate Personnel Support (ART Conduct Human Resources Planning and Operations Think Tank Annual Training Guidance Directly supports METL Indirectly supports METL
Brigade S1 Key Tasks Serves as principal advisor to the commander on HR support Advises the commander of the personnel portion of the USR Ensures all HR core competencies and subordinate key functions are completed IAW established timelines, policies, and procedures Maintains the S-1 running estimate based on situational awareness and COP Ensures inbound Soldiers are allocated to the subordinate units in time for sponsors to be appointed Ensures welcome letters and information are being forwarded to incoming Soldiers within 5 working days following appointment of a sponsor Advises the commander on the health, welfare, and morale of all Soldiers assigned to the unit Receives and processes congressional inquiries Prepares and provides HR support information to operation plans (OPLANs) and OPORDs Ensures S-1 operations are fully integrated into unit operations and are reflected on the training calendar Ensures all S-1 casualty related actions are properly executed Ensures DCS is properly coordinated, integrated, and executed Plans, monitors, and executes deployment and redeployment HR operations Plans and executes HR professional development Executes company grade officer slating / Coordinates field grade officer slating Executes commander‘s sensitive actions
Top 20 Requirements for a Successful S-1 The S-1 must always integrate with the staff, command group, and subordinate command teams to coordinate human capital equities and to synchronize HR support across the formation. The HR leader exists to enable commanders to support Soldiers and their Families by ensuring unit readiness and building Soldier resiliency. This is not an all-inclusive or prioritized list; it is a compilation of inputs from experienced, successful G1s and senior commanders. The following bullets provide a focus for HR-related training, programs, and required knowledge. Priorities must be based upon the commander’s guidance and the unit mission. 1. Track, transition, and lift flags Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (SFPA) in a timely manner 2. Process AAA-117 / conduct promotion functions and execute required transactions in eMILPO 3. Establish and track the unit leave and pass program 4. Process and track awards, decorations, and badges 5. Conduct staff assistance visits / inspections 6. Update HR database(s) of record to facilitate accurate unit status report (USR) 7. Execute a personnel asset inventory (PAI) and sustain accuracy of Units’ personnel accountability report (UPAR, AAA-162)and the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) 8. Develop routine Soldier Readiness Process (SRP) and be able to explain impact on unit readiness; quickly react to and track new global requirements (i.e., Passports, Visas, vaccines etc.) 9. Enable the command team to monitor high risk Soldiers by working across the staff to develop and use available risk reduction tools 10. Track and reduce the number of non-available Soldiers weekly by working with staff and commanders –maintaining Soldier readiness is just as important as vehicle readiness 11. Coordinate the selection, training, and employment of additional duty Family Readiness Liaisons (FRL) 12. Institute a process to update and maintain DD93 and SGLI, conduct personnel readiness review / financial readiness review, and annual Soldier record audits 13. Arrive, depart, and slot personnel in HR system(s) of record EVERY day 14. Develop a valid unit sponsorship program using the ACT process 15. Establish and maintain rating schemes and senior rater profiles, ensure all evaluations are correctly completed and submitted to HQDA on time and be the resident expert on the evaluations entry system 16. Maintain proper unit manning and strength projections in coordination with higher headquarters as applicable 17. Conduct casualty operations –rehearse it with other staff stakeholders to ensure a battle drill attitude 18. Conduct Unit Mailroom (UMR) or Postal Operations 19. Enable Personnel Information Management (PIM) using HR systems to conduct records management functions 20. Conduct MILPAY audits; reconcile transmittal records with finance (e.g. track meal cards issuance and associated BAS deductions when required) Top 3 IG cases. HQDA IG reports that 25% of their cases revolve around essential personnel services (EPS) – HQDA IG MPS Inspection 201601
21 September 2018 Recommended Books “There is a temptation for all of us to blame failure on factors outside of our control. The enemy was ten feet tall. We were not treated fairly. Or, it was an impossible task. There is also comfort in doubling down on proven processes regardless of their efficacy. Few of us are criticized, if we faithfully do what has worked many times before. But feeling comfortable or dodging criticism should not be our measure of success. There is likely a place in paradise for people who tried hard, but what matters is succeeding – if that requires you to change – that is your mission.” – General (Retired) Stanley McChrystal
Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Communicate the Leadership Roles of the Brigade S-1 CONDITIONS: Given classroom instruction and ATP 1-0.1 (G-1/AG S-1 Operations), ATTP 1-0.1 (S-1 Operations) and FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support). STANDARD: Understand the essential and key tasks of the Brigade S-1 leadership. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: State the TLO NOTE: BLANK out the Screen and cover Safety, Risk, Environmental Impact, Evaluation and Lead-In. SAFETY: Be aware of tripping hazards in the classroom. Keep drinks away from automation equipment. RISK: Low risk. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Ensure that all handouts and printed media are properly recycled. EVALUATION: Your ability to perform this task will be evaluated during a 20 minute practical exercise on the primary roles of the Brigade S-1. In the classroom, we will require you to list with 100% accuracy the four HR Core Competencies, all Key Functions related to each Core Competency and correlate at least one Brigade S-1 task for each Key Function. LEAD-IN (Only tie in PAST and FUTURE Classes): In preparing for this class, you will use your experiences as an HR professional. This class will show you how to identify the roles of the Brigade S-1 section as related to the Four Core Competencies of Provide HR Support. In one of our other classes, we will cover the roles of the Division G-1. NOTE: Pass out Handout from FM 1-0, The Brigade S-1. NOTE: Poll for student questions.