The Hodgkin and Huxley Model of the Action Potential


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Presentation transcript:

The Hodgkin and Huxley Model of the Action Potential By Jaclyn Eisdorfer

The Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) Negative resting potential with a value of about -70mV Produced by active transporters ATPase Pumps: primary active transport Ion Exchangers/Cotransporters: secondary active transport

Electrochemical Equilibrium (Ex) X = ion species When one type of ion is permeable, there is an exact balance between two opposing forces: 1) Chemical Energy: the concentration gradient = NRT*ln[Xout/Xin] 2) Electrical Energy: the opposing electrical concentration = NzFE Nernst Equation:

Action Potential (AP) Makes the mem potential positive Propagated along the length of axons How information is transferred Elicit an AP: ionic current passes across the membrane of a neuron to depolarize the RMP Meaning ions flux across the membrane down their concentration gradient and take electrical charges with them Flux due to asymmetric distribution of ions in intracellular and extracellular spaces

AP Nomenclature Rising phase: membrane rapidly depolarizes Overshoot: positive membrane potential during AP Falling phase: membrane rapidly repolarizes Undershoot: hyperpolarization

Materials – Giant Squid Axon Obtained from the hindmost stellar nerve of Loligo forbesi Large axon diameter = faster conduction of APs because low internal cytosolic resistance Allows squid to propel forward AP is the same in squid and vertebrate axons but waveform of AP is different

Materials – Intracellular Microelectrodes Two long silver wires Wires thrust down the axis of the giant squid axon Wires were insulated except for terminal portions that were exposed Current was applied between the current wire and the earth Potential difference across the membrane could be recorded from the voltage wire and an external electrode

Materials – Feedback Amplifier Negative feedback was employed meaning that any spontaneous change in membrane potential caused an output current to flow in a direction which restored the membrane potential to its command voltage (desired potential)

Method – Voltage Clamp Method (VCM) Type of intracellular recording that simultaneously controls (“clamps”) membrane potential (generates a voltage across a membrane) and measures underlying permeability changes (measures ionic currents) as a function of membrane potential and time Allows researcher to determine: Which types of ion channels are opened or closed When they open How they respond to voltage

Iinto axon = Iacross mem VCM Steps 1. Measures membrane potential, Vm, across the membrane with an intracellular microelectrode placed inside the cell 2. Measures the difference between Vm and the desired potential (called the command voltage) 3. Feedback amplifier utilizes negative feedback to pass current through microelectrode, Ie, into the axon that is proportional to this difference making Vm=Vcommand 4. Measures the ionic current across the membrane Iinto axon = Iacross mem


Experiments & Results Five Papers: Aim: HH published a series of 5 papers that were concerned with the flow of electric current through the surface membrane of a giant nerve fiber Experiments will be broken down by paper to avoid confusion Determine the laws which govern movement of ions during electrical activity (i.e. during an AP)

Paper #1 Goals: Examine the function of the neuronal membrane under normal conditions Outline the experimental method in each experiment in all 5 papers VCM: V0= 0 (RMP) depolarized to V1 (command voltage) Exp 1: : Axons gave all-or-nothing AP of ~ 100 mV when stimulated with a brief shock Threshold of AP seen at ~ 15 mV Depolarizations < 10-15 mV gave graded responses

Paper #1 (continued) Exp 2: Feedback amplifier made the membrane potential undergo a sudden displacement to a new level, V1, where it was held constant for 10-50 ms Membrane had brief Cm and an ionic current Depolarizations > 15mV gave outward currents that decreased with time Depolarizations of 15-110 mV gave an initial inward current, followed by a large and prolonged outward current Inward current disappeared at ~ 110 mV and was replaced by an outward current

Paper #2 Goals: : Identify which ions carry the different phases of the membrane current VCM: V0= 0 (RMP) depolarized to V1 (command voltage) Exp 3: Initial phase of inward current was reversed in sign by replacing the extracellular Na ions with choline ions

Paper #2 (continued) Exp 4: Finding the critical value when Na inward current changed to outward Critical value = peak: normally ~ 110 mV wit normal extracellular [Na] Lower/higher value of peak with decreased/increased extracellular [Na] Ex: lowering extracellular [Na] decreases rate and amplitude of AP Therefore HH realized depolarization leads to a rapid increase in permeability which allows Na ions to move in either direction through the membrane Initial phase of ionic current Delayed outward current was little affected by replacing Na ions with choline Simple assumptions led HH to resolve ITOT to INa and IK gNa rises rapidly to max and then decreases in an exponential curve gK rising more slowly along an S-shaped curve and maintained at high levels for long periods of time

Paper #3 Goals: Examine the effects of sudden potential changes on the AP/ionic conductance VCM: membrane potential is restored from V1  V0 and also changed V1  V2 Exp 5: Repolarization of axon during period of depolarization (high Na permeability) is associated with a large outward current which decreases rapidly along an exponential curve

Paper #3 (continued) Exp 6: “Tail” of inward current disappears if extracellular [Na] is removed Time course of gNa during VCM can be calculated from the variation of the “tail” of inward current with the duration of depolarization Exp 7: Repolarization of membrane during high K permeability is associated with a “tail” of outward current at RMP and inward current above a critical potential of ~ 10-20 mV above RMP Suggests gK is a function of time which rises when the nerve is depolarized and falls when it’s repolarized

Paper #4 Goals: Outline how inactivation process decreases Na permeability after the AP has undergone the initial rise associated with depolarization Exp 8: Steady depolarization of 8 mV decreases the INa associated with a sudden depolarization of 45 mV by ~ 60% Depolarization gradually inactivates the sys which enables Na ions to cross the membrane Exp 9: In steady state, inactivation appears to be almost complete if the membrane potential is decreased by 30 mV and is almost absent if its increased by 30mV

Paper #5 Goal: Combine previous experimental data and turn it into mathematical models Next few slides will break down the following equations:

Capacitive Current (Cm) Instantaneous and short Due to hyperpolarization which occurs during the undershoot after an AP fires because K permeability becomes even greater than it is at rest It’s a redistribution of charge across the axonal membrane Other than this, no other current flows due to hyperpolarization

Determining Conductance (gx) for Na and K Can’t use 1st order equations to define both conductances Then HH thought of conductance as particle movement: voltage sensitive increase in conductance is due to change in position of a charged particle in the membrane In this way, an electric field change would elicit a probability change that would follow a 1st order time course 1st order kinematics also accounts for exponential decay of conductance But 1st order doesn’t account for the lag in onset of conductance HH then raised the 1st order conductance equation to a power which: Provides delayed onset (lag) of conductance Provides exponential decay of conductance upon repolarization Incorporates gK and gNa respective voltage sensitivities Provides the non-linear relation between the steady amplitude and level of depolarization

Kinetics of gK 1st eq: n = probability of particle being in the correct position to open the K channels n4 = 4 particles have to be on the proper side of the membrane to open the K gate gK eq = fraction of K channels that are open at any given time 2nd eq: the rate constants, α and β, change n from being a function of membrane potential to a function of voltage gKbar = constant αn and βn = rate constants that vary with voltage but not time n varies between 0 and 1 because it’s a probability n = the portion of particles inside the membrane 1-n = portion outside membrane αn determines rate of transfer from outside to inside Βn determines rate of opposite direction

Kinetics of gNa 1st eq: m = probability of particle being in the correct position to open the Na channels m3 = 3 particles have to be on the proper side of the membrane to open the Na gate gNa eq = fraction of Na channels that are open at any given time h = probability the “ball” on the chain of the Na channel is hanging free 2nd and 3rd eqs: the rate constants, α and β, change m and h from being functions of membrane potential to functions of voltage gNabar = constant All α’s and β’s = rate constants that vary with voltage but not time All are transfer rate constants m and h vary between 0 and 1 because they are probabilities m = the portion of activating particles inside the membrane 1-m = portion outside membrane h = the portion of inactivating particles on the inside 1-h = portion on the outside

Kinetics of Leaky Current Small current essential in achieving a net current of zero at RMP Leaky current is a small constant value and it’s not voltage sensitive Inward rectifying K channels are an example of a leaky channel during rest

HH Model is Still Applicable Today! The End 

References Huxley AL and Hodgkin AF. Measurement of Current-Voltage Relations in the Membrane of the Giant Axon of Loligo. Journal of Physiology 1: 424-448, 1952. Huxley AL and Hodgkin AF. Currents Carried by Sodium and Potassium Ions Through the Membrane of the Giant Axon of Loligo. Journal of Physiology 1:449-472, 1952. Huxley AL and Hodgkin AF. The Components of Membrane Conductance in the Giant Axon of Loligo. Journal of Physiology 1: 473-496, 1952. Huxley AL and Hodgkin AF. The Dual Effect of Membrane Potential on Sodium Conductance in the Giant Axon of Loligo. Journal of Physiology 1: 497-506,1952. Huxley AF and Hodgkin AL. A Quantitative Description of Membrane Currentand Its Application to Conduction and Excitiation in Nerve. Journal of Physiology 1: 500-544, 1952. Purves, Dale. Neuroscience. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 2018. Vandenberg, Carol. “Neurobiology.” Oct. 2016, Santa Barbara, California.