An Historical View of Muhammad p.b.u.h.


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Presentation transcript:

An Historical View of Muhammad p.b.u.h. Founder of world’s second largest religion, Islam 570-632 C.E. Born: Mecca,SaudiArabia Parents died early, raised by grandfather and then uncle. Merchant known for his honesty. Traveled as far as Syria; may have met Jews and Christians

Revelations Muhammad Troubled over polytheism Prayed for guidance in caves near Mecca Age 40, Visited by Angel Gabriel: “There is only one God and Muhammad is His prophet.” Encouraged by wife Khadija to accept his calling Preached in Mecca—rejected by most, accepted by some

Teachings Muhammad Written in the Qur’an Monotheism Economic and Social Justice Muhammad the last & greatest of all the prophets sent by Allah --Abraham, Moses, Jesus among the earlier prophets

Five Pillars Muhammad Teachings, continued __Believe in One God (Allah) & that Muhammad is His Prophet __Pray 5x a day facing Mecca __Give to the Poor __During Holy Month,Ramadan, fast during daytime __At least once in life, take hajj to Mecca

hijrah 622 C.E. Muslims Muhammad ---Jihad (Holy War) on non-believers (“those who submit”) & Muhammad fled Mecca for Medina--200 miles north Accepted there & Islam (“Submission”) grew 8 Years later, returned to Mecca w/ 10,000 ---Jihad (Holy War) on non-believers Mecca submitted to Muslims 630 C.E. Medina’s old city

Islam after Muhammad Muhammad Died suddenly 632 C.E. One Daughter, Fatima Mecca, Medina holy cities Jews and Christians (and later, hindus) “People of the Book” not to be persecuted Islam spread East and West along trade routes and through jihad

Islamic Architecture outside Saudi Arabia 1 The Great Mosque Cordoba, Spain

Islamic Architecture outside Saudi Arabia 2 Dome of the Rock Jerusalem, Israel

Islamic Architecture outside Saudi Arabia 3 Mosque in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Islamic Architecture outside Saudi Arabia 4 Taj Mahal Agra, India

Islamic Architecture outside Saudi Arabia 5 Islamic Society of Greater Houston Mosque