Bell Ringer: Hand in homework to bin


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer: Hand in homework to bin Objective: Apply Darwin’s process of natural selection to the evolution of a favorable trait in a specific organism. Question: POD page 18

Redi vs. Pasteur Video Link posted on weebly. You will want to use your head phones and pause often. When finished hand in and work on page 19 of POD.

Experiment Fill In The Blank Using the blanks and word bank see if you can properly complete the paragraph.

Early scientists believed the life arose from 1 Early scientists believed the life arose from 1. NON-LIVING MATTER through a process they called 2. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. In 1668, the Italian physician 3. FRANCIS REDI conducted an experiment with flies that 4. DISPROVE this idea. At about the same time, biologists began to use an important new research tool, the 5. MICROSCOPE. They soon discovered the vast world of 6. MICRORGANISMS. The number and diversity of these organisms was so great that scientists were lead to believe once again that these organisms must have 7. VITAL FORCE. By the mid-1800’s, however 8. PASTEUR was able to disprove this hypothesis once and for all. He set up an experiment, using flasks with unique 9. S-SHAPED necks. These flasks allowed 10. AIR but no organisms, to come into contact with a broth containing nutrients. If some 11. ORGANISM existed, as had been suggested, it would be able to get into the 12. BROTH through the open neck of the flask. His experiment proved that organisms arise only from other 13. LIVING THINGS. This idea, called 14. BIOGENESIS , is one of the cornerstones of biology today.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Proposed an idea of evolution that used to main concepts: Use and Disuse: The more a structure is needed, the better it becomes. The less it is needed/used it will eventually disappear. Transmission of Acquired Traits: Organism can develop needed traits throughout its life time. These traits can be passed onto offspring

Charles Darwin Created the theory of evolution that is most supported by scientists today. Published On the Origin of Species in 1859. Came up with the idea of natural selection: the process by which organisms best suited to their environment survive and reproduce.

Darwin’s Four Key Principles of Natural Selection Overproduction of offspring: Animals and plants have tremendous reproductive potential Most die due to predators, disease, and other factors. Variation: Phenotypes of the organisms in a population vary. Some of these variations are genetic, while others are acquired in the organism’s lifetime. If a phenotype that makes an organism successful is in its genes that means it can be passed down to offspring.

Darwin’s Four Key Principles Continued 3. Adaptation (structural, functional, or behavioral) Structures & behaviors that increase an organism’s chances of survival tend to become more common in a population. Over several generations, a population’s gene pool, the total genetic information of all members of the population, will change. 4. Competition: Within each species there is a struggle for survival. Organisms compete for space, food, water, shelter, and other resources that may eliminate many individuals before they reproduce.

What is natural selection? The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring Ex. Peppered Moth Story, Darwin’s finches

The Peppered Moth Pre-Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Light, speckled moth very common Dark mutant moth is rare. Industrial Revolution Pollution killed light colored lichens (organisms that live on bark) Trees are now darkened Now dark moths are more common than light moths

Illustrating Natural Selection Natural Selection Comic Strip Read each Roman numeral before creating your illustration. Fitness: an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce

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