Unit Two: Chapter 9 • accolade • edifice • assuage • gravity • cacophony • infraction • censure • profane • diatribe • somber Page 48 in textbook.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 accolade – noun Accolade means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 accolade – noun • Many people rushed out to try the new Thai restaurant on Wayne Avenue after it received an accolade in a newspaper review. • Although it was filmed in 1941, Citizen Kane continues to earn accolades as one of the best movies ever made. Accolade means A. an expression of approval. B. an apology. C. a greeting. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Photo: Shealah Craighead
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 accolade – noun Accolade means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 accolade – noun • Many people rushed out to try the new Thai restaurant on Wayne Avenue after it received an accolade in a newspaper review. • Although it was filmed in 1941, Citizen Kane continues to earn accolades as one of the best movies ever made. Accolade means A. an expression of approval. B. an apology. C. a greeting. Page 48 in textbook. Only an expression of approval would send so many readers out to a new restaurant. Calling it “one of the best movies ever made” is one of many expressions of approval the film has earned. Photo: Shealah Craighead
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 assuage – verb Assuage means A. to increase. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 assuage – verb • My brother’s apology helped to assuage my anger at him. • The grief one feels over the loss of a loved one never fully goes away, but time does assuage the pain. Assuage means A. to increase. B. to explain. C. to make less severe. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 assuage – verb Assuage means A. to increase. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 assuage – verb • My brother’s apology helped to assuage my anger at him. • The grief one feels over the loss of a loved one never fully goes away, but time does assuage the pain. Assuage means A. to increase. B. to explain. C. to make less severe. Page 48 in textbook. Offering an apology is a way to make another person’s anger less severe. Even though people continue to feel some grief, the passage of time can make their pain feel less severe.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 cacophony – noun Cacophony means A. harmony. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 cacophony – noun • “I bought my daughter an iPod,” Gordon confessed, “so I wouldn’t have to listen to the cacophony that she calls music.” • When we listen to the cacophony of orchestra members tuning their instruments, it is hard to believe that they will soon produce a beautiful symphony. Cacophony means A. harmony. B. unpleasant noise. C. silence. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. Photo: Alterna2
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 cacophony – noun Cacophony means A. harmony. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 cacophony – noun • “I bought my daughter an iPod,” Gordon confessed, “so I wouldn’t have to listen to the cacophony that she calls music.” • When we listen to the cacophony of orchestra members tuning their instruments, it is hard to believe that they will soon produce a beautiful symphony. Cacophony means A. harmony. B. unpleasant noise. C. silence. Page 48 in textbook. The father doesn’t want to listen to the unpleasant noise his daughter calls music. A beautiful symphony is contrasted with the unpleasant noise of an orchestra tuning up. Photo: Alterna2
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 censure – noun Censure means A. disapproval. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 censure – noun • After Aaron got his ear pierced, he had to deal not only with his father’s censure, but also with his grandfather’s sarcastic remarks and icy stares. • Jodi’s parents were strongly opposed to her engagement. Unable to stand up to their censure, she broke up with her boyfriend. Censure means A. disapproval. B. tolerance. C. neglect. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 censure – noun Censure means A. disapproval. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 censure – noun • After Aaron got his ear pierced, he had to deal not only with his father’s censure, but also with his grandfather’s sarcastic remarks and icy stares. • Jodi’s parents were strongly opposed to her engagement. Unable to stand up to their censure, she broke up with her boyfriend. Censure means A. disapproval. B. tolerance. C. neglect. Page 48 in textbook. Sarcastic remarks and icy stares show the grandfather’s disapproval. If Jodi’s parents were strongly opposed to her engagement, they probably showed their disapproval.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 diatribe – noun Diatribe means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 diatribe – noun • A reporter covering a preacher’s sermon sat through an hour-long diatribe about wickedness. He later wrote, “Mr. Blank spoke on sin. He was against it.” • The art teacher, normally soft-spoken, subjected the class to a loud diatribe when he discovered that someone had spilled Coca-Cola on his computer. Diatribe means A. a calm discussion. B. a physical attack. C. a verbal attack. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 diatribe – noun Diatribe means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 diatribe – noun • A reporter covering a preacher’s sermon sat through an hour-long diatribe about wickedness. He later wrote, “Mr. Blank spoke on sin. He was against it.” • The art teacher, normally soft-spoken, subjected the class to a loud diatribe when he discovered that someone had spilled Coca-Cola on his computer. Diatribe means A. a calm discussion. B. a physical attack. C. a verbal attack. Page 48 in textbook. If the preacher spoke against sin, his hour-long sermon must have been a verbal attack on wickedness. The teacher’s soft-spoken manner is contrasted with his loud verbal attack on the students for having carelessly spilled soda on his computer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 edifice – noun Edifice means A. a structure. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 edifice – noun • On the college’s hundredth anniversary, a plaque was put up in honor of the architect who had designed its first edifice, now the administration building. • The company president decided to continue to rent office space, rather than buy a building. “It would be nice to move into a fine new edifice,” she said, “but I’d rather spend the money on higher salaries and a better product.” Edifice means A. a structure. B. an expense. C. a design. Page 48 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Photo: Jiuguang Wang
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 edifice – noun Edifice means A. a structure. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 edifice – noun • On the college’s hundredth anniversary, a plaque was put up in honor of the architect who had designed its first edifice, now the administration building. • The company president decided to continue to rent office space, rather than buy a building. “It would be nice to move into a fine new edifice,” she said, “but I’d rather spend the money on higher salaries and a better product.” Edifice means A. a structure. B. an expense. C. a design. Page 48 in textbook. In both items, the word building suggests that an edifice is a structure. Photo: Jiuguang Wang
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 gravity – noun Gravity means A. grief. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 gravity – noun • “I’m not sure you understand the gravity of the crimes you are accused of,” the lawyer told his client. “Do you realize you could go to prison for a very long time?” • The anxious parents waited in the emergency room to learn the gravity of their son’s condition. Gravity means A. grief. B. seriousness. C. usefulness. Page 49 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 gravity – noun Gravity means A. grief. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 gravity – noun • “I’m not sure you understand the gravity of the crimes you are accused of,” the lawyer told his client. “Do you realize you could go to prison for a very long time?” • The anxious parents waited in the emergency room to learn the gravity of their son’s condition. Gravity means A. grief. B. seriousness. C. usefulness. Page 49 in textbook. Only crimes of great seriousness are punished by long prison terms. Most parents would be anxious to find out the seriousness of the medical condition that brought their child to the emergency room.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 infraction – noun Infraction means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 infraction – noun • “In my class, there will be no texting or other cell-phone use,” said the instructor. “Any infraction of this rule will lead to a lower grade.” • Mrs. Hoeffel charges her kids for household infractions. For instance, there is a five-cent fine for leaving towels on the bathroom floor and a twenty-five-cent fine for failing to turn off the living-room lights at bedtime. Infraction means A. an exception. B. an explanation. C. a violation. Page 49 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 infraction – noun Infraction means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 infraction – noun • “In my class, there will be no texting or other cell-phone use,” said the instructor. “Any infraction of this rule will lead to a lower grade.” • Mrs. Hoeffel charges her kids for household infractions. For instance, there is a five-cent fine for leaving towels on the bathroom floor and a twenty-five-cent fine for failing to turn off the living-room lights at bedtime. Infraction means A. an exception. B. an explanation. C. a violation. Page 49 in textbook. The first item describes an instructor’s rule (no texting or cell-phone use) and the consequence for any violation (a lower grade). The second item describes a parent’s rules (no leaving towels on floors, no leaving lights on at bedtime) and the consequences for any violation (cash fines).
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 profane – adjective Profane means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 profane – adjective • Karen refuses to use profane language. She says “Oh my gosh” instead of “Oh my God.” • Movies may get an “R” rating because of violence, sexual scenes, or profane dialog. Profane means A. lacking reverence. B. ungrammatical. C. hard to understand. Page 49 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 profane – adjective Profane means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 profane – adjective • Karen refuses to use profane language. She says “Oh my gosh” instead of “Oh my God.” • Movies may get an “R” rating because of violence, sexual scenes, or profane dialog. Profane means A. lacking reverence. B. ungrammatical. C. hard to understand. Page 49 in textbook. Karen thinks it would be lacking reverence to use the word God to show surprise. Dialog that is lacking reverence is considered unsuitable for children.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 somber – adjective Somber means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 somber – adjective • When I saw the doctor’s somber expression, I was afraid she had bad news for me. • The dark colors and heavy furniture in the house give it a somber look—I think it would be hard to laugh or even smile there. Somber means A. very serious. B. cheerful. C. restful. Page 49 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Photo: U.S. Air Force - Rusti Caraker
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 somber – adjective Somber means Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 somber – adjective • When I saw the doctor’s somber expression, I was afraid she had bad news for me. • The dark colors and heavy furniture in the house give it a somber look—I think it would be hard to laugh or even smile there. Somber means A. very serious. B. cheerful. C. restful. Page 49 in textbook. If the doctor had bad news for her patient, the expression on her face would be very serious. If it is hard to laugh or even smile in the house, the atmosphere must be very serious. Photo: U.S. Air Force - Rusti Caraker