Going to school
I can start school if I turn 5 on or before 31st July next year.
I will start school at the end of January. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
I will go to school on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
I wear my uniform every day.
In my bag I have my hat my lunch and one snack.
After we eat breakfast, someone from my family takes me to school.
I need to be at school by this time.
I say good bye and go with my class.
If I am late to school or my parents need to see me they go and talk to the people at the front office. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION
My family can make a time to talk to my teacher.
If I am away from school my parents will send a note. Absence note: 53 Main Street Smithville, 2008 Dear Mrs Jones, Please excuse my child Charlie Tang, who is in Year 4B for being absent from school on 4th March, because he was sick. Yours sincerely, Mrs Rebecca Tang 5th March, 2008
There is a toilet for boys and a toilet for girls.
I line up when the bell goes.
We hang our bags up on the hook.
This is a kindergarten classroom.
We learn lots of things at school.
I will learn to read.
I will bring a book home from the classroom each night to read.
We will listen and talk together.
I will learn to use a computer.
I will visit the library with my library bag and borrow books to read at home.
On sports days I wear my sports uniform. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
After I eat, I go and play in the playground.
I wear my hat outside.
I can get a drink from the bubbler.
The canteen is a place where I can order my lunch and buy a healthy snack to eat.
The teacher tells me when I can play on the equipment.
At the end of the day, I go home with my family or I go to after school care.
This presentation was produced by Transition to School Project for the Cumberland Blacktown Baulkham Hill Area and was funded by Families NSW. We wish to thank Berala Public School Beresford Road Public School Bidwill Public School Doonside Public School Hilltop Road Public School Vardys Road Public School Ummuham Kes and the Shafiani family for their assistance in making this presentation.