The European Food SCP Round Table


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Presentation transcript:

The European Food SCP Round Table 6 January 2016 1

Outline Food SCP Round Table characteristics & membership Technical work of the RT: Working Group 1 The ENVIFOOD Protocol and its pilot test The Round Table in the PEF Pilot Phase

A lack of harmonised tools for practical environmental assessment and to support consumer communication Today: no uniformly applied assessment methodology leading to: Proliferation of competing schemes at different levels (authorities, retailers, producers) Different methods assessing different impacts with different standards Communication tools supported by different schemes which reduces consumer understanding and comparability High diversity of food and drinks and different environmental impacts at different stages of the life-cycle Health and nutrition disregarded 3

Sustainable consumption? confusion? 4

Key characteristics Official launch: 6 May 2009 in Brussels Vision: Promote science-based, coherent approach to SCP in the food sector, consider interactions across the entire food chain Working areas: Methodology, communication, continuous improvement Scope: Food and drink products across the whole life-cycle Food actors: 12 European food chain organisations Other members: Sustainability Consortium Co-chairs: European Commission (DGs ENV, SANCO, JRC, ENTR) Support: UNEP, European Environment Agency Observers: National governments, Eurogroup for Animals, UN FAO, UNDP, Spanish Consumers Union (OCU) Participation: EU level organisations subject to expertise and commitment

The Lead Principle Environmental information communicated along the food chain, including to consumers, shall be scientifically reliable and consistent, understandable and not misleading, so as to support informed choice. 6

Key objectives Develop and promote further sustainability in the EU food chain Improve the environmental performance of food and drink products throughout their life cycle Develop specific solutions to assess and validate continuous environmental improvement across the food chain Promote and improve the communication of environmental performance of food and drink products and their production across the food chain Promote coordination and policy consistency on sustainability of food and drink products at international level New objectives to apply as of 2014 currently under revision

Food SCP RT delivering on its objectives 10 Guiding Principles 2010 Communicating Environmental performance along the food chain 2011 Continuous Environmental Improvement 2012 ENVIFOOD Protocol 2012 - 2013 2014 and beyond Promote the uptake of the ENVIFOOD Protocol at national, European and international level, taking into account the PEF/OEF testing Conduct further methodology revisions of the ENVIFOOD Protocol as well as specifications for individual food and drink product categories (PCRs) Develop guidelines for PCR development and verification Identify, review and coordinate available PCRs for food products and management of synergies Facilitate technical support on PEFCRs development and validation in the context of the PEF/OEF testing Further evaluate environmental communication tools for B2B and B2C communication Develop and communicate our vision on sustainability of the EU food chain Since its creation in 2009, the RT has delivered on its objectives according to its initial work programme: Publication in 2010 of the ten “Guiding Principles”  on the voluntary provision of environmental information along the food chain, including both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumers (B2C) Adoption in 2011 of the Report on “Communicating environmental performance along the food chain” , which identifies suitable tools and good practices for communicating the environmental performance of food and drink products and other related environmental information Adoption in 2012 of the report on “Continuous Environmental Improvement” Release in 2012 and testing in 2013 of the first draft of the ENVIFOOD Protocol, the harmonised framework assessment methodology for the environmental assessment of food and drink products

Governance Structure All RT bodies are co-chaired by the European Commission and representatives of the RT constituencies 9

Outline Round Table characteristics & membership Technical work of the RT: Working Group 1 The ENVIFOOD Protocol and its pilot test The Round Table in the PEF Pilot Phase

Working Group 1 – The objectives and the means 10 Guiding Principles ENVIFOOD Protocol 10 Guiding Principles: Development of principles/guidelines on the environmental assessment of food and drink products including their packaging ENVIFOOD PROTOCOL: Establishment of a framework assessment methodology for food and drink products, including – where appropriate – product category specification, by 2011 (interim report by 2010), building on international standards and existing and emerging methodological developments at national and EU level, including the work of the European Commission and its Joint Research Centre 16 Working Group meetings +/- 100 members of the Working Group Yearly updated mandates and actions

Outline Round Table characteristics & membership Technical work of the RT: Working Group 1 The ENVIFOOD Protocol and its pilot test The Round Table in the PEF Pilot Phase

The ENVIFOOD Protocol The ENVIFOOD Protocol provides a methodological framework for the environmental assessment of food and drink products: Gives guidance on how to use LCA methodologies when assessing food and drink products Gives guidance on what issues need to be further addressed in PCRs Main methodological issues covered Functional unit System boundaries Data quality requirements and dealing with data gaps Handling multi-functional processes Environmental impact categories

Assessment methodology hierarchy RT Guidance on voluntary communication (Footprint, certification schemes, etc.)

Developing the Protocol – the process 1st WG1 Workshop + Road Map Detailed analysis 2nd WG1 Workshop Protocol drafting Public consultation and revision Testing Fine-tuning We are currently at the end of the testing phase and the beginning of the fine tuning phase Final protocol to be presented at the SCP RT plenary on the 20th November 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013

ENVIFOOD Protocol pilot test in detail 18 companies/organisations/research institutes Assessments strictly according to Protocol and in line with RT’s 10 guiding principles March 2013 Launch ENVIFOOD pilot test Webinars and online forum discussions throughout the process 30 Sept End ENVIFOOD pilot test Oct 2013 Protocol fine-tuning 20 Nov 2013 Final ENVIFOOD Protocol Currently: Oct 2013 Protocol fine-tuning following Test and Consultation results undergoing

18 Participants to ENVIFOOD pilot test Organisation Product Granarolo (Italy) mozzarella cheese packed in a polyethylene bag Carlsberg Italia Beer products Campden BRI (Research organisation, Hungary) soy and beef products European Bottled Water Federation PET and returnable glass bottles for still and sparkling water Coop Italia high quality milk 1lt Nestlé Purina Gourmet Pearl Chicken (cat product), NaturNes (baby food product), Nescafé (coffee) UNESDA non-alcoholic drinks Federación Española Del Vino (Spain) Wine Barilla American Sandwich Nature/ Husman/ Pasta/ Tarallucci/ Tomato Sauce ReMa-MEDIO AMBIENTE, S.L. (LCA Consultancy, Spain) 5 wine products CTME (Technology Centre Foundation, Spain) bottle of red wine Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology meat, dairy or fisheries product Primary Food Processors Starch, sugar, oilseed crushing and vegetable oil refining, or a selection of these Gallina Blanca Star Chicken stock cubes FEFAC compound feed for terrestrial species and aquafeed FEDIAF “Concept” dry and wet pet food products, followed by real products on the market FERRERO Lemon Ice The (ESTATHE LEMON T3x24) and Chocolate praline (ROCHER T30x72) Mondelēz International Several coffee products

Outline Round Table characteristics & membership Technical work of the RT: Working Group 1 The ENVIFOOD Protocol and its pilot test The Round Table in the PEF Pilot Phase

The Food SCP RT and the PEF pilot phase ALIGNMENT PEF ENVIFOOD PEF PILOT 2nd wave Food Feed Drink Kick off: 2014 COMMON OBJECTIVES Applicability of PEF to Food, Feed & Drinks ENVIFOOD as a sectorial guideline PEFCRs in line with ENVIFOOD Protocol Communication in line with RT and COM guiding principles Compliance and verification First block: PEF and ENVIFOOD Protocol are aligned given that the authors of the ENVIFOOD Protocol have saught for the maximum alignment possible Second block: The second wave of the pilot phase to be launched at Christmas will deal with food, feed and drink products. Third block: In this second wave the RT has common objectives with the Commission on the testing of the PEF which are: Test the applicability of the PEF to different food, feed and drink products Test the ENVIFOOD protocol as a sectorial guidance for the application of the PEF methodology for FFD Defining PECRs for product tested in line with protocol Communication in line with RT and Commission (as layed down in Communication of the Commission - see slide 21) guiding principles Compliance and verification 19

Governance structure of the PEF pilot phase 20

RT contribution to the PEF pilot phase PEF Steering Committee Technical Advisory Board Governance: Round Table participation Pilots possibly led by European sector federations (RT members) Identification, review and coordination of different PEFCRs Support pilot test on communication vehicles based on RT and Commission principles Support in evaluation of results Reporting back to all RT members Technical support: Building on experience with ENVIFOOD * Support test communication vehicles based on RT and Commission principles as layed down in the Communication (COM(2013) 196 final) on Building the Single Market for Green Products section 4.4 Communicating the environmental performance of products and organisations (Note: which are in principle based on the RT principles and report) 21

Food SCP RT: prototype of efficient implementation of PEF at sector level RT representing the food chain with harmonised and commonly agreed principles RT facilitate technical support throughout PEF pilot building on its experience of Envifood Protocol development and testing Experimented food chain testers prepared to participate in PEF pilot testing    22

Actions and deliverables beyond 2015 (I) Circular Economy Task Force Social Life Cycle Assessment Continue to support PEF/OEF Liaise with new initiatives to assess the environmental performance of food products e.g. Cool Farm Tool  

Actions and deliverables beyond 2015 (II) Promote the uptake of the ENVIFOOD Protocol at national, European and international level, taking into account the PEF/OEF testing Conduct further methodology revisions of the ENVIFOOD Protocol as well as specifications for individual food and drink product categories (PCRs) Develop guidelines for PCR development and verification Identify, review and coordinate available PCRs for food products and management of synergies Facilitate technical support on PEFCRs development and validation in the context of the PEF/OEF testing  

Actions and deliverables beyond 2015 (III) Further evaluate environmental communication tools for B2B and B2C communication Develop and communicate our vision on sustainability of the EU food chain Promotion of further sustainability measures, on a continuous basis, at all levels Cooperation and coordination with international initiatives/developments on food wastage Regular communication on progress

European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Round Table For any further information or to express interest in becoming a formal member of the RT please contact also the RT Secretariat: 26


5 Founding Members European Farmers and European Agri‐Cooperatives (COPA‐COGECA) European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN) FERTILIZERS EUROPE FoodDrinkEurope

6 Other Member Organisations 1 Associate Member Organisation Alliance for Beverage Carton and the Environment (ACE) European Container Glass Association (FEVE) European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA) Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) Primary Food Processors (PFP) 1 Associate Member Organisation The Sustainability Consortium

2 Supporting Organisations Co-Chairing Organisation: European Commission 2 Supporting Organisations European Environment Agency (EEA) United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)

19 Observer Organisations (1) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Eurogroup for Animals French Environment & Energy Management Agency (ADEME) Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development MEEDM - French Ministry for Ecology MTT Agrifood Research Finland Netherlands Ministry for Environment Netherlands Agriculture Ministry Spanish Agriculture Ministry

19 Observer Organisations (2) Spanish Consumers Union (OCU) Swedish National Food Administration Technical University of Denmark UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK Food Safety Authority Swiss Federal Office for the Environment United Nations Development Programme United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization U.S. Department of Agriculture at the U.S. Mission to the EU

Co-chairing of the RT bodies (1) Plenary Karolina D’Cunha (DG ENV, European Commission) Pekka PESONEN (Copa‐Cogeca, Secretary General) Steering Committee Pascal GREVERATH (FoodDrinkEurope/Nestle, Assistant Vice-President Environmental Sustainability)

Co-chairing of the RT bodies (2) WG1: Environment assessment Erwan Saouter (DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission) Nicolas Martin (FEFAC, Policy Advisor) Urs Schenker (Nestlé/FoodDrinkEurope) WG2: Environmental information Jeroen VAN LAER (DG SANCO, European Commission) Industry co-chair: currently vacant WG3: Continuous improvement Christian PALLIERE (Fertilizers Europe, Director Agriculture and Environment) European Commission co-chair: currently vacant WG4:International and non‐environmental aspects Salvatore D’Acunto (DG Enterprise and Industry, Head of Unit F.4 – Food Industry)