Strategic Conversations Membership Marketing April 29, 2014 Hello my name is Taryn Gold and I am the Director of Chapter Administration here at AFP. Thank you for joining our call today. Some of you may have participated in the past on these calls which we called the Chapter Leadership Call Series. We’ve revised them this year to be more discussion than presentation. We will set the stage briefly, but then pose some questions and open it up to discussion. We ask for a few housekeeping rules at the beginning of the call. To block out background noise, please put your phone on mute if you are not speaking. If you do not have a mute button, then hit *6 to put your phone on mute and *7 to unmute it. Also, if you have to leave the call, and this is very important, please do not put us on hold. If you do, your hold music will come through and disrupt the call. If you have to leave, simply hang up and then call back in when you are able to. If we all follow these simple rules, it will provide a much clearer connection and call for our discussion today.
Membership Statistics As of March 31, 2014 30,826 members 6% ahead of last year 76% overall retention
Membership Categories Professional Members: 65% of total Young Professionals: 10% of total Small Nonprofit Organizational: 5% Large Nonprofit Organizational: 5% Associate: 2 %
IHQ Discussion Questions Why are your chapter members joining AFP?
IHQ Discussion Questions Why are your chapter members renewing their membership?
IHQ Discussion Questions What membership marketing tactics are working well in your chapter?
IHQ Resources New and Existing Renewal Schedule and Process Member Retention Outreach Template Top Ten Reasons to Join Video Membership Landing Page Online Join/Renew Function
Chapter Discussion Topics Successful Retention Strategies Value Driven Membership Benefits Ways to Reach Remote Fundraisers
IHQ Discussion Questions What tools can IHQ provide you with to help with your marketing plans?
Open Discussion
Future Strategic Conversation Topics NPD – May President-Elect – June 24th Education Chair – July Communications Chair – August Diversity Chair – September 18 Next Generation – October 2nd
Thank you for your time and involvement!