Islam Do Now: You have 2 minutes to get prepared to be quizzed on last night’s fact sheet.
Quiz Define: 1. Allah- 2. Awrah- True/False: 3. Not all Muslims are Arab. 4. Islam and Christianity share nothing in common. 5. There are 5 requirements to the Islamic faith. 6. Allah is depicted as a man in Islamic paintings. 7. Pork is considered Halal.
Answers to Quiz 1. Allah- This means God. 2. Awrah- This is the Islamic dress code. True/False: 3. True- Not all Muslims are Arab. 4. False- Islam and Christianity share nothing in common. 5. True- There are 5 requirements to the Islamic faith. 6. False- Allah is depicted as a man in Islamic paintings. 7. False- Pork is considered Halal.
Define: 1. Hajj- 2. Halal- True/False: 3. The Declaration of Faith is one of the requirements of faith. 4. Islam and Christianity share many things in common. 5. There are 4 requirements to the Islamic faith. 6. Allah is depicted as a man in Islamic paintings. 7. Pork is not considered Halal.
Answers Define: 1. Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca 2. Halal- permitted, allowed, authorized, etc. Usually refers to the food that is permitted. True/False: 3. True-The Declaration of Faith is one of the requirements of faith. 4. True- Islam and Christianity share many things in common. 5. False- There are 4 requirements to the Islamic faith. 6. False- Allah is depicted as a man in Islamic paintings. 7. True- Pork is not considered Halal.
Muhammad Reading Read and answer questions. Complete in pairs.
Notes: Arabia before Muhammad (born 570 AD) Madinah(Medina) Makkah (Mecca)
Madinah(Medina) Makkah (Mecca) Arabia was occupied by warring clans of nomads. Madinah(Medina) Makkah (Mecca)
Most worshiped idols, especially in Most worshiped idols, especially in Mecca at the Ka’aba, the large stone shrine to a “goddess from heaven,” though a few still believed in one God.
There were Jews and Christians in Arabia, too, but Christians didn’t translate the Bible into Arabic until after 700 AD. There was a political and religious void that Islam was about to fill.
Muhammad Born in Mecca in 570 AD, orphaned at age 6, taken in by grandfather and uncle, both in the caravan business.
Muhammad met Jews and Christians on his travels, Muhammad met Jews and Christians on his travels, learned stories from the Old and New Testaments. Married Khadijah, a wealthy widow, in 595 AD, and was freed from the life of a traveling merchant. In 610 AD, Muhammad claims that the archangel Gabriel appeared to him and told him to “recite” (qur’an in Arabic) everything he said. These were the first alleged revelations from Allah.
In 610 AD, Muhammad claims that the archangel Gabriel appeared to him and told him to “recite” (qur’an in Arabic) everything he said. These were the first alleged revelations from Allah.
His messages attacked idolatry His messages attacked idolatry. By 622 he had gathered enough followers that they were forced to leave Mecca for Medina. Muslims refer to this event as the Hijra; it is the year “0” on the Muslim calendar; A.H. = “year of Hijra.” Muhammad died suddenly in 632 before appointing a successor. Arguments over the rightful heir to his leadership caused the divisions within Islam that persist to this day.
Sunnis believe the true Caliph should be chosen by those close to Muhammad; did not have to be a relative of Muhammad. Most Muslims (85%) are Sunni. Shi’as (word means “division”) believe Muhammad appointed Ali, his son-in-law, before he died, even included the choice in the Qur’an, but others secretly burned those copies. They maintain that the true Caliph must be a direct descendant of Muhammad. The disagreement led to internal battles and assassinations of leaders, but Islam spread rapidly throughout the Middle East and into Europe, stopped in France at the Battle of Tours in 732 AD.
Islam and its Conflicts Read through the three articles and fill out the document to different conflicts throughout the Middle East and Africa.