(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Origins of Islam
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Key Questions: 1. What is one thing Islam and Christianity have in common? 2. What is one thing that Islam and Christianity don’t have in common?
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Key Terms Muhammad Muslim Qur’an Islam
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes pilgrimage Key Terms mosque shrine
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Check for Understanding: Please turn to your partner and share a fact that you have learned about the religion of Islam.
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Heading 1: “Muhammad Becomes A Prophet” Muhammad born in Mecca in 570 AD; orphaned early, caravans family business; concerned over poor people; meditated in a cave, received messages from an angel; messages (becomes Qur’an), Islam formed; Muslims: followers of Islam.
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Heading 2: “Muhammad’s Teachings” took ideas from Judiasm and Christianity; example: only one god (Monotheism); example: rich should give to poor; one god belief disturbed many; favored yearly pilgrimages to Mecca; Mecca most holy city of Islam.
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Heading 3: “Islam Spreads in Arabia” slowly Islam spreads in Mecca; rich/powerful felt threatened; forced to leave Mecca for Medina (“hegira”) Muhammad’s house first “mosque”; converted many desert tribes; caravans threatened, Mecca converts to Islam.
(7th) Chapter 3-2 Cornell Notes Check for Understanding 1. Which of Muhammad’s teachings probably most bothered the rich and powerful of Mecca? Monotheism/belief in one god Everyone give to the poor/charity Rich would become equal to the poor