Team Portland City Grill Founder’s Day Presentation HELLO! Garrett Gustafson (Spring Team Lead) Benjamin Co (Fall Team Lead) Wendelin Mueller Julia Weimar-East Project LightBox Primary Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nuxoll Secondary Faculty Advisor: Dr. Crenshaw Industry Advisor: Andy McConnell Client: Dr. Kevin Cantrell Introduce the team and give brief roles?
Background Dr. Cantrell’s research HELLO! Background: Describe what your project is and why you are building it. If additional information is required for your audience to understand your project, it should be presented now. Box diagram below picture
Background Combines the utility of an x-ray viewing light box with the ability to change colors GUI => Microcontroller => LEDs
Design Process Project Proposal Functional Specification Design Document Hardware Design LED Circuitry Construct Box Assemble Circuits Test and Debug Founder's Day Display Software Design Microcontroller Programming Windows 7 Program HELLO! Design Process Broke the project into two parts: hardware and software that could be tackled separately due to the even split between EE and CS majors Hardware – built small scale prototypes with various arrangements of LEDs and researched optics for optimal color mixing Software – built smaller programs for simple communication with the Arduino, for example, specifying one red, green, and blue value and lighting one LED
Architecture GUI µC LEDs 2 main components HELLO! -GUI: Graphical User Interface - uC : Microcontroller
Design Process Project Proposal Functional Specification Design Document Hardware Design LED Circuitry Construct Box Assemble Circuits Test and Debug Founder's Day Display Software Design Microcontroller Programming Windows 7 Program
Architecture – Hardware (Circuitry) HELLO! Architecture – Hardware (Circuitry) Digital System We used an Arduino microcontroller that we programmed to accept integers from the GUI representing different duty cycles 15 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output pins on the Arduino were used to illuminate 5 tri-colored LEDs - explain simply what a microcontroller is and what PWM is using the picture
Architecture – Hardware (Circuitry) Pin Connections
Architecture – Hardware (Physical) HELLO! Architecture – Hardware (Physical) Diffuser Plate Also mention that the Arduino and wiring is beneath the pcb board Trapezoidal shape - built with angled walls in order to allow the box to be positioned differently based on how it is being use Diffuser plate on top to mix the light illuminating from within Circuitry is installed at the bottom (Arduino at based with the LED grid on top) LEDs Trapezoidal Shape
Design Process Project Proposal Functional Specification Design Document Hardware Design LED Circuitry Construct Box Assemble Circuits Test and Debug Founder's Day Display Software Design Microcontroller Programming Windows 7 Program Design Process
Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI) HELLO! Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI) Programmed in the Python programming language Allows the user to manipulate the intensity of each of the LEDs within the LightBox Sends signals in the form of 8 bit integers to the microcontroller - The 8 bit integers are representations of various duty cycles (as Garrett explained)
Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI) HELLO! Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI) - The layout of the LEDs in the GUI is an exact mapping to the LEDs inside the box
Enjoy! Demonstration HELLO! Demonstration: Provide a demo of our working product. For practical reasons, this may need to take the form of a video. If your product is not working, demonstrate it as best as you can.
Issues No major issues A few minor ones… Time Management HELLO! Issues No major issues A few minor ones… Time Management Circuit (Sockets) Confusing Arduino documentation Issues: Describe major setbacks or threats to your project that you have experienced and talk about how you dealt with them.
Conclusion Development process went smoothly Hardware Requirements HELLO! Fantastic! Conclusion Development process went smoothly Hardware Requirements Complete! Software Requirements The Light Box is simple for anyone to use and is able to produce a wide variety of colors Dr. Cantrell, our client, is very happy with the final product Dr. Cantrell Conclusion: Recap your main points and provide a sense of closure to your presentation.
Any Questions? Any Color Requests?