Pg14 Spores Q1 Family Genes Classifiy Species name Segments Offspring Kingdom Nucleus Species Order Cell structure Genus Fertile Phylum Mobile Multicellular Class Organism unicellular
Q2 True False false
Pg15 Q6 Entomobrya exoricarva Salius monachus Paprides nitidus Austrolestes colesonis Arachnocampa luminosa Dasypodia cymatoides
EXPERIMENT: PHOTOSYNTHESIS PROCESS Boil some water in a beaker. Put 1 variegated leaf into the water and boil for 3 min. Turn off the flame (Bunsen burner). Fill the boiling tube with methylated spirit and put the boiling tube into the hot water. Soak the boiled leaf into the methylated sprit. When methylated sprit turns green, wash the leaf in the water. Dry the leaf on a paper towel. Drop some iodine on the leaf.
Chemicals: Iodine (brown solution) turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Methylated sprit is volatile, therefore catches fire very easily(flammable).
leaf blade Shoot system node stem root system
Functions: Shoot system Photosynthesis Reproduction Storage Transport
Functions: root system Anchorage Absorption Storage Transport
Which part of the plant? The main site for photosynthesis Attaches the leaf to the stem Attachment site for leaves Where water is absorbed by the plant. It also anchors the plant in the soil. Special cell of the root which absorbs water for the plant Holds the male and female reproductive organs. Where sexual reproduction occurs.
Which part of the plant? The main site for photosynthesis: Leaf Attaches the leaf to the stem: Petiole Attachment site for leaves: stem Where water is absorbed by the plant. It also anchors the plant in the soil: root Special cell of the root which absorbs water for the plant: root hair Holds the male and female reproductive organs. Where sexual reproduction occurs: flower
Leaf transverse section
Outer layer of the leaf CUTICLE A waxy layer It is a transparent layer which allows light to penetrate the leaf It reduces water loss
Outer layer of the leaf EPIDERMIS The outer layer of cells is called epidermis The epidermal cells are transparent so that light can penetrate to the inner part of the leaf These cells also help support the leaf and protects the leaf from physical damage.
Outer layer of the leaf Stomata and Guard cells Pores in the leaf surface are called stomata. (sig. stoma) The stomata is formed by two two kidney shaped cells called guard cells which can change their shape to open and close the stomata. Stomata and allow gases to enter and leave the leaf.
Plant cell and photosynthesis http://www. youtube. com/watch Plant cell and photosynthesis Plant cells and evolution