Islam Essential Question: Analyze one of the following aspects of everyday life of someone in Islam: geographic, political, economic, religious, or social structure.
Arabic Peninsula Sea and land trade routes between two great empires, the Byzantine and Persian empires. Oasis-market town-cities Camel caravan used to move a crossed desert. Merchants share ideas as they trade.
Mecca (Holy City) Major trade city Ka’aba religious shrine in Mecca Believed that Abraham built Ka’aba to worship Allah (God)
Monotheism (Belief in one God) Polytheism belief in many Gods. In Islam the one God is called Allah.
Prophet Muhammad Born in 570A.D. At 25 he married a wealthy woman. At 40 he heard the Angel Gabriel telling him “You are the Messenger of God”. His message didn’t work in Mecca so he went 200 miles north. The migration is called Hijah. In Medina he gains a following and came back to over take Mecca with 10,000 of his followers.
Books After his death his followers put together a book of his teachings, it is called the Qur’an. Muslims believe it is the final book from God Sunnah- are the words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all “people of the book” because they all believe in a holy book.
Christian, Jews, and Muslims Heaven Jesus is the son of God. Jesus is a prophet. Holy Book Christians Muslims Hell Judgment
Muslim Expansion Muslims saw military victories as signs of Allah’s support. Byzantine and Persian Empires were weak from fighting each other for so long. Taught equality, unlike the Byzantines and Persians.
Religious Tolerance If the Muslims conquered your city you did not have to join Islam. There were laws that would give special consideration to Jews and Christians to practice there faith. Muslim law dose not allow Muslims to force others to convert to Islam. If you were Muslim you would not have to pay certain taxes.
4 Rightly Guided Caliphs Abu-Bakr Uthman 632 1st caliph Rule for 2 years Reunited Muslims with military force. Conquer lands to north bring Arabia under Muslim control with military. Dies 634 3rd elected caliph Conquered rest of Persia and Southwest Asia, parts of Northern Africa Increased Islamic empire 4 times in size 654 Uthman murdered Civil War breaks out Ali Umar 4th elected caliph 661 Ali is assassinated System of electing a Caliph stops. Umayyads family takes over and moves capitol to Damascus. 644 2nd elected caliph Conquered Syria, lower Egypt, parts of Byzantine Empire, parts of Persian Empire.
Sunni or Shi’a Differences Early caliphs The first for caliphs (successor) were rightful rulers. Any Muslim who follows Muhammad’s example may be ruler. Qur’an and Sunnah of Muhammad Only Ali, Muhammad’s son in law was legitimate. Only a descendant of Muhammad and Ali may be imam, or ruler. Qur’an, Sunnah, and teachings of imams. Muslim rulers Source or Books of Islam