BC inquiry: BC’s Natural Resources By: Sloane Schultz
Fur Trade Primary Sources BC Map of Fur Trades
Gold Rush Primary Sources Map of Fraser and Thompson River
Gold Rush Primary Sources kamloops Cariboo Waggon Road Over Jackass Mountain, 43 Miles Above Yale On The Fraser River.
Gold Rush Primary Sources Barkerville Gold Panning in the early 1800’s
Victoria BC 1905 just before the construction of The Empress hotel
CPR Railroad Construction
Coal Mines Primary Sources Coal mining at the Extension mine near Nanaimo, c 1908.
The Three F’s Primary Sources: Forestry Early loggers hewing timbers on the spot in the woods. Saw mill at Stouts Gulch, near Barkerville View of sailing ship loading lumber, New Westminster, BC, c. 1863
The Three F’s Primary Sources: Fishing Early fishing and processing
The Three F’s Primary Sources: Farming Horse drawn wagon, hauling oats out of the field, near Delta
Granville and Hastings Mills Primary Sources Hastings mill township 1913 The bustling city of Vancouver, in the early 1900’s