Report of the Data Quality Working Group Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee Report of the Data Quality Working Group Presented by Rogier Broekman, Chair HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Principal activities and achievements Membership 15 Member States (Canada, Denmark, Japan, Indonesia joined) 4 Expert Contributor (PRIMAR, IC-ENC joined) Meetings DQWG-13, 15-19 January 2018, IHO Secretariat, Monaco Letters 01/2018: Data Quality Checklist 02/2018: Methodology for the display of quality information HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Principal activities and achievements Two day workshop at meeting 13 Review of section of the data classification and encoding guide Best practices on the use of CATZOC by HO’s How HO’s, members of DQWG allocate CATZOC values (S-57) How HO’s, members of DQWG will allocate Quality of Bathymetric Data values (S-101) Development of a data quality checklist (DQWG Letter 01/2018) Consider mismatch between S-44 and CATZOC Reviewed S-100 based product specifications (NIPWG, TWCWG, S-102) HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Principal activities and achievements DQWG WORK PLAN 2018-2019 Task Work Item Priority Status Remarks A.1 Develop checklist on data quality components High Ongoing Publication at HSSC-11? B.1 Review S-101 Data Classification Encoding Guide Complete Delivered to S-100 WG D.1 Collect best practise of the use of CATZOC from HO’s Received and used at DQWG-13. D.4 Collect best practise on how to assess ZOC from surveys Medium AU, FR, US provided. HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Problems or outstanding issues Many comments on S-67 draft – rework is needed. (ref HSSC 9/36) Title of S-67 changed to “Mariners Guide to the Accuracy of Depth Information in Electronic Navigational Charts.” Various definitions and meanings of the words accuracy and uncertainty in IHO documents and their usage. Need to get in touch with ECDIS producers and end users to get their input on methodology for the display of quality information. HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14-17 May 2018
Problems or outstanding issues FUTURE Dilemma between harmonized encoding of quality information and the allowable input into a datamodel. HO’s use workarounds in current S-57 model. Harmonized encoding is a non-HSSC issue. S-57, encoding is harmonized S-101, encoding is harmonized S-57, encoding not harmonized S-101, encoding not harmonized NOW HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14-17 May 2018
Future work programme (1) DQWG WORK PLAN 2018-2020 Task Work item Priority Status Remarks B.2 Development of a “minimum” standard for data validation in S-1xx based products High Ongoing Ref HSSC9/16 C.1 Review S-100 section 4C Related to DQ Checklist D.2 Provide recommendation for a guidance documentation on how to populate CATZOC values Medium Planned Ref IHO CL 50/2017 D.3 Provide guidance documentation on the transition from S-57 CATZOC to S-101 Quality of Bathymetric Data DQWG meeting 14 D.5 Development of a Minimum Standard for Data Validation After completion of DQ Checklist HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Future work programme (2) DQWG WORK PLAN 2018-2020 Task Work item Priority Status Remarks E.1 Submit Edition 1.0.0 of S-67 for endorsement by HSSC. High Ongoing HSSC-11 submission E.3 Consider a video version of S-67 when approved by MS Medium Planned Include S-101? F.1 Continue development of Portrayal Methodology of bathymetry quality in S-101 Paper: Methodology for the display of quality information F.2 Invite industry partners (ECDIS producers) and end users to get their input on methodology for the display of quality information DQWG-14 invitation HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018 Items of Note DQWG Reference Documents -> HSSC -> DQWG -> Reference Documents National Methodologies from survey data to CATZOC values National Methodologies how to generalize quality information at various scales (planned) Invite other HO’s / Regional Hydrographic Commissions to share their internal guidelines. Next meeting: 5-8 February 2019, IHO Secretariat, Monaco HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018
Action requested of HSSC Note this report; Approve the title of S-67; Endorse the tasks in the DQWG Work Plan 2018-2020. HSSC-10, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 14 -17 May 2018