Ahh, The Power of Cheese
Brie BREE French decent creamy and pale colored Bloomy rind comes from the Penicillium Candidum , a white mold applied to the surface. Formed into wheels. Napoleon was so delighted in his first taste of Camembert, he kissed the waitress who served it.
Blue Cheese Blue-vein mold ripened variety. Ages 2-6 months. Tangy Texture is semisoft, pasty, and sometimes crumbly. White interior and marbled/streaked with blue veins of mold.
Mozzarella Origins in Italy. #1 Cheese used in the food industry. First made from the milk of the Water Buffalo. Curds are kneaded or stretched. Formed into balls or logs. White soft elastic tears into strips.
Provolone Pro-vo-lo’neh A different culture is used in Provolone than mozzarella to make a fuller taste. Firm texture full flavor more flavor than Mozzarella Comes in cannonball shapes
Colby A lovely cheese from the great state of Wisconsin! Guess which city it is from? Founded 1874 Fresh form is known as the favorite treat, CURDS!! Curds are sprayed with cold water and stirred to keep them from knitting together. Pressed into shape
Gouda Goo-dah Dutch origins Wheel or wedge shape Buttery flavor Wax covering- red, black, or yellow flavoring is indicated by the color Light Buttery nutty, with smooth creamy texture
Cheddar Only Cheese produced in US prior to 1850. Accounts for 1/2 of all Cheese in the U.S. English Origins Aging makes the flavor Medium, mild, sharp, and aged Common used to make curds Interior is usually yellow but can be white Exterior can come in three colors, clear mild, Red suggests medium, Black suggests sharp
Swiss Origin in Switzerland, Americans copied the recipe and gave it a tune up. Characterized by Holes Flavor is sweet and nut-like Baby Swiss is aged less yielding smaller holes
Parmesan Origins in Italy hard cheese Wheel, wedge, or powder Available fresh or in the “Can” One of the most popular cheeses in the World
Muenster Mun’-ster Origins in France semi soft Orange or white surface; creamy white interior. Wheels or loafs
Brick Origins in Wisconsin Semi Hard Has small and irregular holes Sweet, spicy, and nutty flavor Is a relative of Limburger, which has a pungent aroma It gains aroma with age