Welcome to LPJH Girls Athletics
Coaching Staff Athletic Coordinator: Kristina Edwards edwardsk@lpisd.org 281-604-6614 Stephanie Boening-7th grade volleyball and basketball; tennis Trisha Clark- 8th grade volleyball and basketball; track Laura Data- 7th grade volleyball and basketball; track Kristina Edwards-8th grade volleyball and basketball; track
Expectations for Athletics Every student in athletics must have a physical on file. Every student in athletics must try out for at least 5 sports. (volleyball, basketball, cross country, track, tennis, soccer) ALL practices will be before school beginning at 6:40 (the door will open at 6:30) 8th grade Volleyball tryouts will be after school until 5:15 PM. Please have transportation for your daughter at the school promptly at 5:15 PM.
An athlete is expected to be at practice/school the day after a game. If your daughter is in ISS the day of a game then they will not participate in the game. An athlete is expected to be at practice/school the day after a game. If an athlete misses a Friday or Monday practice, she will not play in one set of the match on Thursday. If an athlete misses a Tuesday or Wednesday practice, she will not play in the entire game on Thursday. This includes the athletic period.
Athletes are responsible for all equipment/uniform checked out to them Athletes are responsible for all equipment/uniform checked out to them. If equipment is not returned by the due date or is returned damaged, the athlete will be responsible for paying to replace equipment/uniform.
Volleyball Try-outs 7th grade: August 24, 25, 28 @ 6:40 AM The side door will be open at 6:30 AM 8th grade: August 24 and 25 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Please be at the school promptly at 5:15 to pick up your daughter.
What are we looking for in try-outs? Attitude!!! Natural ability Listening, comprehending and executing what is being asked of them. Serving overhanded Giving 100% 100% of the time!
What do you need for try-outs? Every student trying out must have a physical on file BEFORE August 23. You must provide your own knee pads-black or white Athletic shoes and appropriate clothes from home (until we can get athletic clothes passed out)
Fundraising!!! Why do we do fundraising?? New uniforms New equipment (basketballs, volleyballs, nets, track batons, spikes, markers, etc) Practice jerseys We will use the concession stand during volleyball and basketball as a fundraiser along with a spring fundraiser.