CPD Portfolios & Health Professions Council Mig Braid Alison McIntyre
Portfolio Development Workshop Learning Outcomes: Identify suitable format for developing a CPD portfolio development Identify activities suitable for a CPD portfolio, that would provide evidence for KSF review/appraisal and HPC CPD standards. Define reflective practice and its implications for evidencing your learning and development Identify reflective tools to support CPD portfolio development List the 5 HPC CPD Standards Identify the process if chosen for HPC audit Develop a personal action plan to take forward post workshop.
Continuing Professional Development ‘a range of learning activities through which professionals maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure that they retain their capacity to practice safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice’ (AHP Project 2002)
Discussion What is a CPD Portfolio?
What is a CPD Portfolio? A private collection of evidence that demonstrates learning and development as well as a plan for future development. It’s both retrospective and prospective as well as reflecting the current stage of development of the individual. It should be a private and personal document, from which relevant entries and evidence can be extracted for a particular purpose.
Why should you complete a Portfolio?
Why should you complete a portfolio? Evidence for KSF HPC requirements for re-registration Greater work satisfaction Evaluating your career Applying for a new post Seeking enhanced grading Seeking access to training Recording new skills and experiences Job evaluation
What should it look like?
What should you put in a Portfolio? Group Work What should you put in a Portfolio?
What should you put in a portfolio? Self-assessment questionnaires Teaching Presentations Audits Research PDP/Appraisal Committee Meetings Job Description Clinical Supervision In-Services Feedback Student Education Reflective Practice CV Mandatory Training Course Certificates Additional Roles e.g. Stewards Critiques Journal Articles
Structuring a Portfolio Can include:- Title Page CPD Log Sheet Up to date CV Current Job Description Current Performance Development Review Achievements (Certificates/project work etc) Formal Learning – courses attended and your evaluation of their impact upon your practice Informal Learning – your reflective learning – learning from your experience at work In-service training – events you have attended, or organised, as well as teaching materials from in-services you have presented. Mandatory Training – CPR, Manual handling, IT security Teaching/Education – students, other staff etc.
Activities for CPD Portfolio Work Based Learning Self-Directed learning Formal/Educational Learning Professional Activities Other!!! As per HPC audit recommendations www.hpc-uk.org
Activities of CPD Learning by doing Case studies Reflective practice Work based Learning Professional activities Learning by doing Case studies Reflective practice Audit Coaching / Mentoring by others Discussions with colleagues Peer review Job rotation Journal club Work shadowing Project work Committee representative Involvement in professional body Membership of SIG Being an examiner Being a tutor Branch meetings Lecturing or teaching Giving presentations at conferences Being promoted Formal / Educational Self directed learning Other Courses Further education Research Attending conferences Writing articles / papers Distance learning Planning or running a course Reading journals or articles Reviewing articles or books Updating your knowledge through the internet Keeping a file of your progress Public service Voluntary work
Examples of CPD evidence Materials you have produced Materials showing you have reflected on and evaluated your learning and work Materials you have got from others Information leaflets Case studies Critical reviews Adapted students’ notes Discussion documents Documents about national or local processes Procedural documents Questionnaires Procedures Recent job applications Course assignments Reports (e.g. on project work, audits etc) Guidelines for dealing with patients Article for journals Action Plans/PDSAs Presentations you have given Induction materials for new staff Contributions to the work of a professional body or SIG Adapted documents arising from appraisals, supervision reviews and so on Documents about following local or national schemes relating to CPD Personal development plans/Learning Plans Approved claims for credit for previous learning or experience Testimonies Letters from service users, carers, students or colleagues Course certificates Satisfaction Questionnaires Service Evaluation Forms 360 reviews
Worksheet 1 List some activities in last 2 weeks. Evidence for Portfolio
Recording CPD on CPD Log Sheet Worksheet 2 Recording CPD on CPD Log Sheet
Well done! You’ve made it to the coffee break
“Reflection” “ Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it. And then he feels perhaps there isn’t.” Milne 1926 P 1
REFLECTIVE PRACTICE What does reflective practice mean to you?
Reflective Practice “Professional activity in which the practitioner thinks critically about their practice and as a result may modify their action or behaviour and/or modify their learning needs” CSP 2005 Reflective writing helps you to squeeze all the goodness out of your learning
Reflective Questions What did you do? How did you do it? Why did you it ? How will you apply it?
Individual Work Reflective Templates
What are the HPC 5 CPD Standards?
Standards for HPC CPD www.hpc-uk.org A registrant must: Standard 1 Maintain a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities; Standard 2 Demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current and future practice; Standard 3 Seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery; Standard 4 Seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user; Standard 5 Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD on request. www.hpc-uk.org
Re-registration Each time you sign your renewal form you are confirming that you have met the HPC standards for CPD. The audit process exists to verify this.
The HPC CPD Profile The profile will be a form to complete and comprises three parts: A summary of practice history for last 2 years (up to 500 words) A statement of how you have met the HPC standards of CPD (up to 1500 words) Evidence to support your statement
There is an appeal process. AUDIT OUTCOMES You meet the HPC CPD standards and receive a letter to inform you of this. If you fail to meet the standards, you will be given time to resubmit your profile. There is an appeal process.
Deferral If you are picked to return your CPD profile and, due to circumstances outwith your control you are unable to do so, you can ask for a deferral But… you will automatically be chosen again for audit two years later when your registration comes up for renewal again.
We do CPD every week and we are often regularly reflecting on our practice so Evidence it!
Action Plan After today I will …..
Useful Websites www.hpc-uk.org (useful for HPC CPD regulation) www.flyingstart.scot.nhs.uk (useful resources for reflection tools etc) www.nhsemployers.org (useful for KSF info) AHP CPD toolkit??