TV, RADIO, PRESS, INTERNET Mass Media TV, RADIO, PRESS, INTERNET Commercial Noncommercial Dual system = coexistence of public and private providers on basis of broadcasting licences dedicated by state
Political power is represented by: Council of Czech Television Council of Czech Radio Parliamentary commission for mass media Council of CR for radio and television broadcasting (monitoring the obtaining legal rules, dedicating, changing and taking away licences)
PRIVAT MEDIA Privat commercial televisions Privat commercial radio stations Press
Private commercial televisons With revenues only from commercial activities (mainly from advertisement and teleshoping) Time dedicated to advertisiment must not overdraw 10% of day’s broadcasting time National TV Cable TV Top TV
TV Rating % (group: adults) Televize - podíl na trhu TV Rating % (group: adults) Week ČT1 ČT2 TV Nova Prima TV The others 16. week 2006 19.65 7.77 43.54 22.07 6.97 15. week 2006 19.72 8.19 43.06 22.06 14. week 2006 20.29 8.39 44.56 19.97 6.79 13. week 2006 21.16 8.51 42.83 20.94 6.56 12. week 2006 20.80 7.79 44.24 20.19 6.98 11. week 2006 22.64 8.64 43.15 18.52 7.05 10. week 2006 21.98 8.29 44.19 18.60 6.94
Commercial radio stations Stations established to generate the gains (financed by selling “the attention of listeners” to advertisers) Time dedicated to advertisiment must not be longer than 20% of day’s broadcasting time
Commercial radio stations National radio stations (Frekvence 1, Radio Impuls, Evropa 2…) Local radio stations (Praha - Country Radio, Radio Proglas, Radio Beat, Brno – Kiss Hády, Radio Krododýl, Radio Student…) Internet radio stations
Radio Rating %
Press Here does not exist dual system – only private newspapers All this subjects are financing by earnings from commercial activities and revenues from advertisement
Press In 90’s many new magazines: Reflex, Koktejl, Ekonom… Foreign magazines accepted: Elle, Cosmopolitan, Quo… Today 200 – 250 magazines, 10 national newspapers, local magazines a newspapers, also many others focusing on different human activities (hobby, garden….)....
Readers rating of national newspapers (thousands)
PUBLIC MASS MEDIA Česká Televize ČT1, ČT2, ČT24, ČT4 Sport Český Rozhlas National: ČRo 1 Radiožurnál, ČRo 2 Praha, ČRo 3 Vltava, ČRo 6 Rádio Svobodná Evropa Local: ČRo Brno, ČRo Ostrava, ČRo Praha-Regina, ...11 stations
Public mass media ČT and ČRo are independent on state buget, they manage with their own property and are not subsidized by state, they are tax-payers! The code enact this institutions to provide public service broadcasting Public control in ČT and ČRo is ralized by: Council of Czech Television Council of Czech Radio
Financing of public mass media Concessionary fee (ČT 100Kč = 3.4€, ČRo 45Kč = 1.5€ /month) Advetisement (in ČT no more than 1% of day’s broadcasting time, in ČRo 3min) Broadcasting of sponsored programmes Selling of copyrights Selling of services: renting of technical assets, premises,… Sale of corporeal propriety and material inventory
Česká tisková kancelář ČTK Equivalent to public ČT and ČRo in press field could be ČTK (Czech press office) The mission is to provide objective information, spreading of news service from Czech Republic, from foreign countries and abroad ČTK provides news for fees to other mass media, companies and persons Public control by Council of ČTK Financed by revenues from providing services (news)
Money, money money ČT Council of Czech TV approves the annual budget, in 2006 = 5,686 mld Kč, (196,069mil €), balanced budget 2 511 employees ČRo Balanced budget, expenditures 2006 = 1,874 mld Kč (54,346 mil €) 1417 employees,
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