Exploring the Holy Land part II
Israel College of the Bible
Herod’s Theater
Pilate’s Stone
Caesarea Architecture
Aqueduct of Caesarea
Elijah on Mt. Carmel
Jezreel Valley
Church of the Annunciation
Mary’s House
Mosaic Wall 300 A.D.
Church of Annunciation Sanctuary
Jerusalem Cross
Sea of Galilee (behind Peter’s Church)
Church of Peter’s Primacy
Peter’s Primacy Sanctuary (John 21)
Peter’s House
Ruins of Capernaum
Capernaum Synagogue (4th Century)
Church on Mt. of Beatitudes
View from Mt. of Beatitudes
1st Century Synagogue - Magdala
Magdala Stone
Rosette of Magdala
The “Jesus Boat”
The Sea of Galilee
Celebrating our 25th Anniversary